Cyberpunk 2077 Game Over

It sounds like Cyberpunk 2077 is taking its role-playing very seriously, as a recent developer interview on German site GameStar (thanks Reddit for the translation) reveals an interesting detail regarding mission design.

The gist of it is that you'll never see a game over screen unless you character dies. Supposedly, this means that missions can fail and the story will simply carry on. Sure, your sloppy handiwork may have consequences later down the line, but that's what role-playing's all about, innit.

We love stuff like this. Remember how in old Assassin's Creed games, for example, you'd have those instant-fail stealth sections where you'd hit a game over screen if you were spotted? None of that nonsense here, and boy are we glad.

What do you make of this design? Don't botch the job in the comments section below.

[source, via]