Now that we're in 2020, we've decided that we're going to handle Push Square's Game of the Month award a little differently going forward. Instead of making it a vote exclusive to members of staff, we're opening the vote up to everyone. Yes, including you!
On the 7th of each month, we'll bring you an article just like this one. It'll include a poll with nominees chosen by the editorial team based on various factors like review scores and general popularity. All you have to do is vote for your favourite PlayStation title of that month. We'll then count up the votes over the next few days and voila, we'll have our Game of the Month (which we'll announce in a separate article).
Now, January 2020 wasn't exactly a knockout month for PlayStation gaming. In fact, it was pretty darn quiet -- especially since so many blockbusters are waiting out there in the spring. Still, there were a handful of solid releases that did their best to keep us occupied.
Only one of them can be crowned Game of the Month, though, and so it falls to you to vote in our poll, and give us your reasoning in the comments section below.
(Voting for this poll closes on Monday 10th February 2020)
Comments 20
So the award is a popularity contest now. Indie games that flop but get 10 out of 10s don't stand a chance.
I can't vote for anything on that list or even for "other" ......
Erm...... yes, well erm, nope, nothing this month.
You didn't exactly pick the best month to start this poll, wait until March 😉
Dragon Ball Z : Kakarot, not the best game in the DBZ franchise but the best of last month
Tried to vote for Journey to the Savage Planet on Other but I'm not sure it went through as it didn't pop up on the list.
Incidentally why wasn't it on the main list?
@ankehuber The listed games are decided by review scores (Push Square's own review score in particular). So anything with a 7 or above gets in, and we gave Savage Planet a 6. It's basically just our way of drawing a hard line under the games that we can and can't include in the main poll.
But if you select 'other' and then register Savage Planet, we'll still get that vote. If there is a scenario where an 'other' game gets the most votes, it can still win.
@ShogunRok ahh, ok that makes sense, thanks for explaining. Perhaps it shows how bad my taste is sometimes that a 6 is my GOTM.
@ankehuber Haha, it's all just opinion at the end of the day. And to be fair, January wasn't an amazing month for games.
Hardcore mecha is my choice, I want to play it after I finished 1 or 2 of my backlog.
No vote for me, did not buy anything new in jan, you think that would be a good month to release a big game, ok i know a lot of ppl are skint after xmas but still you think these big companies would look at jan and think yea lets release it then, especially a new ip, imagine if outer worlds was out in jan how much more copies it would have sold, i couldnt get into it myself tried twice now, there just aint much to explore and it feels lifeless. Some of missions were good but overall nah.
Erm...none of the above 😟
@TimeforTravel Coffee Talk is amazing...
I truly wish Kakarot wasn't so abysmal. Beautiful character models can't make up for a boring world, useless dialogue, and Goku's uh...'questionable' means of fishing.
Journey to the Savage Planet.
Did not buy any games in Jan. I mostly played Death Stranding all month.
Kakarot is a bit hit and miss for me. Pillars of eternity 2 looks interesting but I've not finished the first yet as its bloody hard. Will get around to it eventually lol. Looking forward to yakuza remastered collectionas the 5th one was never released in euuk til now and also new darksiders game
Slim Pickens here
Mad Age & This Guy. It's Lolo and Bomberman combined!!!
@jly1987 Quite fitting. No one rides a bomb like Slim.
@Salt_AU No, it would have. We gave Days Gone a 7/10 which is the minimum requirement.
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