Square Enix has confirmed that Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be broken into up parts. However, the publisher was quick to point out that each instalment will be the size of a full game. The first title, simply called Final Fantasy VII Remake, which launches on the 3rd March 2020, will take place in Midgar alone. That's the big city from the beginning of the game, for those totally out of the loop.
That said, Square Enix says Midgar is bigger than ever. It's going to go far more in-depth than the original Final Fantasy VII ever did. Expect way more character interactions and stories.
Are you okay with this news? Twirl your buster sword in the comments section below.
Comments 31
The question is if the new content will be boring filler or something worth playing.
Ummm what? Eish please dont be average. I'm really hoping they dont muck this up and milk the fans
I'm ok with this. I feel like it's better to end the game upon leaving Midgar than, say, at the end of disc 1. There's a lot of potential to fill in the city, develop Cloud and Aeris's relationship, etc. Bold choice, but why not go for it?
I'm fine with this if it's good and big enough. What constitutes a full game length though? 8 hours? 30 hours? It's too vague. Also I worry Square-Enix may only release the one part.
Dang it, when I saw two blu-Ray discs I thought it was gonna be one game with two discs like RDR2. This is gonna get messy as multiple games. I was gonna pre-order, but I don’t know anymore. I don’t lien it being split-up.
I would rather wait a few more years and get a COMPLETE experience. To many variables. But I will purchase.
LOL This game is going to be 6 - 8 blu-rays long by the time the last game comes out.
This does raise some awkward questions about the generation split but I’ll bite. Bit odd for a multi-part game to be spread between PS4 and next-gen so thank goodness for backwards compatibility.
They didn't mentioned when subsequent parts will be releasing, right?
@WanderingBullet Nope, no details on the release schedule whatsoever.
@ShogunRok Ah, ok. Thank you.
Right up until Motodrive battle leaving the city will be fine with me. That includes Wall Market and storming HQ with a fight with Rufus and daddy death. All Sectors open and filled with things to do and this works very well. Each sector is a 'city'. So the second installment uses sector size in perspective when making the city/town (Juno, Gongaga, Rocket Town, Nibelheim, Costa del Sol, Bone Village) and open up the main map minus maybe Wutai (DLC??) And North Continent? 3rd Installment some endgame content (weapons, new in addition to emerald and ruby) and massivr campaign through north continent with big segments in Ancient Forest....stop David...stop lol
@RoyalGuard think of the actual amount of towns and places you travel to in 1997. Now recreate that to current FF graphical and scope standards...each continent is a game in and of itself if you fully realise everything that was a part of the original and its story
Releasing as two blu-ray releases. So I can deal with that. I was expecting 3 parts.
They can call it a "full game" all they want, but it isn't. FF7 was a full game, on PS1, on PC. Yes, it may be long enough and have enough content to be worth the cost, but there is NO POSSIBLE WAY this can end and anyone can think, hmm, that felt like the end of the game. FF7 has 1 ending, that's it. Anything before that it is NOT a full game. It just isn't and won't feel like it.
So yeah, enough content for $60 is possible, but when's the rest? Will we need to purchase a PS5 for part 2 and a PS6 for part 3?
They really need to and should show us the road map. Does this end before Half-life 3? I can't believe they aren't talking and people are OK with it. This is Squenix. 10 years for FFXV. Why any trust?
I'm still confused. Is this first part going to be on 2 blue ray discs as they stated or is that the beginning to the end of the whole game and we are getting just disc 1?
I'm super hyped of course, but would almost rather prefer a slightly LESS robust experience and wait even longer to get the whole game in one chunk.
@Dange 2 bluray releases?
So it is episodic after all.
It does kinda sting that it'll be awhile before we get the complete game, but the potential directions this can go in have my curiosity stoked.
There's no way we're just getting a straight up remake. That would be a massive disappointment.
When playing the original I always wished Midgar was more fleshed out so I'm more than happy with this decision
The Midgar section is like four hours in the original or something. How can they drag this out for a "full game"? And how many episodes is it going to be? Like 12?
"That's the big city from the beginning of the game, for those totally out of the loop."
Like me. Thanks for explaining
I am worried this part will just feel like a big intro. Also a "full game" can last between 30 minutes and 100+h, so this doesn't mean much. Wait and see I guess.
Looks really good so far. I wonder if it ends there so they don't have to bother with the world map until the second game.
Hmmm not too keen on waiting for the next episode, prefer to play em when they are all out. Plus this is out just before Cyberpunk 2077, I wanna keep my gaming calendar free for that bad boy.
@RoyalGuard yeah it's getting released in two separate parts it seems. As mentioned in this posts title Final Fantasy VII Remake's 'First Game' Takes Place in Midgar Alone.
@johncalmc two parts it seems. I was expecting 3 myself but they said the game will come on two blu-ray discs. I assume they meant the whole game comes on two separate blu-ray releases.
@Dange Pretty sure that's two discs just for the first episode.
@LieutenantFatman yeah this post confirms that.
@johncalmc possibly. It was being translated though so I took it they meant the whole game. Otherwise why mention it at all. If the first just takes place in Midgar then surely that's just one disc.
@Dange https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/06/e3_2019_final_fantasy_vii_remake_is_spread_across_two_discs_and_thats_just_midgar
@johncalmc wow, fair enough. I assumed incorrectly then. That's a real shame.
Come on, this is silly. I remember them saying FF VII was too big to remake and it had to be made on multiple episodes. That's stupid. They've had a horrible production cycle and them releasing a two disc FIRST part of the game is them justifying development hell and get enough revenue and to keep investors happy for the next part. Cyberpunk 2077 will probably be a gigantic game, just like Witcher 3 and you won't see them releasing an unfinished product. Now Square will sell $60 dollars of a first part of a remake that took just one game! That's BS if you ask me. You didn't see them pull that sh*t with FFXV, did we? They don't want the mockery nor the same awful situation they had with that game.
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