Last night we covered EA's financial report for 2020, pointing out that it has a number of unannounced games currently in development -- all of them set to release by April 2021. Alongside four "EA Partner" titles, there was also mention of an "EA HD" title. In other words, a remake or remaster.
Given that fans have been waiting almost an entire console generation for a remastered Mass Effect Trilogy, we wrote about how this report offers some hope. But as it happens, we might not even need hope -- a re-release of the Mass Effect Trilogy is apparently heading our way.
This is according to VentureBeat, who write: "Oh, and that HD remaster of an EA game is the Mass Effect Trilogy." What, just like that? Cheeky.
So yeah, it looks like it's finally happening, and it's about damn time. Hopefully we'll learn a lot more over the coming weeks, as EA Play 2020 is scheduled for June.
[source venturebeat.com]
Comments 76
Insert I don't believe you gif.
@KratosMD First game in particular is terrible by today's standards, at least in terms of action (and driving the Mako around). Would definitely like to see it get a gameplay overhaul.
Take me to the Normandy!
@ShogunRok Oh lord those tank sections. I actually bound quick save to the Q key on PC because the game and Mako crashed so often.
Just as long as they leave the RPG mechanics of the first game alone. Mass Effect 2 and 3 were too streamlined in that regard for my liking.
Honestly, they should improve the Mako sections of ME1 with more diverse environments and ditch that tedious resource-scanning mini-game from ME2 entirely.
HELL YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, it's a sin for the most popular gaming console on the planet to not have this trilogy available to play natively and properly.
2 > 3 > 1
I said what I said.
mannn... I just started playing ME for the first time on PS3. I aint stopping now... Game is pretty sweet and lot of bloody content.
OMG...is this really happening?
would be disappointed if this turned out to be just another rumor
Please finally be real
About time lol
Tali > Everyone else
Am I the only person who would rather see a new Mass Effect?
Hope it’s true
Slowly working my way to the platinum in Mass Effect currently. I would love to see the trilogy with a new coat of paint!
finally mass effect gets a remake, day one buy for sure!
Please be true.
YES! I don’t need anything else this gen then. Wait, the remaster is for the current gen of consoles right?
@Splat I got you fam

In the original article it says remaster now
Maybe it was edited?
'Oh, and that HD remaster of an EA game is the Mass Effect Trilogy. '
@KratosMD Yeah Andromeda's more about movement and agility as opposed to hunkering down behind cover. Sadly I don't think it would work with the environments in the Trilogy. But I agree, ME2 and ME3 feel very cumbersome these days. Not game-breakingly so, but they haven't aged well.
Even a few small adjustments could make a world of difference, depending on how they're implemented.
@JJ2 Hmmm, looks like it was edited. I'll update the story, thanks!
@Splat @KratosMD I’d probably say 2 > 1 > 3 but I really disliked the ending so other than that, it would be a toss up between 1 and 3. 2 is a modern masterpiece though, no doubt about it.
That"d be great! I've held off buying the PS3 versions for years in anticipation of PS4 remaster. The story of the first Mass Effect is incredible but I imagine many elements of the gameplay have aged quite poorly.
@Ralizah It'd be great if inventory management could be tightened up. I never understood why Bioware's answer to the crap inventory system was to do away with it entirely in Mass Effect 2.
@mookysam The bad inventory is why I stuck with basically the same kit, only going for straight upgrades. I mean, I managed to kill the final boss of 1 in literally 4 shots but snipers were ludicrous in that game combined with shield-piercing.
Will we be able to import our previous saves?
I'd rather it be Dead Space trilogy.
I would totally play an updated version of the original game. Bioware killed the series for me when it went from RPG to third-person shooter with end of level scores.
I could handle the shift to weapons using ammunition. But the whole mission complete screens broke the immersion and the way everything was structed felt less...seamless? I also hated the change in equipment.
It went from feeling like being part of a story to just being a video game.
Not a fan. But if this help EA to make a Dead Space Remasters/Remakes then go ahead.
This is awesome news. Mass Effect deserves another chance. Come on, bioware, get your act together
@Ralizah agreed, ME1 had the best leveling system
@makina why would this have any impact on Dead Space remasters?
@Grimwood pretty sure they are playable at 4K even
@KratosMD Honestly, I prefer the structure of ME2 being that loose. It really helped you bond with your crew and since the gameplay isn’t spectacular in any of the trilogy, I don’t really mind having less main story missions.
1 > (2+3)x10
I played through the trilogy for the first time ever right before Andromeda came out and it's one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Andromeda was a dud in comparison. The gameplay in 1 is a bit stiff so it would be nice if they would have done an overhaul of it but I'm happy with this regardless
Saying ME2&3 are better than ME1 because they have more fluid, modern gameplay is like saying Fallout 4 is a better game than Fallout New Vegas.
@MBII If this collection sells well maybe EA put some effort on other collections like DS trilogy Remastered.
They would need to overhaul 1. Revamp the combat system and remove the open world sections. It does not play well in 2020. The improved class combat from 3 would be fantastic to play in 1. Would anyone be interested in the additional classes from the multiplayer in 3?
I'm going to wait for an official announcement and an end to rumours. Once and for all. ME Trilogy are my favourite games ever and I'm fed up with fake rumours.
@stefan771 And am I the only person who doesn't care anymore about this ip, period?
As long as they fix any glitches and bugs as well and its not just a straight port and if they release it on pc again they actually give it controller support as well
I only played them for first time last year but would be so up for this. 1 has aged poorly but easily has the best story and dialogue! That final mission at the citadel in 1, AMAZING!!
man I'd laugh my head off if it was FIFA Street remastered
I think the first game plays fine, I played most of it through again a couple of years ago and loved it. 3 is still my favorite.
Remake the first one from the ground up, new combat mechanics, exploration controls, graphics but leave the mako handling and physics the same, just for ***** and giggles
Labeled "news" because VentureBeat said so. You're truly Nintendo Life's "sister site", PS.😅
The question is, will these be remakes or quick remasters with very little gameplay changes? I'd be up for a proper remaster as never played the original trilogy but going back to a slightly sexier graphic original doesnt appeal.
Never played any of them. If it's true I'll be sure to give them a go... eventually 😄
as long as EA does not inject any modern gender politics like they have been doing the last few years then i am interested in the first 3 remakes.
I'm playing the first one for the first time on PC and driving the Mako is alot of fun.
The games pace is a bit slow, but I can see the quality in it.
The first Mass Effect will always be my fave but ME2 was excellent. I'd love them all to be remastered using the combat from Andromeda.
I don't know if I could play this. The trilogy was such a special experience. The way things mattered over the games based on what you did is something that I've felt has never been bettered and I think it would lose the magic to do it all over again.
But to anyone who hasn't played them then do it asap 😁
@stefan771 Confirmed to be in early pre production/development.
@TrueAssassin86x Yea man. I want to believe it but I don't see it happening. Also if it is happening it would be great for the remaster trilogy to be available on ps4 as well as PS5. Lord knows I'm not going to be able to afford a PS5 for years to come.
It would be good to finally correct the caption in ME 3, which in 4k was tiny. I'm Brazilian and I have improved English, but for better immersion I still need subtitles, since it doesn't come in my language.
Praise the lord 👏
I wonder if they will have the full dlc on the games or they will charge extra as they love todo.
Did it finally get though to them that people would like Mass effect remastered lol
Mabe a little bird might tell them in 5years that people would like Skate 4 as well.
I thought this was already a thing. Like I coulda sworn they released a collection already?
I'd be ok with just solid well running rereleases.
Would love to have them on ps4 hopefully we could have the online mode in 3 back
There is a god, all praise he/she who brings forward the majesty of this iconic series.
I have this trilogy on ps3. I don't know if I want to play it again. ...when I remember those hours just uncovering map by clumsy tank (me1) or scaning every planet by some radar (me2), my stomach starts to boil.
Oh the horror, fans had to wait one console generation for remasters of these games.
Supporting EA is not something I’m going to be doing. Ever.
I think ME1 still has to be my fave. Maybe because it's the first so the galaxy and the aliens were new. And I actually like the Mako, I love the idea of Shep frightening her crew with her terrible driving.
I replayed ME1 with my favourite Shepard just to have something comforting to play for lockdown. The gameplay is fine, biotics are over powered (except against drones) and enemies all just run at you shouting "enemies are everywhere! I will destroy you!" But that's kind of part of its charm, I'd probably be disappointed if they changed it.
Could you please enlighten me and tell why everyone is so excited regarding the remastered version of Mass Effect? I mean, the series is great, but I recently finished it once again on my laptop and it still has more than alright graphics.
Is it something else on this Remastered Edition besides visual enhancement that you are all anticipating so much?
Miranda's ass in 4K!?
I'm in!
Yes, but God no, the mining killed me.
Oh, and because Anthem
Get ready for the laziest remaster since FF8
@Neolit Preordering is a scam, and this isnt going to sell out
I just hope they put the option to romance Kaidan as male Shep in the first game.
Oh go on Then EA I'll break into my wallet! If they could update gfx similar to how Bethesda improved old Skyrim to new Skyrim that would be really cool.
i only like the begining of ME2. i would enjoy replaying this only, but i do not wanna purchase the other 2 as excessive baggage with excessive price.
If anyone does purchase this series again, just do me a good deal on ME2
Please be true! I love this trilogy so much i play through it a year or every few months when it grabs me . So safe to say this is new one is bought soon as its available!
The story changes with characters. Im a scifi junkie and this is no.1 for me
I played Andromeda its different. This last month
I have played through the trilogy and started a 2nd run , finding new parts of the story is fun.
Thanks for the read
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