What are the must buy PS4 games and accessories in March and April 2020? The month of Dreams is nearly over, and it's around now that 2020 starts to get serious. Despite delays to some of the year's biggest games, the next couple of months are pretty packed with notable new releases, including DOOM Eternal, Resident Evil 3, and Final Fantasy VII Remake. There's lots to be getting on with, so let's go through everything.
We've picked out a few of the best and brightest, but you can find a pretty comprehensive list of PlayStation 4's upcoming games below.
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Nioh 2 - 13th March
If you like your Souls games with a more Eastern flavour, the Nioh series will serve you well. The first game was a great action RPG from Team Ninja, and the sequel is looking to up the ante with its more supernatural leanings. Now with a customisable character and a demonic edge to the action, we're looking forward to having our arses handed to us mid-March.
DOOM Eternal - 20th March
It's time to rip and tear once more in this follow-up to 2016's DOOM reboot. Of course, this ultra-fast FPS has been turned up to 11 for the sequel. Developer id Software has doubled down on the rapid action, encouraging you to keep moving and swap weapons to stave off the hellish creatures. If you thought the previous game was in your face, DOOM Eternal is looking to be even more brash, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Resident Evil 3 - 3rd April
After the masterful return of Resident Evil 2, Capcom is almost ready to unleash Nemesis on PS4 with another remake. Resi 3 is looking just as good as last year's game, but with a higher emphasis on action, things are going to get pretty crazy on the streets of Raccoon City. Remember to pack some sandwiches.
Final Fantasy VII Remake - 10th April
Another remake lands in April, only this one has been on people's waiting lists for years and years. Yes, Final Fantasy VII Remake -- or the first part of it, anyway -- is right around the corner, reimagining Cloud Strife and his companions in glorious fashion. Set entirely in Midgar, this game refreshes all your favourite characters, locations, and scenarios from the PSone original, and it's looking like a dream come true for fans.
Comments 36
Just Final Fantasy VII for me. Between that and The Div 2 expansion I should be good.
Resident Evil 3 and FF VII, will pick up Persona 5 Royal later when it drops in price.
If I can find Disaster Report at a more reasonable price I'm considering picking up that because I've been needing something with a different flavour - hence why I'm also picking up Animal Crossing on the 20th.
GranBlue Fantasy Versus this Tuesday!!
Haven't been able to find info on Kingdom Hearts All-In-One Package but are all the games on discs?
Trials of mana looks very good.definetly getting that game.word up son
Doom eternal for me - can’t wait!
Person 5 royal, one piece: pirate warriors 4 and ffvii remake. Doom does look good but not finished the last doom yet. Currently clearing my backlog lol
Nothing for me. Though ff7 has my interest want to play the demo before pulling the trigger. Oh well back to the backlog!
Just Resi 3 for me so I’ve still got time to play through the backlog. It’s been good, I actually feel like it’s coming down to a reasonable amount.
Final Fantasy 7, Persona 5 Royal, Trials of Mana, Resident Evil 3.
A lot of bangers in that lineup.
Just FFVIIR at launch on PS4 for me.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Switch.
DOOM 64 HD on PC, if it has decent M&K support.
I'll definitely be getting RE3R and Trials of Mana at some point, but I know I'm not going to have the time for them at release.
DOOM Eternal is a for sure, but I want to play through all of the older games first, so that'll be a Q3 or Q4 purchase.
Persona 5 Royal... when it sinks to around $29.99 I'll grab it. It's what I'd be willing to pay for extensive update DLC.
I'm largely focusing on building my retro collection until the new consoles hit but I'll definitely be picking up Doom Eternal
FF7 been pre-ordered for a while, and I rarely do that. RE3 is an absolute must buy, but when it's a bit cheaper in a month or two. Doom will be a future purchase. Stacked year already.
nioh is far better than any souls game tho
Just the two classic remakes for me in April.
I preordered Final Fantasy VII Remake as soon as it was up for pre order which feels like years ago!
Resident Evil 3 I'm definitely buying but I was waiting for them to announce the steelbook version but as that doesant seem likely any more I may buy it digital.
Persona 5 Royal I also have on pre-order.
And that's not including Rune Factory 4 and Animal Crossing for the Switch..
Um...plus I really want Trials Of Mana but not decided on which system yet.
Phew..who needs a PS5??
@Bush Are you counting Bloodborne as a Souls game? because if not I totally agree.
Oooo monstrum looks promising! Anyone try it on pc before???
Also very excited fir grandblu versus!!
Persona 5 Royal and Nioh 2 will be great, though I'm not in any rush to get them straight away.
Pre ordered FF7 a while back but I'm now considering If I should cancel for now as I've started God of War and I'm really enjoying it, but I don't play games every night mostly 2 to 3 times a week
Persona 5 royal and ff7 remake for me, I've been playing more games in my backlog now, I want to finish at least tlou ps4 and the division 2 pc by the end of march before buying those 2 games. Interested in doom eternal but maybe later after I finished both p5r and ff7r.
Already preordered ff7r steelbook on amazon but maybe I'll cancel it and buy the digital version instead, the steelbook isn't that good anyway, unlike persona 5 royal steelbook which is great.
I don't think I'll be able to buy any at launch but I know I'll have FF7, RE3, Nioh 2, trials of Mana, and P5R in my collection
@CmShepard Same here, though I'll probably stall on getting RE3 too, I need to play thru 0-2 first XP.
Based on past games, is One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 worth getting at full price?
A lot of games there that I'm really hyped for. Though some of those Amazon prices are crazy. £55 for Pirate Warriors 4!? You can get it for £42 on Simply Games. Normally Amazon is good for pricing.
@WanderingBullet Just saw your post after I posted this. I'd say yes, but not from Amazon. I mean, you have to be a One Piece fan but if you are they're great. Loads of characters and they all feel different, and like how they should feel based on the anime/manga. This one has 4-player co-op too.
really? amazon good for pricing they haven't been for years nearly every other retailer is cheaper than them!
doom etrenal
final fantasy
person 5 royal edition
@suikoden It does vary but typically they're at least £10 less than GAME, and Simply Games and Shopto are similar, often actually just a bit more expensive. In fact Shopto can randomly be way more expensive. Also the latter two tend to not have quite a lot of stuff I'm looking for, like Trails of Cold Steel isn't on one of them, I forget which.
E.g. RDR2 is £54.85 on Shopto, it's £24.99 on Amazon. Granted it's 14p cheaper on Simply Games but that's not a meaningful difference. Another example, Sekiro: £31.57 on Amazon, £49.85 and backordered on Shopto and can't be found on Simply Games. Those were the first 2 games I tried so I'm not cherrypicking.
try base.com and game collection both great. shopto used to be great but of late their prices leave a lot to be desired.
@suikoden I'll check them out, thanks. 👍
@KidBoruto Nice, personally hope they remake Resident Evil 1, Veronica and 4 as well.
@CmShepard Yeah, I'm holding out for a RE0 + 1 PS5 Remake, before I play RE2 and RE3 Remake.
Only Snow Runner for me.
What an incredible couple of months for PS4!
For my part, all I'll be getting on the system at launch is FFVIIR. Waiting for price drops on almost everything else.
So many RPG games between March and April.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi....Sephiroth!
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