The humble arcade racer has endured a torrid generation on the PlayStation 4, so it’s only fitting that it should conclude with Evolution Studios’ outstanding exclusive DriveClub being taken offline. The title – which was delayed before launching in a dismal state – was resurrected with outstanding post-release support, and still stands as one of the best PS4 racing games you can buy.
Unfortunately, you can’t actually buy it anymore, as it – along with its compatriots, DriveClub Bikes and DriveClub VR – was removed from the PlayStation Store last year. Its servers will be subsequently disabled from 31st March, leaving a shell of a game. You will still be able to download and play it if you happen to own it, but multiplayer was obviously an enormous part of this package.
Do you have fond memories of DriveClub? Are you disappointed by the state of racing games on the PS4? Pour one out in the comments section below.
Comments 25
Wasnt too fond of it at first but now that the generation is at an end, its realisim is even beyond gt sport and similar racing games of the gen. The part it shows you get in the car, the sounds and camera shake to the amazing weather system. Too bad it never had a pro patch as if it would of had a 60fps or 4k option, it would be even higher on the list of best driving games for the platform. I hope the ps5 supports it
Such a sad day, one of my favourite games of this generation. They really should've kept this one going.
Many other great racing titles could learn from this one just like @Yaycandy said with elements such as the shake and the sounds, and the amazing feeling of speed.
Such a beautiful game wasted.
As a solo player it’s still a VERY good game.
@Stocksy But unfortunately it'll be lacking all the club-based metagame stuff when it goes offline.
@get2sammyb oh. I’ll reserve judgement until tomorrow and see what’s actually left.
Don’t really know why they didn’t Make some tweaks to prepare for this instead of ditching it.
When they took Forza Horizon (1) offline it was still excellent
Super fun game.
Evolution Studios DESERVED WAY BETTER than getting shut down 😭
@kyleforrester87 YES
A lot of early promises and failure to deliver. Unfortunate that it also happened to cost us what was one of the top racing game developers on PS3. Can't help but wonder how things might've turned out had Sony and Evolution just stuck with Motorstorm.
Turned out to be a fantastic game. Platinumed both the original and Bikes. Unfortunately, somehow missed out on 2 of the Bikes expansions, so will never get 10 of the trophies.
I know Evolution no longer exists, but it's a Sony IP, and I'd be very happy with a sequel on PS5.
when was Driveclub superb ever? With the rockiest of starts and alright gameplay, I never saw Driveclub as superb. Dirt Rally 2.0 is superb driving/racing game.
@djape - Agreed! DC is damn pretty to look at and that weather model is incredible but as a racer it's average at best. Questionable car physics/handling and 30fps didn't help it much either.
I loved Drive Club and its take on multiplayer. Still not sure who was at fault for the online server issues Sony or Evolution. That game was a big part of what made me purchase a PS4. I even pre-ordered the full game I wanted it so much. I did not care that part of it was going to be Free.
@Shigurui yupp, pretty much
Stuff like this is also the reason I hate the all digital push even if that's where the industry is headed.
You can buy physical copies of this game, so you can still play it in some way, no?
@Gamer83 @get2sammyb Was this the game that was announced about a year before PS4 launched and it was supposed to be there Day 1 and free with PS+, which was now required for online play unlike on PS3, and then not only wasn't it there at launch but it was a year late and not all of it was free?
If this was that game, can't imagine why it wasn't better received. 😉
Either this or Project Cars. Though I think that was the one Kickstarted for Wii U but then never actually came to Wii U. Though I suppose that could be several games, Yooka-Laylee still bothers me.
Gamers are so forgiving and/or forgetful these days.
I've had the game for years, but never really played it
I don't remember all the details but it was said there would be a 'free' version for PS Plus subscribers on launch day. They ended up missing the launch date by a full year and the game was still half you know what'ed when it did launch. Should've made a Motorstorm game. I truly believe Evolution would still be around today if it and Sony had gone that route.
the best driving game sony could not give a damn about!... i sometime wish these companies could start looking more at games as art pieces. take the effort and release the games complete on disc(later on when its done) and include options for players to p2p and lan host themself when online servers goes offline. so the full game experience could be preserved and played years later.
Absolutely brilliant game.
-The tracks looked phenomenal with a lot of varied locaties and point to point races (which are always my favourite in any racing game).
The photo mode was second to none.
The handling was accessible but at the same time had enough depth to be fun and challenging.
Engine sounds were great.
And what was also really cool was how the game would always find a ghost time that was just a little better than you, so you could keep improving yourself again and again.
I played this for many many hours.
@Gamer83 Thanks for the info.
I've never been a racing game guy besides Mario Kart, and even I don't think those count, but Motorstorm held my attention for awhile. It was just fun.
But now when I think of Motorstorm all I think of is that failed 3D display.

I wonder if spending all of that time making the game run twice on 1 screen w/ weird 3D glasses contributed to their downfall?
I think it was just bad the situation surrounding Drive Club. Didn't get out on time, massive problems at launch eventhough it was delayed a year. Sony might've figured at the time it made sense to cut ties especially since it already had a good racing game dev in Polyphony.
@Gamer83 Yeah, you're probably right.
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