Spiritfarer had the unfortunate task of following Keanu Reeves during Microsoft’s glitzy E3 2019 press conference yesterday, so you may be forgiven for not paying full attention to it. For those of you curious, though, the management title – which is coming to the PlayStation 4 next year – is all about ferrying spirits to the afterlife. You’ll build up your boat and befriend the dead, before saying goodbye once and for all to your newfound friends.
“Spiritfarer is a positive take on loss,” creative director Nicolas Guerin wrote on the PlayStation Blog. “It’s a fun and loving experience, and above all a game that I never imagined would happen with me at its helm.” Check out the adorable trailer embedded above.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 12
I'm glad this coming to PS4. One if my gripes from MS's show (asides from it spending 15 minutes trying to sell me Game Pass...) is that it was hugely unclear what was MS exclusive and wasn't.
I get that they aren't going to go out of their way to advertise multiplats, but still... every video seemed to start with WORLD PREMIER and GAME PASS DAY 1.
@AhabSpampurse yeah they always do that, MS like people to think that the XBOX is the ONLY place to get the games they chow at E3
you know what they should be made to show ALL the systems the game is on at the event, same with Nintendo and Sony when they do it too
@AhabSpampurse well..... you can get all those games on PC so I dont think its a huge problem anymore
@Amplified true, but I'm one of the few people in the world who doesn't have a functioning PC. I did, and it was a good 'un too, but it died and I've never bothered to fix it. It sits in the corner of my bedroom, a broken husk and depressing reminder of my inherent laziness.
@FullbringIchigo To be fair, Sony and Nintendo only show their own platforms too. As you'd expect.
@get2sammyb yeah i get showing it on their systems but if it's multi platform then they should say it, Sony, MS and Nintendo or at the very least not pretend like it's exclusive to their system when it isn't
for example i had no idea Mincraft Dungeons was multi platform until i saw a PS4 trailer on my youtube sub list
@FullbringIchigo don't they usually have a voiceover saying when a game is exclusive to MS systems?
i remember that from last year. did not watch this year's show.
@jdv95 @FullbringIchigo Yeah that's fair. They just said "World Premiere" for non-exclusives this time.
@jdv95 they did last year but this year they used "Microsoft Games Studio" before some of them and i took that to mean exclusive after all, it says Microsoft in the name
this looks really nice
This looks like it will make me sad at times....
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