We're about to have our say, and now it's time for you to have yours. As you may have noticed, we're starting to roll out our Game of the Year coverage here on the site, but tradition demands that we also present you lot with a poll so that you can decide the Push Square community's favourite PlayStation 4 title of 2019.
The games featured in this poll are the same games that were nominated for Game of the Year in our own staff vote. So think carefully, cast your votes, and come back later for the results. The voting deadline for this poll is Thursday 2nd January, 2020.
May the best game win!
Comments 80
I'd say DMC5, because it's combat is possibly the best I've ever played in a game. Though CTR and Resi 2 were extremely fun as well.
Death Stranding for me.
I had to select three games, even though I've only truly played two.
Sekiro without a doubt. 10/10
As usual I'm at least 1 year behind. I think I've played only Days Gone on this last and I didnt think it was GOTY material so I'll refrain from voting.
Cant even vote for A Plague Tale?
Resi 2
Star Wars
The Outer Worlds
@LightingThor. I agree with you playa.sekiro for the win.word ☝ up son
A plague tale is not even there what.one of the best stories in games ever.word up son
Death Stranding and Trine 4 are the only 2 I have played. I really enjoyed both of them. I picked up Days Gone, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Crash Team Racing for Christmas but haven't played them yet. Death Stranding gets my vote.
@Nyne11Tyme I was looking for this one too!Easily in my top 3.
I voted for Dragon Quest Builders 2,Resident Evil 2 and Concrete Genie instead.
Voted Sekiro, RE3 and Blood & Truth.
Judgment, Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5
I've gone back and fourth over what my game of the year is but I'm going to settle on Resident Evil 2. An absolutely phenomenal remake and a game I've already replayed several times over, second has to be Death Stranding with Bloodstained in third.
Other notable mentions would be the excellent Outer Worlds, Star Was was good but let down by really poor customisation rewards for exploring and a bland protagonist, whilst Days Gone had some good ideas but didn't really utilise them to their full potential
Samurai Shodown, Resident Evil 2, and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
On this list, I've only played CTR NF, Resi 2 and DMC5 so they have my vote. I still need to get Judgment and Control and I have Concrete Genie and Days Gone but haven't started them yet.
I've spent quite a bit of time this year going through my backlog and waiting on new releases to drop on price.
Edit: I played Bloodstained so whoops lol but I wasn't a big fan of it in comparison to Castlevania.
Also, I enjoyed Kingdom Hearts 3 but not as much as KH2 and BBS. Hopefully the DLC will make it higher on the list.
Fallen Order, Outer Worlds and Cod for me.
If it was only one vote it would have been a struggle to choose between Days Gone and Resi 2. Picking three I realised it simply meant ticking the 3 games from this year I've completed as I haven't started Control or Concrete Genie yet and only just started Death Stranding.
That being said those 2 games and my other pick (Jedi) are all great games.
Knight and Bike
Death Stranding, Resi 2 and The Outer Worlds. All three were just a fun ride the whole way through. Death Stranding is probably first due to genuine innovation, Resi 2 is possibly the best remake ever and The Outer Worlds was really fun for what it was.
Shenmue 3
Dirt Rally 2
They're doing terrible in the poll, which of course reflects my exquisite taste in games.
RE2 is my personal GOTY followed by Concrete Genie and Days Gone, the only games I wanted that I've not played this year are Luigis Mansion 3 & DMCV but I dknt either would have toppled the glorious return to Raccoon City
No Metro: Exodus??? Why???
Ghost of a Tale
Jedi Fallen Order
CTR Nitro Fueled
1. Days Gone
2. Resident Evil 2
3. Star wars fallen order
Not many contenders this year, borderlands just misses out my top 3
@RogerRoger surely star wars fallen order
1 - Days Gone
2 - Control
3 - Jedi Fallen Order
@RogerRoger Well the only games that are remotely similar to star wars due to the fact you fight different aliens and go to different planets and explore, are borderlands 3 and the outer worlds
@LightingThor Yup. Sekiro is solidly my #1. My favorite From game as well.
Also voted for RE2 and DMC5. If we could vote for 5, I’d add TOW and DS as well. There’s some games I still need to get to as well. SWJ:FO, Judgement, and Bloodstained in particular.
Only 3 I've played DS, DMC5 and concrete Genie all fantastic games!
Days Gone, Borderlands 3 and Judgment got my vote. No Plague Tale is a massive oversight though. Kinda baffling it didn't get a nod.
Bloodstained is the only game i’ve played, but based on what else I like and intend to play i’ll go with RE2 and Outer Worlds as well.
This list is missing some great releases, and why make it where we HAVE to pick three rather than up to three?
Anyway, my favorite non-Nintendo exclusive game released this year is probably Resident Evil 2. I picked Bloodstained and Obra Dinn as my other two choices, although that's only because of the limitations being imposed.
I've only played 5 games from this year. 1 of them I really didn't like, 2 of them I've not finished and do not think they are GOTY material for me. So only leaves with me with 2 games to vote for.
Why can we only vote for the same games that were nominated for Game of the Year in the Push Square staff vote? There are some serious omissions from the list.
Well, that's nonsense.
My Game of the Year is Days Gone, but I can't vote because apparently I need to choose 3... but Days Gone is the only one on the list that I've played.
Why would you need to pick 3 to vote for your game of the year? Also, not keen on the list being restricted to those chosen by the staff, even though my GOTY is in there.
Death Stranding GOTC.
Didn't really play many through 2019. Mostly backlog.
1. Days Gone
2. Fallen Order
3. Judgement(though I didn't finish it yet)
None of the above. I take exception to the staffs picks.Why can't I write in my vote?
Mine are:
River City Girls
Blazing Chrome
The Messenger
honorable mentions: Angerforce Reloaded, Shakedown Hawaii, Worbitol, Nifelheim, Graveyard Keeper, Ageloos, Alwa's Awakening, Forager, Bomb Chicken
I cant vote as I've only played death stranding, cant wait to give concrete genie, fallen order, sekiro and the resi evil 2 remake a go on ps4
Cold Steel 3
Outer Worlds
Or are those just my favorites? lol
Easy answer. Blood and Truth.
Days Gone 19% to Death Stranding's 7%? Really people?
@AdamNovice I know right, how dare people like different things.
Glad to see days gone moving on up! I was bummed I couldn't pick far cry new Dawn. That would have been my number 3!
Glad to see Days Gone get the credit it deserves from the real people which are the fans.
Wow..Star Wars, came out of nowhere. How about a game about baby Yoda?😂😂 So cute!!!!
Love Sekiro and Resi 2.
But Obra Dinn took my breath away, top game!
River City Girls
Blazing Chrome
The Messenger
A Plague Tale Innocence would've been one of my choices for sure, but it's not an option.
i would ay indivisible but i think it’s better to go with judgement
Well I must be really bad at picking games as pretty much all my favourite games of the year aren't here, Division 2, Wreckfest, Plague Tale, Need for Speed Heat, the only one that made it was Control.
There should've been an "Other" option.
@JayDub Yes how dare I express that one game is better then the other.
Resi 2, Blood and Truth and .. Um ... Cat Quest 2.
Cat Quest 2 for the 2 player with my 10 year old son. Probably not a game I would have touched without multiplayer but, as any parent knows, any game you can play together that your child really invests in, makes the game infinitely better.
@Flurpsel Same here too little time too catch up. 😢
I do own the games though. 😆
Wow, crazy that I’ve not played any of the listed games. I’ve had Fallen Order for weeks but my son took it and he’s been playing it. Other than that I’ve not thought about any of those titles. Hopefully 2020 is a better year for me in regards to gaming.
@fluggy I played the first game so much that I got the Platinum. Haven’t tried this one though. But I’m gonna get it so I can play with my little girl.
Shenmue 3 all the way!
@AdamNovice You already did that by voting and stating what you liked in your first post.
After that it shows you're just upset that the majority of people didn't enjoy your favorite game the most going by the polls.
this is daft, in order to vote for death stranding, i had to pick two games i didn't even play. it's 2019, your poll code should be able to work out "up to 3".
Outward?! GREEDFALL?
I will pick outer world
And trail cold 3
Iceborne, RE2 and DMC5 easily.
@ShogunRok Are you guys going to do a version with all of 2019's games available, because looking at the comments, it seems A Plague Tale is missing out, along with others.
Its obviously a canned survey with pre picked winners.
Iceborne, Sekiro and Re2 baby!
I would have voted for wreckfest but unfortunately it’s not on the list...
Edit: agree with others, this poll is seriously flawed
Resident Evil 2
Death Stranding
CTR / AC7 / MHW / Bloodstained / DMC5
I voted for
1. Control
2. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
3. RE 2
Sekiro hands down. Everything else just don't compare to the sheer adrenaline that game offers.
I'm surprised to see Days Gone so high. It was a good game, don't get me wrong. But "game of the year" is a bit rich.
It's not really fair when I didn't played some in the list, even though I still want to.. Now that I look at the year summary, it wasn't that bad, but, in my opinion, it wasn't good too (for me it was, actually, very disappointing with one or two nice surprises).
Thoughts for purchasing? Days Gone or Judgement? Love both styles... only time for one! Help please!
Death Stranding
Days Gone
Days Gone and Death Stranding are both great, and Monster Hunter Iceborne gets the last nod.
Well this is awkward. I have not played a single game on that list. The only ones I own is Judgment which I have not yet started and Resident Evil 2 (only just been gifted). I do plan on buying a few on that list, but have not yet done so... Kind of hard for me to judge which of them is Game of the Year material without playing them.
days gone
death stranding
days gone
No Division 2 option?
@OneManDroid Haven't played judgement, but if you can get pass the corny dialogue, somewhat clunky controls and Ubisoft open world formula, you will like Days Gone.
The game has a LOT of untapped potential, and considering this is the first big AAA game from Sony Bend studio, i can't wait to see the sequel.
In lot of ways it reminds me of Horizon:Zero Dawn, that also had corny dialogue and Ubisoft open world formula, but by the gods the gameplay and the machines were top-notch... and surprise surprise it was also the first dive into the open world games for Guerilla Games.
So if you like Horizon:Zero Dawn, it's very likely you will like Days Gone. Tho i do believe the game was somewhat butchered by the reviews.
@Grindagger Hey thru the past 18 years i've seen much weirder choices...from World of Warcraft winning goty over MGS3 back in 2004 to games like Overwatch/PUBG being nominated and winning GOTY-s.
(Thankfully on the last one Uncharted 4 came out as the ultimate GOTY winner.)
DS, Sekiro and RE 2.
And I still have to buy Fallen Order, Outer worlds, Control, Days gone...
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