While it’s great to have a new arcade-inspired sports game to look forward to, anime adaptation Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions doesn’t look like a title contender in this first PlayStation 4 gameplay footage. While the artstyle – inspired by the classic 1981 manga – appears to be on point, the actual action seems cumbersome, with a jerky camera and some tedious dribbling animations.

We do like the little flourishes on display: taking shots triggers mini-cut-scenes, as the striker shapes up and the goalkeeper attempts to get his fingertips to the ball. But the overall match flow in this IGN video seems unexciting, and it honestly makes for quite a drab watch. Fortunately, the title’s not due out until later this year, so there’s plenty of time for tweaks and improvements.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 19
The answer to your question: NOPE
Poor EA. You had a good run.
The way the players and the ball moves looks like it would bo off putting to play. Shame.
Errr, no. And I don't even like FIFA.
Please, please, please can we have Sensible World of Soccer back. No need to 'update' the graphics. Merely update the squads and thats it. Nothing else needed.
I saw Tsubasa and thought this had something to do with Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Disappointed
@crazykcarter to be fair that's how it was in the anime
Looks awful , the players look like they have piles from the way they move, sure most football fans will not touch this with a hundred metre cattle prod as they like to play as there favourite teams etc.
Not a fan of football games but the strategy game looks interesting
Funny, your criticisms also apply to football games in general.
Still think World Soccer on the Sega Master System was the most fun I've had playing football on consoles - full of little chunky player goodness & wholesomeness (not like your current FIFA's & PES').
It's just like watching Man Utd.
@ApostateMage Comment of the Week
I liked that soccer game on the gameboy with ridiculous powershots.
bro, why are they running in place? oof.. I thought this game was interesting from the trailer, still think, but wtf with gameplay
There's another new soccer game that's been out for a day now. I dont remember the name. This one looks more fun than realistic soccer.
@ApostateMage @ShogunRok Banned.
@Arugula AND YOU!
Why the hate? Im digging how the game looks and the gameplay looks fine to me. Looking forward to this, specially on the switch
Please go ahead and ban EA!
No way!!! It doesn’t even compare why did you do this?
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