You know, the PlayStation Plus lineup for June isn't bad at all -- at least, that's what we think. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Sonic Mania? That's a rock solid selection right there, but we do understand that they're both well received and quite popular PlayStation 4 games -- the kind of games that many of you will no doubt already own.
And so here we are with another PS Plus opinion poll. Are you happy with your PS4 games for June? Which title are you most looking forward to play, if any? Vote in our polls, and then give us your honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 62
Yeah it's pretty good.
I nearly bought Borderlands Handsome Collection last month, but I didn't get around to it. So my main emotion is relief. (US only prolly) is currently selling 1 year of PS+ for $45 after discount code, which I could probably find if you asked nice. Or you could just google it.
I would have like the PS+ selection but I already own them. This is one reason Sony should just give something like a free $20 PSN credit to everyone who has PS+ that way everyone can get something.
I'm pretty happy with them. I never played the Pre-Sequel and I'm wondering if it's the vanilla version of Sonic Mania or Sonic Mania Plus. I already have the vanilla version of the game, just never got around to buying the plus DLC.
I'm going to be all over Borderlands Handsome Collection! I have been debating getting it for awhile now
@Deadlyblack Pre-Sequel is ok, it feels more like a DLC then a full fledge game but for free, can't go wrong.
Played the heck out of Sonic Mania, and no real interest in Borderlands. Not the best month for me, but it’s a decent selection.
I'm very happy about this month's offerings. Then again, I'm always happy to receive what is essentially free stuff. June's games are exceptional though and I will certainly play the heck out of BL and Sonic.
I have no desire to play either game, but it seems pretty standard for my opinion to be the opposite of the majority when it comes to ps+ content, so no surprise there.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets How is this essentially free at all? You need to pay for these games, and if you stop paying you lose the games..
I’ve never played a Borderlands game. I’m excited to test the games for free. I was always interested because of the comic art style though.
plenty happy, will have a dabble with sonic although not much of a fan, looking forward to borderlands before I try out the VR version
@Deadlyblack funnily enough I have plus and I want the vanilla version. I'm hoping it has the unedited boss battles!
Both pretty good games, can't complain in terms of quality. But chances are, I'll never get round to playing them either way. on the 12th Colossus atm, and then CTR will take over my life.
@rjejr eBay got a year for 43$I'm buying that this weekend .word up son
Best PS+ month so far this year.
Well, last month there was this ground swell of Plusers up in arms about two low-priced games that we got and this month it’s rainbows and giggles for these two games that are probably about the same monetary value. 🙄
Yeah, Handsome Collection sells for $60 but no one buys it for that. It’s on sale all the time for $15-20 and Sonic retails for $20 base price. Me, I’m happy with the month since I don’t have either game (well, I have BL2 on PS3 and Vita, but not HC) and Sonic is a game I probably would never buy even for $1 and this is the only way I’ll be exposed to it.
@LieutenantFatman What would be your ideal line up? Without being ridiculous of course
For me, something like Rocket League is the perfect ps+ game. That was a game most people were keen to team up and play with friends, it was awesome.
Not too shabby at all!
Sonic Mania is top shelf, & Borderlands is good co-op fun.
@Tasuki So you could buy a month of Plus with Plus money and have money to still spend?
They brought in the good stuff at good timing.
@BezBot I paid $45 for a year of online access, ps plus sales, exclusive content as well as at minimum 24! "free" games. If I have to break down the math for you as to why I said these games are essentially free, let me know.
Finally a game i dont own! Sonic mania that is. Havent played a sonic game in years!
@ellsworth004 It's straight up anazing especially for those who remember the Genesis Sonic games
@tasuki that would be a good idea... Maybe a 10$ credit for those of us with both games... However, this is the 1st month I'm excited for the titles in awhile yay 🤓
@Tasuki $20 a month?
much better than last month at least, going to download sonic mania, already have borderlands collection.
Fair play to Sony, good month for games
Yeah, this is much more like it!
They're good picks - but this is a rare month where I already own one (Sonic Mania) and have no interest whatsoever in the other.
Borderlands is pretty good. They're both old games but they're both good old games so that's fine by me. I've already got it though, and played it.
Sonic is Sonic so no.
Easily better than the last couple of months, but still feel it needs to improve a little.
@Tasuki what they should do is say "for PS+ you can select any 2 games off the PlayStation Store each month to have for free as long as you remain a member of PS+"
either that or just drop the free games and make PSNow part of the package
@BridgeToClarity I was very pleasantly surprised with it. Many games like that I find tedious but Edith Finch was fantastic.
This is a fantastic month, but not for me lol. I don't really have any interest in Borderlands, and I've owned Sonic Mania for almost two years now.
I pay 6.99 a month so they ain't really free, but it is what it is, won't be bothering with these games myself though.
PS Plus has lots a good games but is rare to find a good one I have not already played.
I've been on the verge of buying the Handsome collection so I'm happy that it's going to be on PS Plus and I'll get to play it. I'm glad these are really good games this month
The demand for knack 2 cannot be denied forever but this is good as well.
@FullbringIchigo any? Like 2 games that cost over 100 dollars? Every month?
@naruball well there would have to be some limitation like you can only chose the base versions so nothing with a season pass or any "Ultimate Editions" or whatever they are called so there shouldn't be a game over £50
or of course you could limit it to one game of your choice but again just the base versions
but i still think dropping the free games and adding PSNow to the service would be the best thing to do, as long as your on PS+ you would have access to hundreds of games that way
@LieutenantFatman You're not alone. You have an ally, who also feels the same way about PS+ offerings.
@FullbringIchigo even one game is too much. The math simply doesn't make sense. There is no way Ubisoft would agree for gamers to get the latest Assassin's Creed for free. Same with any company, really. Sony would have to pay a fortune to afford that and with around 60 dollars (per year!) that each person pays at best, they wouldn't be able to cover the costs.
They can't add psnow everywhere, because it's not available everywhere and because it requires for most games (i.e. non ps4 that you can download) a stable connection.
But a wider selection, like the one provided on psnow, would perhaps make more sense.
@naruball what about if your limited to games say over 3 years old or something
but yeah giving a selection of games to chose from each month would be nice say like chose any 2 of these 6 games
@FullbringIchigo That would make much more sense, but negotiations with all those companies would still take forever.
I own sonic + and its bloody amazing, as for BL i will give it a go and see what all the fuss is about so all in all a good month for me
Never got around to Sonic Mania so this was a nice announcement.
Already own both, but I am happy they're giving away good games again.
@playstation1995 "eBay got a year for 43$"
I know that post was a week ago - I'm cleaning out my inbox, had 1,111 unread emails - but looks like PS+ is $40 this week on PSN, maybe some places physical. Still haven't bought it yet but I think the sale lasts another week so I'm looking around.
I get 3% back on Amazon w/ my Visa credit card.
Might have some credit at Gamestop.
@rjejr yeah I just bought a 12 month psplus 5 days good for June 2020.i will buy another one before the months is over.word up son
@playstation1995 If you're good until June 2020 Id' seriously wait to buy any more. While it's likely Sony won't start giving away free online with PS5 it is possible they combine it with PS Now or PS Vue or some combination of the two. Or maybe PS5 is going to cost $500 so they'll give away free 3 months or something.
I'm looking to buy a year now b/c I don't think PS5 can launch before spring 2020 but I wouldn't buy more than a year. Plus PS+ has been PS- recently, raise the price, reduce the benefits to 2 games per month. Maybe it's time they scrap PS+ and start over with something new.
@rjejr I agree with you.whats your expectation for Microsoft e3 today.hopefully we get a dragon dogma 2.and dino crisis reboot.and from software new game.and bethesda give me evil within 3.and square Enid give me a parasite Eve remaster.word up son
@rjejr I think ps5 will still have free psplus game.and ps4 still gonna be supported till 2023 or 2024 depending if it's coming next year.they still will have them for ps4.psplus is monthly games.although I will like 2 AAA games and 2 Indies every month.word up son
@playstation1995 I forgot Microsfot was today so I have no expectations.
Is MS supposed to be talking about their next gen hardware after X1X? That would be worth watching. It's 4:00 by us, may be outside doing yard-work, but that might be a good snack time for ice cream.
I'd really like PS+ to get 1 PSVR game per month. There are enough games by now. And then maybe more people would BUY a PSVR headset if they knew they would get 1 game per month.
@rjejr Sammy from will be having the Microsoft e3 today right here on I will be watching it.from software new game will be it's all good.word up son
@rjejr yeah but 2 AAA games and 2 Indies games is good also.word up son
@playstation1995 I watched the Microsoft E3 show on here. Were you commenting? All I recall is BAMozzy spoiling everything, Keanu Reeves and a new console code-named Scarlett which I feel like I've known for at least a year now. That's about it. A little too long, a little too boring.
@rjejr yeah I was watching the Microsoft press conference here.bamozzy spoiling everything haha.for real at first it was good.but the show got tired real fast.and I couldn't wait for it to be over.keanu Reaves is the man.but I'm happy that Microsoft didn't buy io interactive.the makers of hitman.they want to be independent.and plus Warner brothers is publishing the games.its all good.word up son
@playstation1995 Microsoft buys a lot of companies, but not the ones that matter like Rockstar or CD Project RED. They can have Double Fine and all the little indies they like, indies are a dime a dozen, the Switch eShop has 2 dozen new indie games every single week. If Microsoft buys Nintendo then I'll worry.
@rjejr I couldn't care less about double fine.i don't really like psychonauts.but I'm glad that io interactive the hitman makers are not going to s🙉🙊🙈box.haha.long live hitman.word up son
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