We all have fond memories of the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill experiences, but developer Throw the Warped Code Out is taking things one step further by releasing a title on PS4 and PS Vita next week that emulates those tense and dramatic survival horror moments.

Titled Back in 1995, it looks just like a game straight out of the PSone 32-bit generation. "Explore a sparse cityscape in the year 1995, littered with clues about the past. Uncover the mystery of yourself, your daughter, and what happened to the city." There'll be fixed camera angles galore, retro 3D graphics, low res models and textures, as well as CRT emulation.

The game received a thoroughly mixed reception upon its PC release over three years ago, but let's hope the time and effort put into the PS4 and Vita ports makes the over 1000 day wait worth it. Are you interested in this PSone throwback? Scavenge for bullets in the comments below.

[source blog.us.playstation.com]