Sony curated an excellent selection of PlayStation 5 software for its recent reveal showcase, and it did a great job hand-picking some exciting indie titles to complement its tentpole AAA software. These games have seriously benefitted from the extra exposure, with Kena: Bridge of Spirits’ reveal trailer attracting 1.6 million views over the past five days.
Stray has also proved popular with fans, gaining 1.5 million views on PlayStation’s official YouTube channel, while Little Devil Inside recently crossed the 1 million views milestone. These are enormous numbers for titles of this scope, and demonstrate how the Japanese giant is able to raise the profile of smaller releases by showcasing them alongside major ones.
All three games look superb, and we’re looking forward to learning more about them as the PS5 edges closer to release. Which one are you most anticipating? Top up your PlayStation Store wallet in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 34
I didn't even know Kena : Bridge Of Spirits was an indie game.Besides Horizon and Ratchet And Clank,it's one of the main games id buy a PS5 for!
I'm glad to see that Little Devil Inside gets some more attention finally. The devs are incapable of communicating the game, so it'll be interesting to see how they will handle this now that they're in the know. Even their official website hasn't been updated since 2016, and it still states it's coming to Wii U lol.
Kena looks sooooooooo good. From all the games shown it was from the few that had a "next.gen" look
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is my most wanted game out of everything they revealed.
People on the internet like cats, man. Indie game or not.
Stray just reminds me so much of the Three Robots episode of Love, Death and Robots
Yep. Somehow Little Devil went under the radar for me all these years - but so happy I found out about it. And Kena looks great. Sony had a great mix of games.
Just here to echo the Kena: Bridge of Spirits love! Looks fantastic.
i just love the art style of Little Devil and being able to play as a cat in a city of only robots? Sign me up!!
Kena looks really good as well but I'm honestly not feeling the combat in that game, need to see a bit more.
Ruiner.bladphamous.bastion.salt and sanctuary.little nightmares.moonlighter.etcsome of the best games i play is indies.kena looks amazing.them 2 brothers got my respect.word up son
That Stray trailer was really great. Loved it.
Even if I'm not interested in Goodbye Volcano high (The teen dinosaur one) personally I do feel a bit bad it seems to have become a bit of a punching bag of the indies shown in the PS5 showcase.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Agreed. However, on the brighter side, it will definitely find its audience thanks to that PS5 showcase.
I'm looking forward to all three, highlights of the show for me along with Horizon II.
Indies are VERY important early on in a console's life-cycle.
Count me as another shoe-in for Kena. The game is gorgeous. Hopefully the PS4 version performs well.
Little Devil Inside was my favorite game from the ps5 reveal. The trailer makes the game look awesome. Hopefully they can deliver on it.
Hopefully so @RBMango
On the indies I'm actually interested in Little Devil Inside and Kena are the ones I'm looking out for, they look ace. There honestly wasn't much from the showcase that I wasn't at least a little bit interested in!
Yep, loved the art styles of Kena & Stray. Keen to see more of them whenever they're launching.
I've seen people in cat groups saying they plan on buying a PS5 in order to play Stray.
Looks at the like to dislike ratio at Goodbye Volcano High
Definitely helped most at least lol
very nice and I enjoyed some of those reveals but it wasn't really the place to show so many indie games, the presentation was great but didn't concentrate on showing off the capabilities of the PS5
I want all the three ps5 indie games 😃
I hope Kena and Stray turn out to be great games. They look so promising.
I’m super excited for Stray. If that game is done right it will have cat people going crazy.
Always loved an indie game to play between bigger titles. Kena is now on my radar.
Hi there fellow gamers. All three games have potential of becoming in their own way. kena. Brige of Spirits not only sounds fun but looks like a Pixar movie. Better even. Little Devil Inside art style and humour already sold me. If the combat and exploration are good enough, then it might be on heel of a game. And Stray is simple. Most people like cats. A lot love cats. Even if someone only plays games very casualy, if they are cat owners or lovers, they will buy and play this game because the main character is a cat. As for me, it was the setting that caught my attention. Love Sci-fi, cyberpunk style stories and games. Cheers and happy gaming to us all
@Arugula @Robocod @Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy @Ralizah @playstation1995 @RBMango @Nah900 @Bentleyma- @Athrum @Wazeddie22 Kena: Bridge of Spirits definitely was my favorite indie of the PS5 Reveal Event. Looking forward to seeing more gameplay, as well as what's going on in the story.
@RaZieLDaNtE @Jaz007 @TheAdza @Paranoimia @ApostateMage @Danloaded @roe I was intrigued by the Stray trailer for sure, I love cats (and other animals too including dogs).
Hopefully we'll be seeing some decent gameplay revealed soon, though I'd be playing the game no matter what for the story.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I'm kinda surprised you're not interested in Goodbye Volcano High, based on your Undyne profile pic. Mind explaining what you didn't like about the game/trailer?
@RBMango I know several friends in a certain community that are thrilled to be playing as dinosaurs. I'm even curious about how this game will play.
@Nepp67 Do you know why there's so much massive dislikes for Goodbye Volcano High?
@KidBoruto It's disliked a lot because it's a furry game and that it seems to be a high school drama. But mostly the furry part. Furries are just massively disliked.
@Nepp67 Hopefully they will one day be seen in a more positive light, or less disliked at least.
Never understood why people assume they're sexual deviants.
@KidBoruto People just don't like furries and especially when it comes to this Goodbye Volcano High. I personally don't like them, I just think they're weird. Regardless of that, the dialogue in the trailer is so cringeworthy and just awful.
@Nepp67 To each their own. I assume everyone is a little weird inside so I never judge.
I'm totally weird, just not furry type weird. I just didn't see enough of Goodbye Volcano High to form an opinion of what kind of game it could be. No like nor dislike for the game here from me. I actually do like the character designs. I'd like to see more of how the game plays. Same for Stray and Little Devil Inside. Need to see more.
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