Is it a new week already? Insanity! Well, it’s the weekend, so that means your regularly scheduled WAYP has returned, right on time. The weather’s a bit brighter, and KFC is open again, so things are looking up, readers.
Sammy Barker, Editor
After finishing Dishonored 2 last week, I’ve been bouncing around different games. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is cool, but I didn’t have the patience for it. The Outer Worlds has disappointed me so far – it’s a bit bland. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla hype has pushed me into the bosom of Odyssey’s Kassandra, then. So far, so good.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
Persona 5 Royal New Game Plus. Words that will no doubt send Sammy into a state of violent head shaking, but it must be done. Going through it again is interesting, you pick up on little details in environments and dialogue that hint at what's coming, and having such powerful personas right from the start is just dumb fun. I only need three more Trophies for the Platinum, so that's my excuse!
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
For once, I find myself free from the shackles of reviewing something, so I might actually play a game from my personal backlog this weekend. There's plenty to choose from, but one I definitely want to make time for is SUPERHOT VR. I've had it sat there unplayed for far too long. Meanwhile, I want to make sure I finish off Control, which I stopped playing about two thirds in. Hopefully I can stick with it and reach the end.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
Since the release schedule has once again dried up, I’m killing time until The Last of Us: Part II releases. Despite loving the original, I’m not really feeling Persona 5 Royal at the moment so I’ve decided to start a Death March playthrough of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Now we’re talking!
Jade Sayers, Reviewer
This weekend I’ll be doing nothing but playing Persona 5 Royal, and I won’t rest until it’s done. I’m aiming for the Platinum in one run, and I think I’m nearly done. I’ll be sad to see the end of it, I’ve really enjoyed getting back with the Phantom Thieves and seeing all the new content. Definitely worth it, in my opinion.
A spectrum of opinion on Persona 5 Royal this week, then, and clearly the pick of our team. But what are you playing this weekend? You know what to do in the comments section below.
Comments 79
I'll be playing more Day's Gone into the final act of the game. A good if somewhat unremarkable Sony exclusive. All the sequel really needs (For me at least) is a stronger narrative to wrap itself around.
I'll also be playing the mesmerising Pac Dot munching mayhem that is Pac-Man Championship 2 every now and again
Stay safe and enjoy the weekend everyone!
Been playing some sega mega drive classics on PS4. And playing Halo Reach on Xbox One S
Dirt Rally 2.0 - one of the best racers I’ve ever played, I had stuck with the demo for so long it’s really nice to get into the full game courtesy of PS+. Wish I’d bought it months ago.
Animal Crossing - Got my May Day ticket to do, kind of holding back doing any more improvements until I can buy some of the new shrubs. Got a sweet Leon Kennedy jacket code. Bought fake art twice in a row. Standard stuff.
Streets of Rage 4 - finished it co-op once with a buddy via share-play, really enjoyed it. Half way through a normal run on my own now, hopefully I can do it without using a continue.
FF7 Remake - I might make another push toward the end of this, I am chapter 17 I think so not long to go.
Over half way through my 12 week shielding and I'll be glad to get back to work and get the exercise I so desperately need..
Still,at least I have been getting a lot of gaming in..not that I'm putting much of a dent in my backlog when I take so long to play the games I'm currently playin..
So this weekend I'll be doing my usual things in Animal Crossing which I still love but gotta say that Island May Day event was a big letdown..
Stardew Valley.is also still going...nearly 200 hours..
But still the big one for me is obviously Final Fantasy VII Remake which is an absolute blast and now reaching chapter 14 I haven't found any part of it that I dislike...but I never thought I could have a genuine crush on a videogame character until Tifa..and Aerith... and Jessie..
Oh and I bought Moving Out which is awesome but it's disappointing there is no online option..
Stay Safe everone.
I'm still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons every day. Excellent game.
I'm also continuing my second playthrough of FF7 Remake, and playing Persona 5 Royal and Dragon Quest XI on occasion.
@kyleforrester87 Leon Kennedy Jacket Code??Where did you get that??
BLUE REFLECTION has stolen my heart at the moment. Enough that I haven't started ACNH in a couple days.
Uncharted Collection, I dunno but I love those remastered graphics on games from PS3, they always seem to have that cartoony-look on PS4, I think it's those anti-aliasing outlines or something.
As for Journey, I dunno but I had a trophy pop up for me for returning a week later 😆 yea because I left it on the curb, I'll try to finish it though, just seems dull!
Plus racking up FM in SFV which feels like way too much grind, as though you're forced to just purchase the characters on the Store with real money.
Then it's more tarrying, moseying and perambulating as R* would put it, in RDR2.
Continuing my playthrough of Greedfall which is a really decent game story wise. I also re-installed DA Inquisition again much to my own surprise. I'll no doubt end up spending too much time at the inn again listening to that excellent bard.
Having finished Persona 5 (an absolutely brilliant and wild ride of a game!) I've gone back to Days Gone. Not sure how far I have left to go but I reckon maybe halfway.
It's not of the same standard as other exclusives like HZD or God of War but it's still pretty darned good and I'm having fun with it. Watched a breaker take on a bear the other day. The breaker won.
Started on Trails of Cold Steel II, very good so far and heard a lot more happens which is great!
@Wazeddie22 I bought Lunar SSS on my phone the other day. It’s unplayable 😂
After my couple of playthroughs of resi 3 I've decided to have another play of Resident Evil 2 and grab a few more trophies. Still some perfecting to do before an S rank I think.
Still keeping my soldiers alive in X-Com 2 and getting dangerously drawn back into RDR 2 online.
After a recent Uncharted campaign run I might start 2. But I've also reinstalled TLOU and Horizon recently and may give them another go soon.
I would have said Dark Souls III: The Ringed City, but I went and completed it yesterday, so I'll probably just bask in my own smugness instead.
Bit more Dirt 2.0, a touch of Sniper Elite 4, and maybe some Subnautica. The kids have been playing it and it looks breathtaking, so I might take the plunge and dive in myself
I’m playing Snow runner, Red Dead Online, and have just started Dragon Quest XI, which I bought in the PSN “Big in Japan” sale. Also still playing Animal Crossing New Horizons on Switch.
@kyleforrester87 I think it's my favourite rally game ever. I've given up all hope of the platinum though, thanks to that daily challenge Audi Quattro trophy...
EDIT: God dammit, no I have nothing else to say. One word is a perfectly acceptable reply. 😤
Still Days Gone. Still loving it, much more for it feeling unremarkable. I guess that's the aspect of postapo games we don't often see. The mundanity of life, even amid all that's going on. Also, I love the slow burning plot. Got to a point where it really feels personal on some levels (don't want to spoil it for anyone).
On a side note: Dirt Rally 2.0 is making me consider buying a proper Thrustmaster setup (including proper pedals and shifter).
Have a good spoiler-free weekend everyone!
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Vita) - Lex Luthor broke Joker out of Arkham and now the manhunt begins.
Fallout 3 (Games for Windows) - Still just competing random sidequests and enjoying the scenery.
3D Brick Breaker Revolution (Windows Phone) - Playing this one last time before the ultimate deletion!!
Dragon quest builders 2 has taken my soul and I don't think I will ever recover. 😂😂😂. Its amazing. Stay safe everyone x
I'm a few chapters into Tokyo Xanadu eX+ and really enjoying it. I was expecting a P5 knockoff type thing but it's not at all like it, reminds me more of Akiba's Trip in its world structure and the real time combat is pretty good. The characters are a likeable bunch too, decent little game.
Been playing Persona 5R, Control and Civ 6. All great fun and offer different types of gameplay.
Who ya gonna call?
I just hit Chapter 10 in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
So glad the hell house made a return.
@ApostateMage 😁 I remember listening to that bard too..lol
Battle chasers nightwars and for honor marching fire edition.word is bond.word life.word to your mother .word ☝ up son
I'll be playing RDR2. Also found this cool board game on android called Talisman. I noticed it's also on switch. Anyone else played Talisman? It has a lot of expansions that I will be getting. I used to love those Lone Wolf books. It kind of reminds me of them in some ways.
Well going to be going for the platinum of Ghost Giant on PSVR and then either finishing off Metro Last light or start Terminator Resistance
World of Final Fantasy Maxima, i was playing it on PS Vita but the PS4 version was in the Big in Japan sale for really cheap so i got that, transferred my save data over and i'm carrying on with it on PS4 instead
Final Fantasy seven remake. I’m on chapter 8 and have got into the second area. So it’s time to clear up some more side quests.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered, bay-B! 😃
Playing street of rage 4, a great game with great graphics, great gameplay, great music, and great price, what more do you want?
I'm finally done with FF7 Remake, so I picked up a year of PS Now. I've gotta say. I'm really impressed, the streaming quality is much better than I was expecting, and the download selection is getting better all the time.
Anyway, at the moment I'm playing The Witch and the Hundred Knight. That game is nuts.
I've made the wrong decision to start final fantasy xiv earlier this week so...
@WCB Is Blue Reflection any good. I was put off by the reviews around launch.
Aha will do cheers! Should have them done by the time IV comes out.
Just finished FFVIIR.
Started off seriously ambivalent towards the game, ended up as probably my second favourite game of this generation after P5 in both its iterations.
Pondering the ending and where the next instalment will take us.
Torn between starting FFX or XII remasters next. One things for sure, I'm definitely in the mood for some more Final Fantasy!
Kingdom come deliverance. Need to escape the real world for a simpler time!
P5 Royal and FF7 (the original)- so fun to return to the original after the remake, it feels like you are playing a storyboard.
I have my second weekend rotation at the hospital so I can't game till the evenings if I get a chance. I platted MK11 on Weds so that is off my list. I'm cruising through Star Wars: Fallen Order just left Dathomir the second time so i feel like I'm getting near the end and will probably focus on finishing the story this weekend.
FF7R. I think I'm a good chunk into chapter 17 and reaching that so called controversial ending
It's been a very fun ride so far. Combat is extremely satisfying once you actually understand how to easily pressure enemies and raise the stagger %. And the story has been expanded some in a very good way, others seemed kinda unnecessary. One of the very few negatives I've had so far, is the moments that force you to walk. There's no reason it can't just let you move at your pace. But, that's still more of a nitpick
Overall, it's gonna be a "Will Get the Platinum trophy/10" for me
Nioh 2! I suspect that will be my answer for the next few months.
Passed the 40 hour mark & I’m about halfway through the campaign.
Still got at least 3 more ‘Way of...’ playthroughs to go, by which the season pass should be coming in.
Easy 200+ hour game.
I'm switching between the Uncharted collection, MHW Iceborne as always and also playing Subnautica on the Xbox game pass. Didn't think I'd enjoy it because I'm not a big survival game fan but it's absolutely brilliant.
Finished FF7 Remake earlier, will go back for Hard trophy but not just yet.
Gonna be trying Streets Of Rage 4 on GamePass and start The Last Guardian on PS4, hopefully I'll enjoy it, but fear the worst.
Plus StarCraft 2 on PC, think I'll be playing this forever !
I started playing RDR2 Online the other day and got pretty addicted playing a trader, hit lvl 17 so will carry in with that too. Highly recommended
Stay safe guys and gals ❤️
I am playing Control-just a spectacular game. The lore is wonderful, and throwing random office furniture to crush enemies is the most fun game mechanic since Kratos axe.
PS4- Samurai Shodown and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Switch- Animal Crossing, SNK Gal Fighters and Streets of Rage.
@playstation1995 I am so glad someone else is playing Battle Chasers! It is an under appreciated gem with a super fun combat system.
Can't bring myself to play games that require a bit of effort at the moment. So will continue to play some interactive movies, and have decided to give a Japanese visual novel a go, was looking at a few on the big in Japan sale, then realised I already had one from ps plus, it's called psycho pass mandatory happiness, I've enjoyed what I have played so far.
Danganronpa 2, Total War: Shogun 2, and perhaps try out the Dreams trial.
@Westernwolf4 yeah the combat system is one of the best i ever seen in a video games.especially playing with garrison.the art styles os really good.i love the ability also.word up son
@Westernwolf4 we newd a battle chasers 2 for ps5.word up son
@playstation1995 YES! HECK YES!!!!!!!
Plan on playing Trials of Mana (Switch) and Persona 5. I might throw in some Dark Souls 2 to change things up.
@kyleforrester87 Fantastic!Cheers for the link!All we need now is Leon Kennedy haircut option lol
Lunar on mobile??I didant even realize it was available ...won't be playing it now though...don't want my childhood ruined!
Ghost busters??!!??
RE2 4th Survivor mode which is bloody tough but it's the last trophy before my platinum so determined to get it.
@NYJetsfan123 Woohoo, at last 😂
Not much time for gaming but robbed the bank of liberty earlier in gta 4. That game gets a fair amount of shade thrown at it but I've been loving it so far
Will be making my way towards the end game of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Besides Mhw I will be either destroying cars in Wreckfest or try to claim P1 in F1 2019!
Well been playing streets of rage 4 this afternoon, just finished the game with axel, bloody wrist is in pain now, great game and will defo be going back to finish with the other characters and some other modes, tonight and tomorrow will probably be persona 5 just about to finish my first palace loving the game so far, gem of a game, finally get what all the hype surrounding the game was about now.
I thought I’d be playing more Persona 5 Royal, but instead I ended up hooking up the velnerable Wii U and played Metroid Zero Mission and Castlevania Aria of Sorrows. Going back to these amazing looking and playing 2D sprite games just flung be back to an era when games just seemed to be interested in just entertaining me. Sure they wanted my money, but they rightly earned it. Honestly, I think I’m gonna go into retro mode for a few weeks.
Finally finished up the Assassins Creed Origins journey. Moving on to either Hitman or Death Stranding. Or maybe both!
1. XCOM Chimera Squad (PC)
2. neptunia RPG (PS4) $13 on Sale at PSN.
My friend gave me late christmas present DOOM ETERNAL deluxe edition and it is really catchy. I'm really bad in fps games on dualshock, but this is surprisingly playable and great fun. ☺️
Played Donut County last night for all my trophies and enjoyed the game it was in this weeks sale.
Now playing Prominence Poker and enjoying it.
The mario kart mobile daily grind goes on & hope to get back to Astrobot again as it's amazing.
I’m alternating between persona 5 royal and fallout 76.
Uncharted 4 Multiplayer
NFS Heat & GTA 5
Doom Eternal and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
After beating FFVIIR, Gris and Celeste through the week I've been compelled to go back to Rayman Legends. So much stuff to do in that game but I moved on once I got to the credits years ago, also continuing with FF - X, some questionable V/A but enjoyable so far! Have a good weekend everyone.
Knights of Pen and Paper 1 (just beat it), Shadow of the Colossus, Streets of Rage 4.
I can't play games right now after the TLOU2 controversy. It's just been killing me inside. Sorry if it's off topic but the negativity about TLOU2 just scares me that I can't play games rn.
Going to play Streets Of Rage 4 (PS4 Pro), Shadow Of The Colossus on New Game+. Just got MGS HD collection & MG Rising for just under £8, had to buy them not only to do all the achievements but amazing games. Silly you can only buy BC games with CC when I have £52 in my wallet, I have a lot of games to get through both on PS4 & XboxOne X.
Snooker 19. Loving it!
I just beat persona 5R a couple days ago, and sony emailed me a few themes and stuff for it just so y'all know.
I’m out of town for the weekend so I’m mainly playing Animal Crossing New Horizons and Streets of Rage 4 on my Nintendo Switch when I get the chance. When I get back home I’m hoping to delve deeper into NiOh 2. I’m loving it so far but I’m getting burned out on it, so this weekend getaway might be a blessing in disguise.
@Westernwolf4 @playstation1995 Battle Chasers is brilliant! I ordered Darksiders Genesis a couple of days ago which is also developed by Airship Syndicate.
Expecting great things!
@Fight_Teza_Fight. Its a amazing game.the gameplay is amazing.battle chasers is one of my favorite ps4 games?ever.n.i.c.e. graphics and storytelling.garrison is my favorite characters in battle chasers.hopefully we have a battle chasers 2.thq nordiq make it happen.word up son
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