The Last of Us: Part II finally has an official PlayStation 4 release date: it's hitting the Sony system on 21st February. That's only a handful of months away, but to tide you over, check out the game's latest trailer as debuted in the State of Play live stream above.
While the reveal of a release date is the biggest talking point here, coming in hot in second place is our first real look at Joel towards the end of the trailer. Elsewhere, we get glimpses of intense gameplay, a sight of the Clickers, and gory cutscenes that very much pitch this as Ellie's revenge mission. It's all looking very, very good which makes the wait for this potential masterpiece all the more difficult.

Did you enjoy this trailer? Are you happy with the February release date? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 35
Major spoilers but beautiful nonetheless! Little predictable ——> motivation Ellie
My body is ready.
that blood pool by that animal carcass though!
i know it was a cutscene but it looked so real!
Of course he wasn’t gunna let her go alone, it wouldn’t be a Naughty Dog game without someone ambling along beside you.
Nice! finally a release date.
Loving the infected dogs. Honestly now that we have a story trailer and a release date, i wouldn't mind if nothing else was revealed about this game until release. It's gonna be such a ride to experience it for the first time, just like the first game. I'm so happy that this game is actually on the horizon.
Apparently it's ND's longest game yet. As for Ellie's motivation I think there's other key story they haven't shown us yet. Like what exactly happened to Dina & Ellie (If I what I think happens then certain media types will have a field day) plus we still don't know where hammer woman fits into things.
Hype for February.
I feel February is the start of the crazy release train in early 2020.
OMG! I know what late Vday gift I'm asking bae for!!
One of my best friend's birthday is February 21. He screamed when he saw that release date.
We called Joel btw. Just sayin'. Just FYI.
Called it.... (Yes that all i have to say Pushsquare)
Finally. Who said the generation was over? Not for PS4.
Looks pretty good, and hits early on into the year. Early 2020 already looks solid.
TLoU2 2/21
Gods & Monsters 2/25
FF7R 3/3
W_D Legions 3/6
Cyberpunk 4/16
Marvel's Avengers 5/15
Gods & Monsters needs to SERIOUSLY rethink that release date.
GOTY for 2020 ?
Not watching the trailer just happy to have a release date. Although next year is getting packed already lol
Putting the day first instead of the month. 21-02-20. Why?
It could be read as the 21st day or the year 2021.
02-21-20 is normal way ain't it?
Let's figure Death Stranding out first.
@leucocyte ah I see. Metric system style lol. Yea we don't do that here. We keep it simple across the pond. Gotta dumb it down for us Americans.
@PSbest Not in Europe - we go day, month, year. Though ND being an American company, its a little surprising i guess.
I've never understood why the month always goes first in the US. I find that confusing 🙂
My level of hype can't be put into words...
@PSbest Yeah europe always uses that way , i was confused when i see your ccomment lol cuz it was too obvious for me
@PSbest - dunno, maybe canada uses metric system and mm/dd/yy format? almost all of europe uses dd/mm/yyyy - if you watch an english language movie in europe and its subtitled in the local language, references to say for example 9/11 are almost always reversed in the subs to show its 11th september.
@Rob_230 @Crashius38 @leucocyte silly Americans lol JK JK. How bout Joel at the end tho.... 🔥🔥
I knew the release date was going to be in February.great trailer playas.and joel in there i knew he was going to be in the trailer.word up son
Why must it be so close to FFVIIR?!?! 😩
I have Final Fantasy VII Remake preordered as well as Gods And Monsters being a Day One and now this?How am I going to find the time?it's taken me 4 months to play Assassins Creed Odyssey and I STILL haven't finished that
Yes please. K. Thanks
I think I might be more excited for this than CyberPunk. How will Naughty Dog compare with Rockstar for Horses and snow, they’re probably the best in the business for attention to detail.
I think this game is going a few levels like the Madagascar one in Uncharted 4. Ellie will search these large areas on horseback hunting down this group she is after.
Pre-order well and truly earned.
@rjejr We also have these other games to look forward to in Early 2020...
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot - January 17, 2020
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection - January 21, 2020
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition - January 23, 2020
The Yakuza Remastered Collection - February 11, 2020
Trials of Mana - April 24, 2020
2020 is shaping up to be huge for gaming, not only on software side with all these awesome games coming out but also on the hardware front for basically all platforms. Can't wait.
@KidBoruto There are a bunch more games, and I even thought for a second about adding FF:CCR (all games need to end in R now) but then I decided to stick to the larger games that will cause the others to change dates rather than all the games that will just be forgotten and wind up on PS+ soon after release like Darksiders 3.
Though I did add Gods & Monsters b/c it's 1 of the ones I'm looking forward to, from what little I've seen, so all's fair.
I am interested in DBZ:K b/c it reminds me of DGZ Sagas on the Gamecube but not enough to actually buy it now, $5 in a few years.
The Pushqaure "Games Coming Soon" page still has Beyond Good & Evil listed as 2019, which ain't going to happen, but I do wonder whatever happened to that game, silent as silent can be for at least a year now, maybe more. Must be "next gen only" at this point. Which is what a lot of people must also be thinking after Ghosts of Tukishima was a no show in the State of Play yesterday. Or at least a dual-release. No time soon for Ghosts regardless.
Hey @get2sammyb is Ghosts of Tukishima listed ANYWHERE on those 4 pages of "COMING SOON" games b/c I just looked it over 3 times and couldn't find it, and you have games listed up until 2021, which I'd hardly call soon.
@rjejr No interest in playing Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, The Yakuza Remastered Collection, or Trials of Mana?
@KidBoruto Well, I'm interested in Trials of Mana, but considering my 8-12 year backlog I know it's never gonna happen.
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