Google Stadia’s not got off to the greatest of starts, and the search engine giant appears to appreciate that it has its work cut-out. As part of a press release today revealing a roadmap for the platform, the organisation has admitted that it plans to release 10 timed exclusives by July 2020, meaning it’ll pay publishers to delay those titles on other systems such as the PlayStation 4.
While it failed to explicitly name any software in particular, it did say that the streaming service will add more than 120 games in total in 2020. As for the timed exclusives, it added that it’s “working with our partners to share more on those games soon”. So far there’s been one Google Stadia timed exclusive in the form of Tequila Works’ Gylt, which is expected to launch on other systems eventually.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 78
Stadia's got no choice but to go the Epic route and throw money at exclusives it seems.
That is dirty... real dirty.
R.I.P. Google Stadia bad move bad company........and bad for Gaming.
Google search Switch sales.
@ShogunRok it looks that way
but the sad thing is Google has enough money to make it work
Awful. Let gamers decide based on the quality of your service/product. How far is this from a gangster-like approach?
They're not going to be big games as we already know what are coming the next few months. This just reeks of desperation and will only turn more people against the platform, not only that it can't be that good for the games in question as people still have to buy games on that platform and with so few users
They should put Epic Game Store on Stadia put them all in a giant landfill and forget about it.
They're not exclusives, they're 3rd party multi platform games that we're talking about. Google stadia is a complete disaster.
@m8e3point1415 Kinda true. But remember that Kojima announced a PC version before he decided to use the Decima engine. So it was probably more of a deal to have it timed exclusive on PS4, but he got to use the engine. Google is paying almost finished games to delay their PS4/Xbox/Switch.
@Octane @ShogunRok Hate on Epic Store all you want, I appreciate the free games every couple of weeks.
I haven't spent a dime on a thing in there and I never will!
Stadia is a total flop. Once Project xCloud comes into the mix, and Sony potentially follows suit with a formidable competitor to xCloud (like a PS Now revamp), Stadia will fizzle.
Yeah, good luck with that losers.
This just makes me want Stadia even less, Im happy to wait for any Stadia exclusives to come to ps4, I will be playing all the ps4 exclusives while I wait.😂
Go away already. 120 games lol. Switch eshop and PSStore will add that many games in the first 3 months this year
@m8e3point1415 nah. He loves that platform and has decades old relationship with Sony
Pathetic, and only makes me want the stadia less
Yeh I cant imagine Sony letting them get games before PS4, dreadful move by Stadia, its just gonna further damage it, and rightfully so
it still will not work Playstation has decades in this business & built amazing relationships & is a pioneer with the greats of gaming! Google has done NOTHING!!
@GamingFan4Lyf Thing is, they're just sitting there using Fortnite gamble money to buy up exclusives left and right, and they don't really add anything to the industry.
God, imagine a game being PC-exclusive to EGS and console-exclusive to Stadia. What a nightmare.
@Octane I don't disagree, but I might as well use it to my benefit while it lasts. I am not financially supporting them, just taking the freebies.
Just look at it as Stadia users volunteering to debug our games.
The Last of Us 2 could be moved over to Stadia, PlayStation edition cancelled and I’d still never buy a Stadia.
This is how nothing new. Ms n ps been doing it for yrs. No surprise Google are joining the trend
The fact that they didn't name any of the 20 games makes me think they're games we wouldn't recognize the names if we saw them, like those weekly eShop lists.
This way Stadia has people talking until they name the games. After that, people will be all "meh" and forget Stadia exists again.
AAA delays > Stadia delays
I love how most folk in here are complaining but when Sony do it then its a shrug of the shoulders.
Lets be honest folks, Stadia is and will be a failure. Google wont keep throwing money at it forever and if you've any idea about how google kills products then I really wouldn't worry too much.
There’re no plans for Knack 5 on Stadia.
But that doesn’t mean Knack 6 won’t be a timed exclusive😔😭
@m8e3point1415 Back in 2015/16 Kojima mentioned something about PS4/PC. But I believe that was just a one-time thing. It was definitely before he decided on using Guerilla Games' engine.
I hope stadia dies, worthless piece of junk.
Scalebound will come to stadia now.microsoft does own the ip now.😁😳😒.haha.word ☝ up son
it will be nice to have a curated store front, the ps store is full of absolute garbage
@m8e3point1415 No they gave tge game engine and payed for development.
@solocapers honestly i hate timed exclusives no matter what the platform, i think it's just a crappy practise
if it's going to be coming to other systems then it should come to them all at the same time
Well, that really worked for Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't it?
Timed exclusives will be playable on our platform of choice in time. Meanwhile we also get the biggest and best actual exclusives.
Nice try Google.
stadia is the platform that will still exist alongside the ps5 and series x but no one will pay attention to it.
it will be like stadia never existed and only popping up in articles now and then.
will it be around in another 5 years? perhaps but no will care.
This isn't going to make me go sign up for Stadia, it is just going to make me resent them. To be fair I don't like it when Sony or MS does this either.
It has got to be small indie games though. I can't imagine any major developer delaying the release of their new games in 2020. Especially with the console refresh coming.
Exclusives, whether timed or not, are bad for gamers. They’re only great for the corporations. I can understand Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft creating games exclusively for their own consoles, but when other publishers do it, it disappoints me as a gamer.
As for Stadia, Google will probably drop it in a couple of years, which is still a couple of years more than most people care for it
@m8e3point1415 It's really an apples to oranges comparison with Death Stranding considering that Kojima was gifted an engine to use for the game that was made by a first-party Sony studio and was aided in the process of developing the game.
That is a far cry from Google just paying for timed exclusivity on games, unless Google is aiding in the development process as well.
@m8e3point1415 Yeah except Sony paid for everything from development, marketing to engine/technology use. Why would it not be a PS exclusive?
@GamingFan4Lyf Where was I hating on EGS? What I said was fact. EGS bought its way to success — gotta spend money to make money.
120 games by July 2020 you can probably already play now and own as a fraction of the cost and have it downloaded or on disc installed without having to worry about poor connections, drop in resolutions and FPS when PS5 and X series comes out PS4 and X1X will be near £150 by its self new and that will put another nail in the coffin for this crap service no one wanted
and I will still not subscribe, but have fun trying to convince maybe 5% market of people.
Is this why Cyberpunk 2077 got delayed?
I'm kidding.
This is why we can't have healthy gaming industry because the developers have become too greedy! Free 2 play, timed exclusives, DLCs, multi-platform titles exclusive ONLY to some systems eg Street Fighter 5, etc. Google is a giant company and believes that with its money, they can have it all. I hope they will fail !
Google in 2019: "We want Stadia to provide the best option for gamers everywhere."
Looks like they paid CDPR to delay cyberpunk lol
You guys will try anything.
It's Google's fault.
The desperation is hilarious.
TBH I didn't realise Stadia had even been released yet!
Just end it already.. The name alone is a no no
Ah! The sweet smell of desperation!
I've only bought 3 maybe 4 games at launch this whole generation so this is no big deal. Cyberpunk is delayed and that's the only one I'm thinking of this year, just got an extra 5 months to clear the back log
@No_Cartridge Sony owns Death Stranding so I don't know why someone brought it up. It says "Death Stranding is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Inc." right on the disc. Why is that so hard to understand? Not talking to you, but in general. It says the same thing all of their games say.
Google Stadia had a great shot at sewing the console market up before series x or ps5 could get off the ground, but they blew it big time! If they'd have waited a few months to iron out the problems with the platform itself and have a better/cheaper games catalogue, who knows...maybe they could have been something special, but at this moment in time, it feels like another one of Google's, mis-steps, confined to go the way of the google glass and countless other failed projects! It's a shame, because it really did have potential, but I think a high buying in price, lack of games, problems with tech that ain't quite there yet and a public awareness that google are quick to bail on projects, has all been a struggle, stadia has failed to surmount. At this point in time I feel like the ship has sailed for the Stadia. I'm not saying it will dissapear, there are probably already too many subscribers for that to happen, and the platform has proved itself to be an adequate gaming platform, even if it hasn't quite been able to live up to some of it's "4k display with minimal input lag" boasts. It's just that, at this moment in time, it can't compete with the next gen console hype, and it was never going to come close to a proper gaming pc, with the huge, regularly discounted, game library. Feels like a "close...but no cigar!"
I know many gamers and don’t know any gamers who talk about or own Stadia.
I am still NOT going to purchase a system who collects a frightening amount of data and sells it to the highest bidder. Sorry google, but I am NOT purchasing your bootleg console.
So on one article everyone cries because HZD seems to be going to PC, but when Google pays for timed exclusive they are "gangsters"? Lol at fanboys being fanboys.
Just look at other comment secrions that decry the death of Playstation because its exclusive might end up on PC and then come back.
You'll find it funny that the one person that pointed this out (@m8e3point1415) got overwhelmed with downvotes.
Then what do you have to say about any other exclusive, timed or not?
Or the fact that Sony pays big money to have timed exclusive DLC and modes in COD? Not even a game, but a bunch of modes.
But of course if MS goes on a studio shopping spree and Google buys stuff cause they don't have it yet they're the bad guys who are ruining the industry.
Shake my freaking head.
@SaikoWaifu2003 sorry, but this instance is one I'm afraid I'm not aware of 😅
Could you elaborate a bit, please? 😃
Guck Foogle indeed, though 😂
So Google is doing stuff every other platform holder (yes, even the wonderful and perfect Sony) in the history of the video game industry has done. I am shocked and appalled...
One more reason to not get this rip-off service....
Great news as a Stadia premiere owner that knows the platform works extremely well despite what the fake news console fanboys go out of there way to otherwise say. Microsoft and Sony been doing these exact tactics for years so thank you Google for the awesome move, it's a great day for Stadia.
@GamingFan4Lyf stadia is already a flop. Who wants it when no one really cares about it. Be aswell buy a switch.
@ZenAlpha 😂😂😂
"Why make our product better, when we can make other products worse".
They should rename it - 'Empty Stadia' Google said(I think) 'Don't be Evil' once but the way they have been treating some YouTube(which they own) channels is just EVIL. Oh well.
@ShogunRok Gotcha - when people say that it's usually in jest.
@SaikoWaifu2003 oh I see, thank you for pointing that out, I didn't know!
@Gamer83 so much this. Companies buy exclusives (timed or not) all the time.
@Kidfried yes, I know that, but my point still stands: PS fans get insecure when their former exclusives go elsewhere, but noone else may have exclusives to begin with?
Also it gets even funnier if you consider the amount of ridicule Microsoft gets here due to its exclusives also coming to PC.
It's just funny seeing fanboys being hypocritical, I guess.
Edit: also, one important point I failed to mention: we all love PS's opinionated style of commentary, but this is where I personally draw the line. I expect way better than this from PS.
The title is disingenuous at best, but reads like rage-bait for rabid fanboys to go nuts over; the fact that Rob has the first comment also doesn't help. I love this site but it kinda looks ridiculous when a lot of comments (especially first comments) come from the same people writing; I don't know, it sounds too much like shoving opinions down our throats.
Yes, Rob, it seems they have no other option than to throw money at everything, but what's bad with that? Or better: what else are they supposed to do? They're new to the game, what kind of option do they have if not buying studios and/or exclusive games?
Did Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft have gaming studios before entering the gaming industry?
To be completely honest it's not a problem I have with PS anymore (since they almost never do it anymore), but this article is a big offender.
It straight up tells you that Google is bad for taking away games from your precious PS4, while in reality it's the same kind of deals every single company makes.
So I think I should kinda apologize for targeting fanboys when in reality they have practically been manipulated into raging against Google by bad, facetious writing.
But it takes up no space beneath your tv!
@Kidfried well, to be honest you are right, of course everyone has different views, but I was simply referring to the overwhelming majority in both cases, which of course represents PS's crowd.
I myself am part of the crowd even though I thoroughly disagree with this view, but it seems to me that I'm in the minority, not the other way around.
Also, the same mistake has been made multiple times on the other side of the argument but I don't see you making a fuss about it.
Please, stick around to remind that to everyone every single time "Xbots", PC master race and Nintendo fans are mocked and misrepresented.
Edit: Let's not forget one fact that corroborates my viewpoint: @m8e3point1415's totally logical and inoffensive post was immediately overwhelmed with downvotes, further proving that a lot of people in here, whom I obviously cannot pinpoint, adhere to this hypocritical opinion.
It might not have been the most informed post cause there are more nuances to that agreement, but never did he say anything untrue or offensive.
But that's just me trying to prove a point I already kind of let go of for the sake of being thorough, so let's go on to the next point.
To further counter your point, I clearly addressed that in my edit (which had been there for hours before your reply) and shifted my focus from the "rabid fanboys" to the rage-bait title and article.
"Lighten up" lol yeah, certainly a random stranger on the internet is the right person to tell me to lighten up.
I clearly stated that I generally love PS's unabridged style of commentary, because I feel it comes off as snarky but not arrogant, striking a balance between reporting news as they are (which is the goal of journalism) and spicing them up a bit for comedic effect.
This is the exact opposite, and is an issue I had a lot of years back when it was way more prominent.
I think in the last few years the staff have made enormous steps to strike that (admittedly hard to get) balance between snark and arrogance, but this is not one of those instances.
As much as you love this site, doesn't this kind of titles remind you of those clickbait articles on Polygon or NintendoLife? It sure does to me, and it kind of sticks like a sore thumb on the front page of one of the few respectable gaming outlets out there.
But yeah, I guess I should "lighten up" and have their biased opinion shoved down my throat, thanks for the advice.
@Kidfried to be honest I don't know why you're making any of this about yourself: I never addressed you personally as being a "fanboy", nor did I ever say that you misrepresent XBox fans. I simply said that I've seen it happen on this site multiple times. The point I was trying to make was simply not about you.
And yeah, you corrected me on the topic of DS (which I was already aware of, but I won't deny yours was a good point), but that was never the point pf my argument to begin with: mine was the fact that I PERSONALLY PERCEIVE that a lot of users in here are ready to jump at the throat of MS, Epic and Google for securing exclusives, which comes from reading several comments with that tone in this kind of article. I may be wrong, I don't know: to me, though, it seems that a lot of comments lime those are on this site, and this article in particular.
Then, my focus shifted as I realized midway through the argument that this kind of behavior seems to be encouraged bu the headline, and tried (unsuccessfully) to make it as clear as possible, though I'll admit that I didn't do a good job.
You feel this headline is appropriate while others are not? Great, more power to you. I just said that to me this doesn't feel right and doesn't represent the usual thoughtfulness of this site. If you disagree it's completely ok, even though you're telling me to lighten up and then admit that you too feel that PS exaggerates sometimes.
Also, I appreciate that we're having a civil conversation, but I cannot help but feel you're skipping most of what I said.
Also, what the hell is that last paragraph? Again, why are you making it about yourself?
Why in hell should you feel offended by me calling you a random stranger on the internet? You're just that. I don't know you.
Don't go telling people to lighten up if you can't handle being called a stranger by a complete stranger.
I may appreciate your comments and whatever, still the fact doesn't change: I don't know you and you don't know me.
You're telling me I am more than a random stranger on the internet to you?
Sounds like a weird reason to get offended, are you grasping at everything I say?
Again, I appreciate the civil conversation but sorry, it sounds really unreasonable to me.
i will be amazed if google dont close it down by the end of the year. It got off bad start and the figures for people playiing its destiny 2 are abysmall
Literally no different than Sony and Microsoft doing this exact same thing.
@m8e3point1415 No actually they paid ALL the bills for Death Stranding and PC releases have nothing to do with exclusivity since PCs and consoles are apples and bananas.....Not shocking that they might want to release Death Stranding on PC to try and make up some of the money they spend on development of a 3rd party game....
@m8e3point1415 That logic is wrong. Google is just throwing money at devs who are already working on a game and most likely already have working titles for other consoles and Google is just preventing them from releasing for a time whereas Sony helped Kojima get back on his feet and let him use the Decima engine.
@purplemonkey There is a difference. Both Sony and Microsoft are well respected within the gaming community and are trusted that even though they paid for a timed exclusive, the games actually work and run well on their systems. Google is a nobody in this business and worst yet, a nobody that has a shoddy service that no one asked for is seen as someone who is just throwing money to get into the game. At least with Sony and Microsoft, they had excellent first party games. This is why they are trusted.
As has been said and known, every (or almost, perhaps) video game company that developed / developed consoles such as Nintendo, Sony, Sega and Microsoft have done (and still do, even though not as often), do business with its Third Parties so that certain games do not reach other consoles, either for a while or being the first to receive that game, until permanent exclusivity has been reached (this does not apply in games like Bayonetta 2 that there was "investment for the development", not "an payment for exclusivity", are different things, it is necessary to clarify).
Here, as Google became a "platform" of video games, it is normal to seek to do business to move forward, however, if I remember correctly, these acts are "indiscreet", not telling everyone, so as it looks In this note, it seems that Google is desperate to enter this business strong, to see how it goes.
@Stu13 true 😂😂😂
You are all pathetic in your attempts to demonise stadia.
Genuinely, get a hobby.
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