Those playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or its Battle Royale associate Call of Duty: Warzone will be met with a Black Lives Matter screen this week, as Activision and Infinity Ward pledge their voices to the movement. The splash appears during various loading screens, and is part of a wider push from the franchise to improve its community.
“The systemic inequalities our community experiences are once again centre stage,” the statement reads. “Call of Duty and Infinity Ward stand for equality and inclusion. We stand against the racism and injustice our Black community endures. Until change happens and Black Lives Matter, we will never truly be the community we strive to be.”
This comes after the developer announced initiatives to crack down on racism in its game. As part of a statement issued earlier in the week, the studio said: “There is no place for racist content in our game. This is an effort we began with launch and we need to do a better job. We're issuing thousands of bans of racist and hate-orientated names. But we know we have more to do.”
It went on to announce a spate of moderation-related improvements that it plans to implement, including “permanent bans to root out repeat offenders” and changes to its reporting system to increase the “number of bans by hour”. One could argue that these are all steps that should have been taken earlier, but they're better late than never.
[source theverge.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 50
We don't want to close the comments, so if you have nothing nice to say, I'd urge you to leave this article and click on another one instead.
Let's be kind to each other, and be an inviting community for all our readers.
Thank you so much! Love you all.
So will they also ban people who make jewish insults.
Or is it only blm.
Guess if they really go through with this the cod player count will decrease with 60 percent.
@The_ghostmen The moderation appears to be an attempt to improve their community as a whole, so it'll almost certainly expand to anti-semitic slurs.
Fully approve of companies getting behind this cause.
I'm glad I don't have the misfortune of watching the racists react to this one like all those people boycotting companies who put similar up on twitter.
It's great that they're implementing these initiatives.
But, it does leave me wondering why these weren't added in the first place?
I'm already boycotting this company so it's all good.
@get2sammyb Generally we are nice to each other (especially compared to many other sites and platforms) but that doesn't mean we have to agree with each other all the time on every single topic. Does it?!
@Grindagger Yes, quite.
I saw a racist username whilst playing BF 2 the other day. I'm not going to repeat it on here (for fear of being banned!) but I wasn't impressed to say the least. It's Star Wars man, no place for racism or prejudice of any kind!
@Col_McCafferty No, we can disagree and debate, that's the point of the comments section in the first place and this community has always been great at it.
Things have been fraught recently, though, which I think is a reflection of what's been going on in the world. As such, there's nothing wrong with us reminding each other to be kind and try to see everyone's point of view.
The virtue signals continue. Why file this under "news"?
It's a bit of a void statement coming from Activision after the whole HK ordeal.
Good, I think cod chat is synonymous with racial slur lol.
gotta get that good PR whilst you still can eh 🙄
There's a similar thing on Smite, and it has messages from people affiliated with Hi-Rez (I dunno, devs and community staff, and others? Also MLK JR and Malcom X, but they're obviously not affiliated with Hi-Rez.).
I like to see things from individual people that make up a company rather than a message from the company itself, unless they're saying what exactly they're doing then I think that's pretty good.
You know what? Modern Warfare's chat is not nearly as bad as what Siege on PC's chat was like.
Holy hell was the racism obnoxious! Seriously! Like you've got nothing better to do than waste your time being a seriously offensive jerk just for the sake of it. Now they just get booted... Although some really innocuous could also get you booted!
But... I hardly ever see text chat, on PS4 it takes literally a minute to bring up, and my voice is muted. Not because of racism, mind, but because I always get people that are playing music while playing the game... Seriously annoying. It physically hurts!
Did this come in a 40gb update? 🤣
@ZeD Not quite!
Is this an all day thing or week for cod and the blm movement screen?
@Hope2016 Not sure how long they'll keep the message in the game. Presumably for a little while yet.
The moderation stuff seems like new policy so will continue to be observed and refined.
This has got me thinking regarding similar statements. Is it enough for extremely wealthy companies to simply make a statement?
The moderation is welcome, but it's reactionary. Why was hate speech tolerated beforehand? It should never have been.
I’m ok with all of this. I just wonder how the algorithm decided gingerfrog is an offensive name as I’ve had to change mine but only on modern warfare not the others I checked. And when naming your class you can’t use the word assault when naming an assault rifle class
@get2sammyb Debate is the spice of life. We'd all be very boring if we had the same perspectives!
The things i've learned most in life have come from differing perspectives. But more than that, it's been those willing to hear others perspectives with a level of maturity and understanding that often have the greatest impact. Even if you disagree on a matter, there no reason not for it to remain respectful.
It's hard to be too critical seeing as they're ultimately putting out a good message here, but the hollowness of it is hard to ignore.
The recent Bethesda middle east thing just about sums it all up for me.
Alright look, I agree with the BLM movement. I also agree there is a message that needs to be heard. But I play video games to escape from all the craziness happening in the world right now. I'm not sure if a video game or a football field is the proper platform to spread this message.
@Xombie13 Your 100% correct man keep this stuff separated, the ones that know the truth that feel the truth know this has no affect no change.
@Xombie13 Problem is that the gaming and football communities are some of the most disgusting, racist groups out there. Online shooters especially are incredibly toxic so it’s good they’re trying to make a difference.
This is dangerous ground, because it is politicising an industry more and more that’s centred around entertainment and escape, if they want to moderate and control online players fine, they should be doing that regardless, but sticking a message you’ll see every time you load the game up is not going to change anything and could alienate people against the cause.
Also don’t forget their is a global pandemic still out there killing ANYONE not just black people, and it’s beginning to be overshadowed by this movement and the riots, which means people will forget about the virus and the precautions needed to be taken and more deaths will occur. Where is the Stay Safe message?
Moderation, at times, is welcome. I remember when Home first launched on the PS3 and allowed people to use their microphones. It was toxic AF. Then Sony disabled it, except for houses.
Tired of this trash
Boycott infinity ward to all y’all that are thanks let’s be heard also.
Act like a baby, get treated like a baby! Certain people in this country are still 2 years old thinking they can treat other human beings like trash for no reason...grow up! It's funny to see people squirm from simple messages like this.
@S1ayeR74 I'm not sure I agree with this. While I too use gaming as escapism, it's completely within Infinity Ward's rights to speak up. I don't really see the BLM movement as political, as the message the movement is trying to convey is "Black Lives [Also] Matter." That message shouldn't be political in the same way that "Water Is Good" shouldn't be either.
some crap i really don't wanna see nor follow. The fact muslims and even jews face discrimination on every level is awful they arent acknowledged. Okay blacks have a problem with police but muslims gotta be called terrorists from every day civilians..excluding their troubles is disgraceful. All lives matter or take the only ones you think do and isolate somewhere.
Well, I’ve been boycotting Blizzard-Activision since their silencing of Hong Kong voices.
Whilst I support the causes against racism, it is hypocritical for Activision to act virtuous in this manner when they showed the opposite a few months back.
These companies don't actually care. They're just trying to find ways to increase their consumers. Why are people falling for this crap?
Also, coroner's report said George Floyd died of a heart attack due to TWO different hear diseases combined with all the drugs in his system. He was stressed and died. It was unfortunate, but no murder happened.
@wildcat_kickz BLM isn't trying to say "Black Lives (Also) Matter," and the proof is that when you tell them that ALL lives matter, they start looting stores and shooting each other.
Is it possible to object to the delivery of a message without criticizing the content of the message? I have no objections to increased accountability for police officials but this is not what I paid for and I would just be as bothered if it said "Babys have a heartbeat at 16 days choose life!" or "the cow is a victim of man-made genocide go vegan now".
When I get home I don't like to think about everything going on. If I want to sit and play my xbox and not think about it, I paid my money and thats what I should get to do but now it pops up every time I turn the game on. My opinion doesn't matter to anyone but me. But I am a officer, a paramedic, and a firefighter. EVERY SINGLE LIFE MATTERS. The unjustifiable use of force that few officer use does not reflect on every single officer. Just like all Black people aren't criminals, all Hispanic people aren't illegal, and all white people aren't racist. Blaming every single officer for the faults of a few is the same as blaming an entire race for the crimes of a few.
I don't agree with what happened to Mr. Floyd the officers involved have been arrested and charged with that crime AS THEY SHOULD BE! So stop burning the country to the ground. Protest and speak out please that is your constitutional right to speak and protest and I took an oath to protect that right for you. I will continue to protect that right for you to do so. But when you start stealing, burning, beating people, and destroying property you're not protesting anymore and you're not speaking for change it will just turn into more of the same senseless violance. Example, LA riots of 92 Google it.
Everyone stay safe, speak freely, and keep calm. ALL LIVES MATTER.
I would have done it differently that includes everyone while honouring the Guy that died. I don't think certain political messages work because it excludes people based on racial lines, something in my opinion you should avoid at all costs. There is a lot these games companies could do instead of shutting down your online games peoples already paid for (R*), at the moment i think you'll see even more division which isn't a good thing and it's no surprise it's all political Westerns new religion.
@wildcat_kickz It is incredibly political, when one minority is being highlighted, that’s political. And I lost all respect or sympathy for the guy who was killed when I found out he was convicted of trying to sell cocaine once, that has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of his skin and everything to do with his life choices, this is all off the back of the murder of a career criminal as I understand. ALL LIVES matter, not one type, and all races are discriminated against.
This sort of discussion has no place in a games website, yet thanks to Sony and Activision we’ve been dragged into it..
@get2sammyb Isn't it a game about shooting people in the head though?
I think activision putting this message out is a little bit cynical as there track record has shown us that they dont really give a flying f@#k about anybody...it would be the same if E.A. suddenly started saying loot boxes are bad! Personally i dont think anybody needs reminding in their games when the black/lgbtq whatever communitys are always in the news about how life sucks and they are always being held back because of their life choices..the amount of gamers changing their tags to covid-19 is poor taste and just shows a total lack of empathy to those who are suffering or know loved ones who have passed because of covid related issues..racism and general hatred will never be stamped out as its a human trait as wrong as that may be..games should be kept as what they are and thats a form of entertainment and escapism..all lives matter.
@S1ayeR74 so because someone sold cocaine one day means that they deserved to be murdered? That is the most insensitive thing I have ever heard. All lives cant matter until black lives matter.
@zimbogamer And where did I say that? And do you think for a second he cared about the lives he was ruining or even killing with the drug? Sorry no respect what so ever from me. And your last sentence is racist.
STFU idiot. I'm black and Indian. Let me tell you something, until we as a people stop killing one another black lives don't matter. To the respect no lives matter until black lives matter, Indians were hear way before the black man arrived and they did their part in killing the New World's original peoples. In fact, the black Buffalo Soldiers aided Union heroes during the Indian Wars to commit the worse acts of terrorism and racial extermination concocted by the American government. You want real Black Lives Matters... this is what it looks like you racist
This man saved my nephew from joining a gang and an early death. So until we stop killing each other before adulthood, STFU.
@cashflowx that was very incoherent. So you are angry at me cause I support the fact that black lives matter. The system is broken. People day that black people committed crimes and violence etc but the main problem is poverty and a system that drives people to commit crimes for survival. The black lives matter movement understands that all lives matter but they are trying to get their voices heard
@cashflowx I'm a racist for supporting black lives matter? That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard lol.
@WCB What are trying too say you are against moderation of racism or what?
Or do you hide behind freedom of speech too say racist stuff?
I think its good that they start too look at this stuff a little late. But better late then never i hope they check it because you have some people who just report people for nothing.
Quite literally the most often I have ever heard racial slurs used - is in public multi-player shooter chat lobbies.
Two things are common: racial slurs, and people seeking intercourse with other player's mothers.
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