In true Persona tradition, the newest Musou spin-off is back with another character-focused trailer for Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers. Today's focuses on everyone's favourite cat -- Morgana.
It's the usual spiel of hectic, seemingly enjoyable gameplay alongside clips and cutscenes that act as a direct sequel to Persona 5. The game continues to look like much more than your typical Dynasty Warriors-like experience, meaning it's one we're hotly anticipating as we head into 2020. Better yet, Persona 5 Royal is due to receive its western launch date in less than two weeks, so a release window for Persona 5: Scramble shouldn't be too far behind either.
Are you hyped for Persona 5: Scramble? Do battle in the comments below.
Comments 6
I'm excited for this, even more than I am for P5R.
Day one if there's steelbook case, although I'll play it later after I finished persona 5 royal on 2020
Along with P5R and FF7Remake this is my most wanted game for 2020.
If Fire Emblem 3 houses went to 2020, that year would be my fav game year ever.
Probably the 1st game I buy in 2020. Day 1
The only question is PS4 or Switch. Really hoping the Switch version performs well enough to be a viable choice.
Ill get it on PS4. 😋
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