For once, 4chan has delivered the goods. A new entry in the Tales franchise has just leaked, named Tales of Arise. It's coming to PlayStation 4, and will most likely be officially announced at Microsoft's E3 2019 press conference on Sunday night.
It's quite a dramatic change in art style, judging by the screenshot above, isn't it? With a slightly more realistic take on things and those booming colours, this one is set to be a real looker. That's all we have to go on right now, but it's always nice to know that something is coming for fans of the series.
Are you looking forward to seeing more at Microsoft's upcoming presser? Strike in the comments below.
[source boards.4channel.org, via resetera.com]
Comments 15
Vesperia is my first tales game I'm playing now... dig the characters and story, but the combat is lame and lack of side quests is puzzling. Any recommendations?
Oh wow. That screenshot is extremely attractive.
What I mainly want from the series is a dramatic shift in the combat system, though. Something about the combo of random battles and real time combat drives me nuts.
Looks very good, wow!
Loving the typical nonsensical name!
Definitely not what what I'd expect coming from a Tales game, but I'm up to giving it a go.
Currently playing through Zestiria, and it's okay enough, but it has nothing on Abyss or Vesperia (which are the only other two I've played).
Wow it actually looks like a PS4 game!
@ShogunRok took the words right outta my keyboard. Bout time my overall loyalty to this franchise's PS4 games has paid off with something that resembles the current gen.
WOW!!!!... Tales just grew up and went AAA on us 😍
Awesome, i just had the credits role in Beseria, enjoyed it very much, might look into getting Vesperia but look forward to seeing more of Arise!
"Coming to PlayStation 4" yet "likely will be announced at Microsoft's E3 presser"?
So does that mean it will be released on both PS4 and XB1?
Will wait to see it in action before judging. I'm looking forward to the reveal though, Berseria was great.
The only problem with SONY not being at E3 this year is that every new Game announced at Microsoft's show(and at E3 all week I bet) will be made out to be Exclusive to the Xbox ONE and some people(you know who they are) on the internet will believe it to
@ArmyofOne It's very, very, very likely that it's gonna be at the Xbox press conference, so don't worry about that.
@ShogunRok "This better be on Xbox one too"
"It's very, very, very likely that it's gonna be at the Xbox press conference, so don't worry about that."
I think he meant he was worried that it would skip X1 for X2, or X4. Hopefully the next Xbox gets a name today.
We doing a live chat for the MS presser? I know it's MS but since Sony isn't having 1 I figure you guys gotta earn your paychecks somehow.
They are lazy devs that looks like it will be next gen, no way they would put the work into that.
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