May 2020's PlayStation Plus lineup includes Cities: Skylines and Farming Simulator 19 -- and it's a selection that has not gone down well with subscribers. In fact, this is easily one of the worst received PS Plus reveals in a long time.
PlayStation's social media channels have been absolutely bombarded with complaints, but it's the dislike ratios on YouTube that are especially telling. PlayStation Europe's video currently has over 140,000 views, with just 1,400 likes against a whopping 8,000 dislikes. Similarly, PlayStation Access' May 2020 PS Plus video has over 260,000 views, with 4,600 likes against 12,000 dislikes. It's not a great look.
Interestingly, the official US PlayStation channel has yet to upload a video for May's PS Plus lineup -- something that it usually publishes within minutes of the announcement. Perhaps it's trying to avoid the drama? It certainly seems to have dodged a bullet if the other regional channels are anything to go by.
What do you think of May 2020's PS Plus games? Feel free to shake your head in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via youtube.com]
Comments 127
Absolutely crap this month. I usually add them to my download list, but not this time.
I actually really like the line up for may.
I was actually in the mood for a city type sim recently so I'm happy to give Cities Skylines a go. I don't think I've played a Plus game since Horizon Chase Turbo. I prefer when the games are things I might not otherwise try.
They’re not bad games. But they both belong to the same niche. They are also both on PlayStation now. So automatic dislike from any PlayStation now subscribers.
Games like that are exactly games that should be in a pass. Noone needs a free version of a high class blockbuster because everyone has those already because that was the reason to get a PS4.
Cities skyline is a pretty good game so it's not THAT bad.. and didnt they give away a bunch of games for free last month?
This month, the games offered in Japan are very different.
英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 The Legend of Heroes: Thors Military Academy
X-Morph: Defense
Not too good either but I think better than Farming Simulator...
I like getting the more unusual types of games through plus, that I wouldn't normally buy. So these are OK. Though two Sims in one month is odd.
I wasn't happy with the games, but it's not like I'd actually get upset over something like that.
Unfortunately the 'leak' of Dying Light and Dark Souls probably amplified the disappointment levels for most subscribers.
@Grimwood "Noone needs a free version of a high class blockbuster because everyone has those already because that was the reason to get a PS4."
This has been proven to death not to be true.
Everyone is stuck at home and they just aren't capitalizing on it - from a confusing ps5 hardware ted talk to a Bob Ross assassin's creed cameo and now two low interest simulators - you have this limited time to get everyone's extended attention and they have just completely fallen short of it.
I like getting a few games I don't already have but add them with a massive AAA stay-at-home thriller - its just a lack of the marketing department taking advantage of this very unique time when the World is frozen and you have everyone's extended attention
The PS4 has been such a fantastic generation of video games - they could have really gone out with a bang by opening up the library and introducing this incredible entertainment value to those who have not experienced it yet - a few of their highly rated exclusives for FREE would have paid for itself in an increased PS+ user base
makes a change 2 ive not had
@Grimwood I agree to a point. It's true that the more popular a game is, by definition the more people will have it. But also by definition, the less popular a game is, the less people want it. With the popular games it's true many will already will have it, but even if it sold an insane amount like 20,000,000 copies, that's still over 80,000,000 PS4 owners that don't have it. As far as I know, there's no game that most PS4 gamers have.
Though on the flip side, to agree with you, when it comes to a game like Spider-Man, it's so famous and so available, the only reason someone won't have it is that they don't really want it that much. GTA5 is the most popular game ever and I still don't have a copy because I'm not interested.
It shows that the Playstation community demand higher standards. This is usually typical month on GwG
The poor combination of games (not saying they're bad games, and I get the urban/rural dichotomy they were going for with the selections, but it's a terrible month for anyone not into sims), combined with the rumor about games people actually would have wanted, really made the bed for them in this regard.
@Ryall Exactly! Why include two games in the exact same genre when it is a NICHE genre. I'd rather one sim and an indie.
Farming Simulator is a weird choice because it is a very niche title with a fanbase that would either buy it or not. Having two sims is so weird. Amazing how quickly people forgot Uncharted Remasters and Journey though!
@Rudy_Manchego yes, when we consider we've had UC1-3, Journey and Pacman (?!) for free as well in April, it's not that bad at all.
I think the problem is that this month's lineup has attracted heightened attention because of coronavirus. Obviously Sony has already given away a couple of games which is great, but people still in isolation were probably hoping for another really good update.
Obviously Cities Skylines and Farming Sim are great games, but they're acquired tastes, and to put them both together is basically guaranteeing a backlash from people they don't appeal to.
As others have mentioned, the rumour didn't help either.
It’s a terrible line up. For a console that’s coming to the end of its life cycle and the huge back catalogue it has they could have come up with something much much better. Any of the AC games, killzone even some indies but what they’ve given is awful.
Not my type of games so won’t be downloading. 4 Uncharted games in the last 3 months was a little overkill, that said I’ve now found time to start on Drakes Fortune again 😂 Splitting Cities and Farming over the last two months would probably have made more sense/softened the impact.
Two games of the same niche genre as well as available on PS NOW - terrible month. PlayStation have not even revealed the line up on You Tube yet knowing how much they will get roasted for it
They’re both the same niche, and that’s a concern. The bigger annoyance to me is that they’re both already playable through PS Now. Wikipedia states there are currently 2565 PS4 released games. Don’t pick 2 that PS Now subscribers can already play! I’m paying for both services—PS Plus and PS Now—so I want to feel like I’m getting new content for each paid subscription service.
@DrJames I completely disagree. I like that they aren't being nasty and trying to take advantage of a global crisis. They are adhering to a schedule that they already laid out for the most part. I respect that. They aren't baiting people to save their stimulus checks to buy their system. More important crap(can't curse here) to focus on. Yes we want to hear about the ps5, but what's wrong with being patient and stop demanding from Sony because Microsoft showed off a box.
On topic, cities is great, but management games aren't for everyone, and I never played the farm game but will give it a shot. But this what plus is about to me. To give me games that I was curious about but was afraid to drop money on to try. The people crying want plus to give them games they can't afford, or to bolster their library. A brand new game will never be on plus, go buy it at retail, wait for a sale, or get over it. I hate the entitlement of this community from some members.
Im not a fan of them going with two sims, I prefer variety.
I'm low-key excited to try virtual farming
@Cutmastavictory appreciate the counter opinion. Have a great weekend bro!
Already got Cities Skylines on PC and hardly play it. Not interested in Farming Simulator at all. Though to be fair, I wouldn't have been interested in the two rumoured games either.
I'd also be willing to bet that a lot of those dislikes on the videos are from people who are irrationally upset about TLOU2 info.
Also, it's not like the games which can be offered are entirely within Sony's control. They can't just stick what they like on offer - the publishers have to agree.
Arent they 2 relatively well received games? And also probably in genres people would be curious to try but not buy? Im not saying they are everyones cup of tea but at least they are a little outside the box
Already own both through PS Now. Already had Dying Light The Following sitting in my library, so probably going to play that.
I remember when they switched PES for Detroit a few months ago because there was some backlash too. Maybe we can hope for the same this time.
I teach games design at FE and HE level, so i'm always stoked when I get games that I won't personally play, but are useful for analysis and discussion (and don't come out of my yearly software budget). Will never play farming simulator, but have been intrigued by Cities for a while now - so a perfectly acceptable mixed bag of goodies.
I have to agree. Are these really games that most gamers would have wanted? It's not so bad for me as I can just continue working on the backlog but there must be far better games out there that haven't been given away yet.
Months like this are the reason I don't have have PS Plus.
PS Now is a much better proposition vs Plus.
While both games aren't terrible, I still think that the fake leak was better. If they were to offer Dark Souls or Dying Light and Farming Simulator or Cities Skyline, people would have complained less.
Honestly, I'm still baffled why Sony hasn't offered any PS Plus games for the PSVR, especially when the PS3 and Vita out of the picture.
so many people are talking about how we got uncharted and journey. they were free games. the ps+ games should be picked pretty precisely, since a 1 year membership goes up to around £40. the free 'play at home' games are completely separate to this line up, and look what xbox got, rdr2!! that's not fair. also, no hate to the people who like these games
The choice of having both of these in one month is poor. One of these with another game, maybe with a social multiplayer aspect would have been good. Sony need to get people to build enough of a library that they want to stay in their walled garden and get a ps5.
After this pandemic I am never complaining about PS+... It is to play my games online. All this stuff is extras
The BioShock collection is $49.99 on my Switch. I payed $35 for DIRT 2.0 on Steam.
But people got them both for free so far in 2020. They are not giving me 24 games a year I want for my cash.
I can see Sony’s logic with this selection. Most people are in lockdown with a lot of time on their hands and you can sink hours into both these games.
Personally I think it’s a great choice and I’m looking forward to trying them out
Instead of Farming Simulator I would have preferred The Order 1866
@Barryburton97 this is my only real complaint. I prefer they throw up games people are less likely to have, but two sims isn’t the best choice.
I haven't played a Plus game in a long while; I need it to play online unfortunately. I don't really care. After using Xbox Game Pass on my PC I can see that Sony's services really suck. I hope they up their game somewhat for PS5.
I noticed they didnt add a US video the other day. Proves that they knew this lineup was trash and just didnt care.
bunch of cry babies and complainers world wide vajay jays, dont like it cancel your plus and you know what they sale games if you want it you can buy it. stop looking for a hand out or better yet get a life and log off the console
The lineup seems decent. Neither game may be particularly exciting, but they're games I wouldn't have tried otherwise.
Life is very stressful right now for many. I like that the two games are on the chill out side of things. They’re actually both games I’ve almost purchased on several occasions. I hope Sony doesn’t give in to the backlash and swap them out as they’ve done in the past.
With any luck, this'll be another case of Sony swapping the games for something better, at last minute. The people have spoken, and while Sony are not in any way obliged to listen, they should have really thought better in the first place!
@Grimwood not always necessarily true, although I do understand the logic. Sometimes, I'm actually not ready to spend the cash on a new game like 'days gone' or 'death stranding' , neither of which I've bought or played, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to at some point. Not suggesting they'll either of them be up on plus in the near future, but it's not a given that every Sony consumer buys every Sony exclusive day 1
@MaseSco I'm starting to think that's true
Definately not impressed with May's games.!
Glad so many people on here feel positive about the games for May, but personally I think it's absolute horse crap. Both are on PS Now, they're both management type sims and don't appeal to me at all. I genuinely think this is the worst month I've seen in 6-7 years of having Plus.
"There may be trouble aheeeeead..."
What a surprise, we get two more grownup games and suddenly all the crybabies come out in their droves!
I don't mind those games. I didn't have them 😅
Seem to remember it was much worse when it was the footy game (PES I think?) that got switched out for Detroit.
EDIT: Also, Sony have given Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, Journey, Knack 2 AND Pac-Man this month, as well the ps+ games. I think they're even.
I'm not usually one to whine about PS Plus games, but this is genuinely the worst I can remember. There's nothing at all for the "casual" crowd, no brand recognition, just two pretty hardcore simulators that have absolutely zero interest to probably 90% of the market. Yeeeesh.
@thefirst you know you don’t have to download them? I’m not. Last month I junky downloaded Uncharted. Some months hit, some miss. Don’t get why people lose their minds if the games aren’t to their liking. And I’m not talking about you per sé. Just why people go on rants about these every month games they don’t like are added. And yes I realize the irony in that last statement lol.
I'd be very happy with Cities if I hadn't bought it a few weeks ago! Never mind.
Missed Knack 2, my kid would have liked that.
I mean regardless of how we feel about the offerings this month, I think it’s pretty telling that they won’t upload a video of May’s PS+ titles on the Playstation Youtube channel when normally they do so very shortly after they are announced.
If they are ashamed or worried about backlash in the likes and comments sections, that should tell you all you need to know. Stand by your decision or don’t make it in the first place. Changing your upload routine and not making a PS+ video for this month comes off as cowardly.
The games are just meh to the extreme. Especially with the pandemic happening I’d expect Sony to give a little more than two very niche games which appeal to almost no one.
@Futureshark That wasn’t very plausible in the first place. How can people be so naive?
Both those games have been heavily discounted recently anyway.
@ShaiHulud ok..... maybe putting two niche simulators at once was the issue. Much easier to throw broad stroke insults around though right?
@5p33dphr34k If they're still running the stay at home campaign with the free games (not sure, haven't checked), you need to create a German account (follow this guide if you need to: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=how+to+create+a+german+psn+account&docid=608006277443553165&mid=4428894314B5178BD44C4428894314B5178BD44C&view=detail&FORM=VIRE) and you can get it that way.
I was really looking forward to dark souls remastered and dying light so yea disappointed is an understatement.
@nookie_egg Awesome! Thanks a lot!
Not big on simulators. Really wish that one of the games was in a different genre. I'm sure others will be happy with the selection though.
Its not the end of the world, was looking forward to dark souls as I've just got into those horrific type of games but its only a tenner anyway. Was always interested in cities skylines but was never going to pay for it so quite pleased with that. Farming sim will get added to the library anyway just in case.
Not what you wanted? Boo hoo, get over it, at least you're not in an ICU
Apparently beggars CAN be choosers eye roll these babies are like kids who wanted chocolate ice cream and when their parents give them vanilla they throw a tantrum....it's not Sony's fault if half you miserable idiots only like games where you're shooting something. Don't blame Sony. Bllaame your own narrow minded taste in games. Bunch of babies. Nothing more. I expected more form a gaming site, but apparently the writers at pushsquare are as limited in their game taste as. The rest of these toddler's.
I've had Plus since it started and I think I've downloaded just two games from the choices given each month. I'll admit, I have a grumble to myself, but I don't make a song and dance about it. After all, if a game isn't to my liking, it isn't the fault of Sony. Maybe it is time that Sony split it - full price if you want the games, half price for the online play. That should keep the majority of people happy.
If this is PS PLUS line up for my PlayStation must have been minding themselves ABSOLUTE TOTAL GARBAGE I WON'T BE DOWNLOADING ANY OF THOSE GAMES IN FACT LET'S JUST SKIP TO JUNE
Dont usually concern myself with commenting on ps plus selections even if they are pretty bad. But this....THIS! This actually makes me angry.
Almost like an april fools. Someone is clearly taking the piss.
"YouTube stats are damning"
114 million PS4 users out there.
Less than 1 million have liked/disliked
I've always been a playstation guy, but recently got an Xbox one After seeing Xbox game pass and the sheer amount on offer, I think ps plus is an absolute joke. Sony are taking the mick
Shocking!!! Unless you have children has been terrible this year tbh plus the fact we get call of duty for free 1map that nearly fills your console after 2 updates come on PlayStation what's going on?? Brand new console filled with bf5 and the free cod which glitches and full of cheaters 25 years of Sony for this cheers!
Lets get one thing clear. I am not really interested in junes games, they are not really my bag but will add them to the library just incase i ever fancy trying them out.
But the ammount of whiney, crying people on here is crazy. Some people are going to absolutely love these 2 games who have probarbly hated the last 4 months worth of plus offerings and im glad for them. I cant wait for sony to swap them out and hear all the moaners start moaning again that theyve already got the new choice of game. Just shrug it off. Id imagine most people have a back log anyway. i sure do.
@Arnna I'd say it makes up for all the casual games we're normally getting. Besides, Sony has handed out two free games last month as well. I don't really get all these people getting their knickers in a twist, especially now when there are bigger things going on. Learn to put things into perspective.
I’ll give both games a try because they are free with the subscription and the last couple of months weren’t that bad, especially when you got an additional 2 free games last month. But I must say, Sony are becoming complacent. I understand it’s to not draw attention away from TLOU2 or Ghosts of Tushima or hell its probably the pandemic. But Sony really have or still have a chance to generate hype for the PS5 or the platform as a whole, yet we aren’t getting anything. From a consumer standpoint it’s a bit worrying given the greater success of PS2, then the misfire that’s was the PS3 only to then gain that success back for the PS4 so I don’t know if this is a cycle or pattern with Sony. Like, the Ps5 needs to add a smart delivery system like Microsoft, I think Sony really needs to capitalise on their eco system like PS Now, sure it’s not terrible for about 8-9 quid a month but you look at Gamepass ultimate, yes it’s about 10 a month but I’d argue the games being added every few months more than make up the price of admission along with the benefits from gold.
As a gamer I love both platforms and want to see both succeed, there’s no harm in competition, I mean there’s a lot in toxicity. I won’t really argue with the free games every month because a lot of the time it’s games I wouldn’t normally see the time of day for so it widens my options and I even have more respect for different genres. But even if we got a few months of sub par games, it won’t bother me because my backlog just keeps growing!
@CD456 Question, why did you keep subcribing on PS3 if you didn't play any of the games?
And only 2 from around 600 games, you either buy loads of games or are extremely picky on what you play.
I just hope we don't get the rage we had with PES and they take away Cities, looking forward to giving it a bash.
It's a game i can play whilst chatting in a party, i can't concentrate on games with lots of talking and talk to others at the same time, so games like this are great.
It's two free games. What more needs to be said? Not everyone has the same tastes. In my family the Farm Simulator will be a welcome addition. My kids still play our disk version of Farm Sim 2017 to death. My wife would like the City sim. My only issue is it takes me ages to download any game on our internet service.
I'm usually the first to have a go at Sony but considering I don't have PS Plus or PS Now and they gave the Drake Trilogy and Journey away for free, I can't be mad at them this time. Whether I'll play them or not is debatable - still haven't got around to Spiderman or Reboot of War yet. 🙈☺️😆
Very, very poor, whoever decided on these two games need to have a good look at themselfs, just seemed to be carnt really be bothered this month will give them this complete rubbish
U win some u lose some. This month I win some.
I actually like this offering.
If you game share you only need one PS+ subscription between the two users..
Food for thought?
At this point sony should make $20 monthly subs psplus tier just for online backup and psn discount. I don't care about online, and it's suck I have to pay $60 (usually just $40 on cdkeys) just for online backup and psn discount all while steam have online backup and online play for free 😕
I'm quite liking the games this month. Nice to have something different, have played Cities on PC when it came out and really liked it. FS worth a look too, nice and relaxing during lockdown.
This reminds me of last year when pes 19 was added and there was an uproar with that and they changed it Detroit become human which 2as an absolute cracker of a game
Shame they coudn't have offered some better games, especially as they know that most people are in lockdown. Going on my list of things to remember once the crisis is over; it's a long list though, lol.
@crazykcarter Online play should be free. It's free on PC so why pay on PSN? The PS+ subscription should be tiered on PS5, with online being free. They're not going to be giving away 2 PS5 games a month, so they really need to rethink all this. The suggestion of PS+ merging into PS Now I think is a great idea.
Bottom line (hopefully) things need to change. Whether Sony listen 🤷🏼♂️
Not for me, people to see, places to go 🙄 I guess there must be some love if farming simulator made it to no3...
These games are actually pretty good. But, essentially they are two different kinds of sims. They should have done one of these games this month and the other next month.
It would be a good rule to try to do a platformer/action/adventure game every month and then whatever else whether that be a puzzle game, sports game, sim, strategy, etc.
I've been happy with PS+ for a long while now- I'm still trying to play through a thick back catalogue of games. Right now, I'm playing through the Vanishing of Ethan Carter. Really solid game. But all the kiddos probably whined about it being a PS+ title as they do with everything.
If I want the big AAA titles, I'll go out and buy it. I like most of the games that PS+ serves me up for free.
These are two games I would have never chosen to buy, and really aren't what I normally play, though Jeff Gerstman from Giant Bomb had talked up City Skylines in the past- so, I'm looking forward to giving that one a try more.
@J2theEzzo Sounds a little entitled you already got 2 great games outside PS Plus and now you get something else you cant win everything. 😆
Well i think this is a good choice. Although maybe 1 at a time would make a bit more sense than both in the same month.
These are 2 games from a genre I would NEVER spend my money on when released, at the same time i am curious to try them. I will be downloading and trying them both as they are free.
And i echo most peoples thoughts that if a game is of serious intetest, you would have already bought it so having it for free is more of a waste of time.
If you are locked down and bored, where is the harm in trying these 2 sims out?
You aint gonna loose anything.
You never know, you may find this genre is more appealing than you percieved.
Unfortunately, they can't help if people leak fake information and people get their hopes up for no reason.
The games are actually great fun. Cities is a really great city simulator, I like it better than SimCity. And Farming Simulator is pretty excellent if you're into those types of games.
Good games, BUT, Could have been paired with other games. Specially not both this month. Big mistake there. Sony could offer bigger titles to attract more PS+ users. This quarantine can be a big difference for the gamers stuck at home.
@TheMysticOne Yep, I buy loads of games.
"Two similar games at once", implying these genres aren't conspicuously rare guests on PS+ to begin with.
Very nice. I don't have either one of them. I played fs17 I believe it's called and really enjoyed it. Really chill game. And about the complaints? It's like anything else. People usually don't say anything if they like it and throw a rod if they don't. Just look at world of warcraft. 50 pages of complaints and one or two possitive posts sprinkled in. We all know that's how it works. But this is not the most disapointing month ever by no means.
There's nothing wrong with the games, cities is a fantastic game. It only bombed in the reviews because of fake news pushed by you telling people they were getting dark souls.
Then when it didn't materialise you can get to create a second click bait article.
Perhaps the reasoning for having a weak lineup for May is the fact that not 2, but 4 games were released last month, if you include the Journey/uncharted stay at home initiative. They might conclude: People downloaded 4 games last month... let's not go too crazy with AAA titles this month.
I looks forward to when Days Gone is one of the PS plus games. I refuse to obtain it any other way, as I'm not exactly hurting for lack of content to play right now.
The only thing that bugs me is the sense of entitlement these so called ",gamers" have. Sony owes you NOTHING.
Does Netflix give you a free movie for subscribing? NO
You pay to play online, the fact they give you ANYTHING at all should be appreciated.
actually the past lineup of games for free with my ps plus subscription has been incredible. these 2 games are ones I'd never buy normally but they look fun to try! why hate on a company that's honestly doing so well, and has brought us so much great content too? we love sony! remember? give them some support (: there's been some good sales lately too in the PlayStation store..
Well my girlfriend loves City sim games, so it would be good for her, but in my case im dissapointed!
Isn’t it a little late for April fools jokes I’m not looking forward to this months line up
I feel like sony should give us some type of rpg. A lot of action games and racing recently.
Here's a tip: Buy cheap games you actually want. Don't rely on these mediocre rentals that require a subscription to access.
Definitely NOT anything I would even spend money on at the store. They could've added at least one action/rpg/fps/tps game or anything else more appealing to the more "lively" gamers.
I'm happy enough... They're both games I wouldn't have bought so I might have my horizons broadened. I think they're both pretty well received and too many times aaa games are given away, but I already have them.
If 2020 was a PS Plus May 2020 Game line up...
@darkswabber Neeeeeeeerrrrrd!
Like a real life farm sim, Sony has given us Pure manure!!
When they did the reveal for the July 2019 PSN Plus games. At first it was going to be PES 2019: Pro Evolution Soccer and Horizon Chase Turbo.
But Sony ended up getting a big backlash over the offering of the sport game. So they ended up giving us Detroit: Become Human instead of PES 2019: Pro Evolution Soccer.
Y’all really crying over free games?
Put the two free games together and you’ll have Sony’s answer to Animal Crossing? I kid but I’ve always wanted to try Cities so it’s not half bad.
@billyboyblue666 no, online play should NOT be free. You are using their servers to play your games on. You should have to pay for that usage.
@naruball what about the 4 free games we did recieved?
The two intended for april and the two that we keep if we own before the 15th?
I would think that could be taken into account, which in how i'm seeing it people could be missing.
@Grimwood well it should be something in between AAA games and very niche games
@Chrisrussell99 Yup. That was a really nice gesture.
Ps4, for the gamers..... If those gamers are your friends dad who has a model railroad in the basement.
@ChipBoundary But it's free on PC? Explain...
@billyboyblue666 Because they can service more people by offloading a majority of the workload to each individual PC. There's no such headroom on consoles because the games themselves use every available resource. Also, the vast majority of online games force users to host the game on their PC. This server headroom is almost nothing for them. The fact that I need to explain how this all works in 2020 is sad.
@ChipBoundary Oh, I do apologise for being so sad that you need to explain something so trivial to me from your bubble of omnipotence.
Following your logic, with next generation consoles having considerably more horsepower, wouldn't it be feasible again to have have free multiplayer then...
I think people are fed up with paying for a service that comes up short in value. That's my overriding point. The free games arent particularly attractive to the vast majority and paying for online when alot of people don't play very much doesn't scream value, hence my original post.
Thanks for pointing out what I didn't understand.
@billyboyblue666 no, because every inch of "horsepower" is being used to run the game, even with the new generation. Game consoles are designed to just barely run the game. Any more than that and you get into PC price territory. My 5 year old PC that cost $1300 originally still out performs the latest generation coming out. Add to that the fact that I can swap in an updated graphics card and get even more years out of it.
I love consoles, don't get me wrong, but they are EXTREMELY limited. For PC games you can get away with 10's of thousands of users on one server. Consoles? Takes twice as many servers at best, much more at worst. Not to mention, the Sony and Microsoft are providing multiplayer server access and not selling the games that use them. They get a very small percentage of the overall sales on their game platform. They need supplemental income to justify running the degrees and pay the people that monitor, maintain, and control the servers. I'm sorry, the comparisons you are making don't hold water. They just don't. You cannot compare the two types of gaming experiences. The free games offered are EXTREMELY popular, the cloud saving, the streaming, video uploads, social media interaction, etc. All for $10 a month or so? Sorry, you're money isn't worth as much as you think.
@ChipBoundary Well, thanks for pointing out that me and 5 or so of my 40+ year old friends are all wrong in our opinions with regard to the value of our PSN subscriptions 🤣
For me personally, the last year has been a waste. None of the EXTREMELY good value games have interested me. Those that have, I've already owned. As for multiplayer, I play once in a while with my son when he feels like it, so lumbered with his subscription as well, no, it isn't good value to me. Cloud saves I could happily live without forever as well.
Not everybody has your perspective. We all have our own independent viewpoints and they're all valid.
If you enjoy paying your subscription, that's fine. I think things have to change for the next generation as I consider it poor value.
That's my perspective and my personal opinion.
It's a complete non-issue that absolute babies are crying about. Most people subscribe to Plus for online multiplayer - to those, the games are an additional bonus.
To people that subscribe to Plus mainly for the games, it works out about £2 per game with an annual subscription. And seeing as we recently got all four Uncharted games and Shadow of the Colossus, any complaints are absolutely pathetic.
If someone is really that upset, they're more than welcome to just cancel their subscription and stop playing. But not a single person will. If people want the newest and best games they can go out and pay for them like you're supposed to instead of whinging that they're not on Plus.
People are entitled to be upset at these lackluster entries. But not a single person an has a good reason to complain. It's a community of spoiled brats.
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