With its release only a couple of weeks away, Capcom's eager to show more of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. The expansion features an entirely new storyline, and although we'd argue the story is probably the weakest part of World, we're expecting better execution from the upcoming expansion. Going by this latest trailer, the plot at least has some super cool cutscenes.
We also get to see glimpses of a fight with Velkhana, the DLC's all-new elder dragon. Looks like a bit of a pain to go up against, what with all those icy attacks.
Are you hyped for Iceborne? Chill in the comments section below.
Comments 3
91,000 people still playing this on any given day on Steam. And that is just PC.
MHW-IB for PS4 Already jumped to #1 on Amazon JP top videogame chart. So glad to finally see MH doing this well.
My favorite game this generation is about to get much bigger. There's a trailer with a new monster reveal at the end and the creature looks very unique for Monster Hunter. I am very excited for this!
The dragons swam to the center of the ocean, and there they began to transform into an island.
One dragon sank into the sea and became the land. (Zorah Magdaros)
One dragon lifted its gaze to the sky and became the mountains.(Valkhana)
One dragon stooped low and became the lakes, and scattered its scales to create the rain. (Nemeille)
One dragon fell into a deep slumber and became the forests. (Unknown for now, will probably be revealed during Iceborne story)
The last dragon climbed far into the sky to become a star of sapphire blue, shining brightly above the island. (Xeno'jiiva)
I love lore and this makes the most sense for now.
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