Microsoft is believed to be in the advanced stages of releasing a disc-less Xbox One S console, imaginatively named – wait for this one – the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition. While that’s a title straight out of the hallowed halls of a Redmond office if ever we’ve seen one, strong speculation suggests the device will deploy as soon as May of this year.
According to the rumour mill, the stripped-back system will mimic a standard Xbox One S in almost all areas, but it will ship without a Blu-ray disc drive, meaning it will only play digital games. Given the company’s focus on initiatives such as Xbox Game Pass, it makes perfect sense, and it sounds like the unit could ship for $200 or less – a very attractive price point.
But is it something that Sony should be considering? Much of the Japanese giant’s success this generation has been built on its consumer-friendly image, and that all started with a short video of Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida and former Third-Party Relations chief Adam Boyes passing each other a copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall. Times have changed since then, though.

Digital sales are undoubtedly on the ascension, with some publishers reporting splits as high as 50 per cent between downloads and disc sales. Moreover, services like PlayStation Now and even PlayStation Plus are increasingly pushing consumers away from physical purchases, even if they remain a popular option for many in locations with poorer Internet connections.
Of course, many of you will remember that Sony was at the forefront of this almost a decade ago with the PSPgo. The slim-line, sliding handheld was generally ahead of its time, but while it was an excellently designed device, it got panned for its lack of UMD support. Back then, though, the PS Store was far less established, and many games didn’t even deploy digitally at launch.
That’s change dramatically over the past five or so years, with virtually all PS4 games receiving a digital edition, and the pricing getting better – particularly in key regions like the United States. Regular discounts and promotions mean that it is now viable to download the vast majority of your games, and extendable storage solutions means that you’ll always have an abundance of space.

The removal of the disc drive also means an end to movie and music playback, but with services like Netflix and Spotify ruling the roost in those departments, it’s not really a humongous loss. As such, it does feel like there probably could be a sizeable market for a disc-less PS4 console – but is it something that Sony should be looking to introduce?
Microsoft is no doubt going to have a huge price advantage when it unveils its all-but confirmed digital-only revision, but Sony may feel that the market isn’t quite ready for a disc-less device at this stage. Even if it doesn’t have something similar planned, you can bet that it will be watching intently, because whether you like it or not, this industry is moving away from physical games.
Would you buy a disc-less PS4 at all? Are you worried about the impending digital-only future? How much would you expect to pay for a PlayStation that only offered downloadable games? Would you be tempted by a hypothetical PS5 that didn’t have a Blu-ray drive? Eject in the comments section below.
Comments 101
then how would the rumoured backwards compatibility work without a disc drive, i can see them having 2 versions of the PS5, one with and one without but if it launched with no disc drive as the only option then...
Only if I had absolutely no other option, but I wouldn't be massively happy about it
@_get2sammyb I was going to ask you about this yesterday, but figured I'd catch the usual flack as it's not Sony related. Good to see you take the blinders off every once in awhile. 😁
PS4 Mini would be fine, PS5 needs a disc drive.
Hey @Rhyno look Xbox MIni is coming.
I'd consider a digital only ps4 if the price is right and its in a smalelr formfactor. However I do think PS5 should have a disc drive if there is only gonna be one option.
My issue at the moment is more being held hostage by digital prices. A AAA launch game is more expensive digitally than physical. I don’t tend to trade in games but I do still like having them on the shelf.
For MS though they want people buying passes so a cheaper digital model is a good idea
No way José.
I like to collect physical copies of my favorite games and series.
Can we ban the 1 person who voted yes from the site? Just asking. 😉
Not with internet speeds the way they are in many places in the US. I’d kill to have Comcast (and I’m only an hour away from Philadelphia) it takes me multiple days to download ps+ games most of the time.
I have acquired a large number of games since the PS4 launched. So many so that I have an 8TB external drive to house them all, and it only has 1TB of space left after Sony’s PS4 partition reserved that space for God knows what.
Of all those games, I only own two physical copies. And one was because it was bundled with an Aim controller.
That said, I use my PS4’s disc drive for DVD and Blu-Ray movies at least weekly, and I need a 3D drive at that for my Marvel collection.
No way José.
Physically the price is the same and we get something to hold on to. So, digitaly we are paying more for the samething.
I would absolutely in a heartbeat if it was priced right. I bought Titanfall 2 last month and that was the first disc game I had bought in probably 3 years. I do hope it's an option next gen especially however I don't want it to be the only option because it would exclude a lot of folks. But for someone like me who is basically all digital at this point if they could shave a good chunk off the price I would be in!
If it didn’t have a disk drive I couldn’t play a game from a different region without lying about where I live. I want to be able to import games that don’t get released in Europe.
Never ever ever. Digital rights is too pro to the big companies. I want to be able to play my content when I want too.
In short, no.
Not while every digital purchase is a license and I have no rights to manage the content.
you got to be on drugs dog he'll naw. no way.im old school so physical is the g.o.a.t.word up son
and digital games are more expensive than on physical.u can buy banner saga for 30$ brand new on eBay all the times.online is like 60$ bucks.word up son
Dude that Xbox is Named Xbox SAD lmao.
This Gen We got
Xbox One
Xbox One S
Xbox One Elite
Xbox One X
And Xbox One SAD.
@rjejr its red214. he voted yes. 🙈 wtf.playstation ain't Microsoft.a disc is the best.word up son
I regularly watch DVD's on my PS4, plus I always get family to buy me physical videogames for Christmas & Birthdays so I'd still want something that can play discs!
I don't want a disc-less console but if that happens, then I would be buying a whole lot less games and it would be the first time I wouldn't buy a console at launch but instead wait until it's even cheaper with games bundled with it.
I'm okay with there being a diskless version as an extra option, but I would not buy it. Disks are usually cheaper than buying a digital version over here.
The vast majority of my PS4 games are digital. With that said, I like having the option to purchase games physically. Also, they'd have to substantially reduce the price, given how significantly that limits my options when playing games.
With that said, if consoles eventually go full digital, I won't have any issues whatsoever.
Get that junk out of my sight.
I can't answer the 2nd question about the 'price' as I wouldn't be interested in buying a discless PS4, PS5 or any console - if there is a Disc version I will ALWAYS buy that.
Taking away the disc drive affects not only gaming but any 'disc' based multi-media functionality. A fair few people bought an Xbox One S as a 'cheap' alternative for a 4k HDR Bluray player as the alternative dedicated players started at the same price and a lot of people use their console as a multi-media device for DVD's and/or Blurays - not just for gaming.
Cutting out the disc-drive does limit the functionality and features of a console. If you only want digital gaming and streaming of media, then fine - it can be a 'budget' option but any money you poor into it, whether that's buying digital games or digital media, is dead money. If you opt to trade it in, any digital content will be worthless and you will never see any money back from the investment.
I will always believe that giving choice to the consumer is the right way to go. By removing that 'choice' you are also removing the competition from 'retailer' stores and locking you into just one store. You won't get the choice to buy games from Amazon, Game, ShopTo etc, you will be locked into buying from MS or Sony's Store only. By having the Disc Drive, you still have the choice to buy from MS/Sony digital stores, but also the option to take advantage of any 'retailer' competition and sales too.
If MS/Sony decide not to offer games on sale, because there is NO competition from Physical retailers, you either pay their price or go without. You can't borrow games from a friend/relative, can't trade it in and you lose any 'choice' to shop around, get the 'best' deal.
For a bit more money, I would ALWAYS buy a disc based console and buy most of my games via physical format where possible. That will also mean at anytime, whether the console is no longer able to connect to the internet or not, I can ALWAYS play any of my Physical games at anytime offline. I know some games (Destiny for example) will die as soon as the console servers are turned off for online gaming, but NO ONE can stop me playing the majority of my other games offline.
Until they allow every retailer to have a digital store on a console, allow game trading/sharing with ANY friend at ANY time and guarantee that the Console will never be turned off, never remove any game so it can be redownloaded any time if you own it (haven't traded it for example) then I will never go all digital - the only time I will though is if there is no choice at all.
It isn't just the trading or lack of 'value' to these games, I much prefer getting something 'physical' for my money. I love getting the physical box, breaking the seal and opening the case, reading/looking at any enclosed leaflets etc. I also like buying Limited/Special editions with steel book cases, artbooks to look through and any other physical gifts I get with these Physical purchases. I like seeing the game boxes on my shelf, seeing my collection grow. I like deciding where each game lives on my shelf, moving game cases to create a slot for my 'new' game. All of this is missing when I buy digital. I even like looking at the spines of the cases, looking to see what games spark some enthusiasm or inspiration to play. Sometimes, I know I want to play but not sure what I want to play until I look at the spines to see what 'jumps' out and says 'play me'... I don't get that at all with digital and don't really want to turn on my consoles to try and find inspiration in my digital library. Owning both a PS and XB, I would need to turn both on to look through both libraries to find that game I want to play. I often forget which digital games I have - especially with PS+ and GwG offerings...
Nope. The day I can't physically own the disk is the day I stop purchasing games and consoles. I might as well go PC at that point unfortunately. I'm perfectly happy with the four generations of video games to keep me entertained for the rest of my life. If i really wanted a game on a future disc less console. I promise I won't be buying the console or game for full price like i always have. I'll patiently wait for that weekend where I get the game for $15 or less right after i buy the console at a pawn shop.
But I also have faith in Sony for supporting discs for atleast 2 more generations...hopefully.
Its not for me. The vita has seen titles like spiderman, epic mickey 2, one piece, digimon cyber sleuth, virtua tennis 4, shinobido 2, lumines electric symphony and ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 delisted from the store meaning that physical releases are the only way to preserve/play them.
Im not against a cheaper digital only option, but there should always be an option for a console that plays physical media.
Sadly i think the market is shifting towards that digital future. Physical ps4 games are effectively only licences to play anyway, with the whole game downloaded onto your hard drive.
It wouldnt be so bad if you could guarentee that you could always access your previous purchases, but there are no guarentees that this will be the case.
And you cant exclude a large chunk of your market who cannot guarantee or cannot access a consistent and decent internet speed
I'd buy one as a secondary to my Pro if it was under £100. Not worth more than that as you can get a disc based PS4 under £200.
I already have a PS4 and a PS4 Pro, but the answer would be no in principle. If PS5 has no drive it'll crash and burn imo, and I certainly wouldn't pick one up. Blu-ray drives cost very little, so removing it is not going to slash the cost of the device.
Well Xbox has no games, might as well not have a disc drive! 😉
But seriously, I prefer physical copies of my games. Whether or not that lasts we'll see...
I hate clutter. I got rid of all my boxed games (and all my books, old magazines, etc.) about a year ago and since then I've been buying everything digitally. I wouldn't want it any other way now, so I'd be up for it.
I havent bought a PS4 disc in 5yrs. But I watch Blurays and DVDs almost once a week. So a disc-less console would not suit me.
Even though I’ve gone all digital this gen I still wouldn’t want the next new Xbox and PS5 to release without a Blu-ray disc drive. I rent the majority of games that come out each year which saves me many hundreds of pounds (saved over 7 grand in 5 years) and only buy games digitally if it’s something huge like RDR2 or a franchise I love like Hitman or something that’s really cheap in a sale.
If the next new Xbox is a disc-less only console then I’d be jumping over to the PS5 even though I’d be losing out to the great Xbox Live service, controller and the Achievements. I’ve never bothered with PS trophies and I’ve actually enjoyed playing the games more without actively going for them. In a weird way it would be a relief to me if the next new Xbox is disc-less because the choice would be easy to switch to PS5 and knowing I’ll just enjoy the games more with bothering with trophies.
As usual it comes down to the cost of the games. Unless there is a sale on the digital store fronts, you can get most games cheaper physically.
you cannot expect someone who has already invested thousands of dollars into physical ps4 media to want a disc-less ps4. it makes no logical sense. also, why on earth would i want to take away the option to trade physical games with friends or purchase a game used at a cheaper price?
that said, i think ps5 will launch with possibly three different skus — one of which will be digital-only, as well as a streaming-only console and of course, a traditional console with a media drive. giving the consumer the option is fine by me. so long as i can play my physical ps4 games on my ps5, i will be satisfied.
in my opinion, a disc-less console greatly limits a consumer's options so i have no idea why someone would take that route. even a person that is heavily into digital downloads may at some point want to borrow a game from a friend, etc... so why limit yourself? sure, the disc-less sku might cost $50 less or something, but that is a small price to pay for a fully backwards compatible console, especially if ps1, ps2 and ps3 discs might play on a ps5! o yea, and i HATE waiting hours to download large files... so much more convenient to pop in a disc and only worry about the patches and updates digitally.
@Farmboy74 not to mention you can easily trade or sell your used games down the line should you wish to. investing in a digital library has not a single advantage in my opinion other than saving shelf space
Given Sony owns BluRay and adores proprietary storage...never happening.
Plus itd need to xome with a good few TBs of storage. Not that it matters. Optical media is outdated and requires installing anyway.
Even the next up from Bluray wont hold a fair few 4k games in full, and would be laughably slow.
I've got no issue with them releasing a discless console along side a standard one, but if they cut the option to buy physical games completely then I'd be annoyed.
Digital only would not interest me, so I wouldn't buy it. I don't like how it's already rendered many games delisted for sale and therefore lost. Plus, you own nothing you can trade after you've paid once... not for me.
@rjejr: It'sHappening.gif
Digital is far far too expensive. Granted they get close to shop prices 2 years after release but as no physical copy to make or distribute etc it should at the very worst be on an equal to shops and online retailers prices. Indie titles a different story of course.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. NOPE
As with a cardless Switch, no. To parrot my NL comment, IMHO consoles should dispense with physical media from the start or at least before the appearance of physical-only releases - otherwise you run into backward compatibility issue. How would I play my Disney Infinity 3.0 on a diskless PS4?
No discs no collection no games no console THE END. Also I mean Ps5 will be the last generation for me. Then I ll transfer to pc. Getting old
The nays have it.
Pros of physical are....
You own your purchase
You can play your games without worries of your purchases being taken from you through a banned profile.
You can borrow your friends copy for free without risking your profile information getting out.
You don't have to worry about data caps when trying to play a new game.
Your library of games won't be stuck on a single console.
Physical games never disappear unlike many digital only games that I wish to play but can't due to licence issues, like Scott Pilgrim VS the World and PT.
You have a fine ass library of decent cases to show off.
Btw have any of you ever had you console break on you to the point where you can't even backup your library of games? I have and I will NEVER buy another digital only game ever again.
Yes deffo disc less for me put the console a bit more expensive and drop the price of the games every ones a winner
Nope, not unless they changed their family account policies. You can get amazing deals on digital games and the convenience is obvious, however for multi-console households it doesn't work. My kids can't play half of our games if someone else is playing a digital game under the current policies. We have 3 consoles, one shared and two in bedrooms, digital only under the current rules would mean only one console could be used at a time. Compare that to grabbing a disc and playing it on any console you want.
@MinerWilly Remember when publishers lied to everyone about digital games being cheaper? Notice how these 3rd party publishers suddenly stopped making that idiotic argument.
Publishers are complete liars, just look at how their new lies about microtransactions in retail priced games are are being debunked as fast climate change deniers lol:D
The one reason why I don't buy digital at launch is the over the top price, if the UK government would maybe give out tax breaks to gaming and media then prices may come down. But I find it stupid that a game at launch is £50 in store but £55 or 65 digital
Depends on the game prices, a full-priced console game is typically more expensive digitally (considerably so) than its disc version. The exception being Indie games. A BluRay player is not that expensive. So I would be OK with it.
It might however give Sony an excuse to increase the digital prices and raise the price of its online (multiplayer) fees. And while a disc-less Playstation might be cheap-ish in the States, it will still be rather expensive in other parts of the world.
Would I buy a disc-less PS5? Absolutely not if I had any option.
For the same reasons I'm not interested in streaming games. I don't want to be reliant on an internet connection to buy or play my games, and they amount to little more than glorified rentals, which could be taken away at any time for a variety of reasons.
Not to mention the fact that I don't want to be locked in to the ridiculous prices they charge online.
I bought a gaming PC last year, but all I've bought for it via Steam are games which aren't (or weren't) available on console. Why? Because I prefer to have something physical which I actually own.
Also because I want to be able to sell it on when I'm done with it. Incidentally, remember back in 2012 when the EU ruled that it was legal to sell on digital software when we're done with it? Seven years later, has anyone actually provided the means for us to do so?
@Gremio108 I literally just started Suikoden for the first time last week. Gremio looks after Young Master well.
i would rather pay 500 bucks for a base ps4 model than getting a 200 dollar digital only version.
now happily we know that there will be a disc based ps5 since sony themselves said not that long ago that there is still a place for physical games.
but yeah even if the console would be 300 bucks cheaper than a disc based version,i will always support the physical market by buying the disc based systems.
Basically copy-pasting what I said on Nintendo Life that it doesn't matter to me either way, as with the way the games industry is going, I'm probably not going to by a new console anyway
Seriously they do it on purpose or are they just not thinking?
An xb1 Sad....XD Nobody would have believe it if it was a joke last month.
I would if it was portable.
I think there's a market for it tbh and I'd potentially consider it for next gen.
And I say this as a collector of over 1000 physical games and counting.
@nessisonett Thank you. Oh how I do wish the Young Master would be more careful.
No, I like physical and don’t want games do always be $60 unless there’s a flash sale. Games will be terribly overpriced if we only have digital. No competition is a terrible idea.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooo.
Although I have brought quite a few games digitally, I choose physical as my preference. If I exchanged my current Pro for a discless variant I would not be able to play half my games.
Now, if the PS5 launched discless, I would probably not buy it, or I would wait for some major price drops before even considering it. The digital future, although it looks inevitable, is something that I will deny for as long as possible.
A discless console wouldn't interest me. I live in a fast internet area and have a lot of digital games because the sales are so amazing these days, but when I want to buy a game on release day then a physical copy of a big release can be as little as £38 from some reputable online retailers in the UK, which is a big difference from digital day one prices! Also, I think lack of competition from retailers could lead to the base prices of big releases rising in coming years (in addition to existing mtx still steadily continuing to get worse I mean).
@Jumpingjack makes a good point about Sony's awful family account policy too, which would make taking away the option of a physical copy extremely unfair to consumers. The only way I can share digital games with my brother (and it's only him) is to set his console as my primary and if I didn't have good internet then even that would be a problem for me, as playing games on a secondary requires frequent automatic WiFi connection checks in the background I think.
I still have some attachments to physical media, but only if it’s something I adore. Otherwise I have noticed a trend that I’m shifting to digital more.
I’m can see that digital and streaming are going to be the future and I told myself that I wouldn’t practice ageist tactics and resist the new trends that come throughout my life.
That being said, physical should always be an option for those who want to consume it and because the majority of the world does not have the wireless structure to support all digital.
I would buy a disc-less PS5, but for me to invest in a disc-less ps4, it would need to do something my Pro cannot?
I'm still hoping PS5 supports UHD blurays though.
When I got introduced to steam 10 years ago I actually went all digital. Than when I got a wiiU I sold my entire ds, gba, gbc and gb library for €0,50 per game (every game of which was boxed with the manual) but when I got my ps4 I decided to slowly steer back to physical games, than I got 75 games for free january last year and decided to go 100% physical.
I haven’t bought a digital game in over a year anymore with the exception of what ps+ offers me for free. I’m currently 6 games away from having 500 physical games.
@Porco Some of the other advantages I see in digital games include not being able to lose, scratch, or break the disc, being able to log into a different ps4/ps3 and play the game without having the disc available, and not having to switch out the disc for the game I want to play (that last one is simply lazy, yes, but I've been in scenarios where me and/or a friend were literally too lazy to go get the other game and ended up playing a different game that was already on the system). You made a strong argument for physical games and I see your points, so I'm definitely not trying to change your mind or anything, but I felt compelled to point out some of the small advantages I see in digital games.
There are pros and cons to each, and it seems that it just depends on the person and their lifestyle to determine which is better. That said, a console with a disc drive can still play digital games, while a console without a disc drive obviously can't play discs. If these two hypothetical consoles were the same price, the one with a disc drive and therefore more options is of course objectively superior. However, I personally would not hesitate to buy a ps5 without a disc drive if the price was significantly lower than a ps5 with a disc drive.
The same people who complain about no discs are the same people who buy vinyl records. You, friends, are a dying breed relegated to the media backwoods.
The future is digital.
I'm not sure about other countries but in the UK digital games on release cost around £15 more than if you were to buy it on disc. This is why I would never go digital only. It would be too expensive for me.
Also digital games don't go on sale as often as physical games, for example I could buy God of war now for £34.00 but digitally its being sold for £54.99
If it wasn't for the high cost of paying for digital then id probably be all for digital only.
No way would I ever purchase a console with no disc drive, customers should always have freedom of choice and it would honestly be the end of gaming for me because they don’t want people downloading gaming they want streaming services that would only keep going up in price and looking at what’s been released recently that pass would be getting cancelled.
See they have you by the nuts with services a bit like joining a gym after you lose you drive to keep going you totally forget your paying £30 a month and your not even using it and it’s the same for gaming ea could keep pumping out there s**t games loaded with micro transactions and it goes matter if you stream it they’ve got your £30.
M$ don't give up. This will suit them down to the ground. You'd be locked in their 'game pass' service or pay a fortune on the Xbox store where games are over priced.
It's a bad idea, you'd end up paying more in the end
I don't want to pay more money for a game I don't even get to actually own. Physical costs at least 20% less, then you can trade it in and save even more money, or sell it on eBay. Plus, you don't even have a refund option on PS4 with digital purchases, so you're wasting a load of money to get nothing but a bundle of disadvantages. Oh, and not having to change a disc, that's not worth £10 and no ability to sell or lend, though.
Microsoft went with the expensive 4K UHD blu-ray now they want to take it out. I would love to have a 4K UHD blu-ray in the PS5 but would settle for HD just to keep one in the PS5.
The standard HD blue-ray cost Sony about $8.00 or less. I can buy one for $10-$15.00 retail. That's not enough savings to cut the price. Many times I buy Physical Disc for less than Digital cost.
They are a great buy on Black Friday. If Playstation goes all digital I will just go back to my PC all digital games. I left the PC in 2013 because of the physical games consoles had.
@Ryno I knew my spelling of Rhyno looked wrong, but I couldn't figure out why. 😛
@playstation1995 Never heard of red. I figured it wasn't anyone I knew, I try to only associate w/ people who have common sense. 😎
Yikes, it's up to like 100 people now. Still probably nobody I know.
I reread the question to see if I misunderstood, I'm actually OK w/ a cheap new slim digital only PS4, at 90m they are pretty much reaching the saturation point on that 5 year old console, but the PS5 needs to launch w/ a disc drive. W/o a disc drive it isn't even a PS5, it's a PSTV 2.
I dont buy disks for too many games anyway outside of a select few, so if Sony put out a diskless PS4 Pro, I'd probably sell/hand my Pro to someone else.
@rjejr no digital for me that will start a trend.and Microsoft already start the ball rolling.nah PlayStation is the king.we don't need a online ps5 disc less.the games on psn is way overpriced monster Hunter world is 50$ on psn.i can get monster Hunter world for 25$ .brand new on eBay.word up son
Nop. If paying $60 I want a game I can sell, trade or give away.
Also, Retail prices always more in-line with actual demand. If not you have eBay.
No thanks, I like to able to try the games and sell it again if I'm not interested in it, or play the game and sell it again if the single player is good but I'm not interested in replaying it, I can't do that with digital only console.
But I think it will be interesting if ps5 come with external bdray so the main console itself is smaller.
@playstation1995 My library has a decent selection of PS3, PS4, Wii U and Switch games. I play a lot of games for free. LEGALLY. Can't do that with a disc-less system.
I would never, ever buy one, but it's good for the option to exist for those who want it.
I'd only ever buy a disc-less console if it was the only version of the system available. Otherwise I would never consider it.
I only have 2 physical games out of HUNDREDS, so im all for discless if the system is significantly cheaper.
I truly believe digital games should not be priced as high as physical for all the obvious reasons. Here in canadian its crazy that even digital games that cost nothing to build, ship or store still cost $80 like their physical counterparts. They should knock em down to $60.
I think we need to remember that not all countries have a good internet infrastructure so a disc version will still be needed in many parts of the world. We can't yet rely solely on digital.
It starts with a digital only console, then it leads to a streaming only console.
No thanks, keep that garbage for the xbox fan base.
Wouldn't bother me, all my games are digital anyway. Much more convenient than messing around with disks.
Discless PS4? Verrrry interesting, but stupid! I would not be able to play my physical copies. Nooooooooo waaaaaaaay !
However for those that are all digitall a discless console makes sense. I imagine they would rather have a 2TB internal and no disc player instead of a 1TB internal with a disc drive that they never use.
For the PS5 i want a disc player and at least a 2TB internal hdd.
The only game I buy physical is the yearly release of PES because I know I will buy next years version regardless and I can recoup a bit of money from the old one. Everything else I buy is digital, so i'm not bothered about a disc drive.
In fact, if Sony could ensure EVERY game was available via PS Now, I'd happily pay a sub for that at x amount per year.
Personally I would like the option to have a disc-less PS5 (too late for a PS4 version but the Xbox one can prove me wrong there). The vast majority of my PS4 games are digital - I have 4TBs worth verse about 5 or 6 disc left that I haven't been bothered to get rid of but never play. Long term the additional manufacturing costs, use of plastic and the demise of the high street will see and end to physical games anyhow.
@rjejr that's for x box.i been playing video games since 1981. and I'm always a disc physical video games fan.i buy games on psn.but I like my retail games better.i love video games box art 😄.word up son
Even though I exclusively buy digital games, I wouldn't buy a console without a disc drive if there was one available that had a disc drive, even if it was significantly cheaper. I get games from Christmas and birthdays, and I like being able to slum it and watch a DVD every now and again.
Methinks M$ are getting panicky about their stalling sales.
The PS4 has won this gen by a comfortable margin so if the PS5 features a 4K blu-ray drive (most likely) and is BC with the PS4, a lot of people won't have a reason to look at the Xbox.
So let M$ bring out a drive-less Xbox and then watch Sony drop the base PS4 to the same price with a blu-ray built in. And besides, anyone who wanted an Xbox has already got one, I suspect so who would this be trying to woo?
If digital games were far cheaper than they are now, then yeh I would maybe consider it, but prices for digital games are revolting, theres no way they should ever be higher than their physical version.
Or maybe perhaps pair it with a PS Now subscription, that would be a pretty good package
looking at the best selling games digitally worldwide last month for console, FIFA 18 (yes 18) was 10th, and rainbow sixth siege was 9th. GTA V was 4th. these are all old titles. three other sports games are in the top 10. the data to support that new games must be selling millions of digital copies just isn't there, imo. the idea that the next generation of consoles could survive, or at least the AAA aspect of it, as digital only is deluded, imo.
It's nice option to have, option being the operative word here. Personally I have no interest in a console that doesn't feature a disc drive and that'll make the next Xbox a no-go for me if that's the route it's going. It's still up in the air which way PlayStation will go, hopefully Sony makes the right decision and PS5 has at least one sku with a disc drive. Having physical copies of games doesn't preclude digital and it's disturbing that the gaming community seems to embracing a future without disc copies.
Definitely not, especially after buying the Playstation TV, not only did it barely play any vita games but after downloading any games at friends houses they wouldn't play offline when I got back home.
I could see the same thing happening with a digital only console.
Yeah, not until they sort out the pricing on digital releases.
Would it make sense to make a modular system with a disk-less base unit and a separate blu-ray drive addon (ala Sega CD or Turbografx CD)? It didn't quite work out then but perhaps the market is more receptive of this now.
I like physical since they are a static version of the product, unlike digital where it can be remotely revoked (music rights lost) or changed (ending to shadow of the tomb raider). But then again, physical disks don't last forever due to bit-rot. Of course, digital stores go away too.
Most likely years in the future, when I'm feeling nostalgic, it's easier to just download games that someone else archived and run in an emulator than go through the trouble of getting my old disks working.
Yes I would because I haven’t purchased a physical game since 2013
Discs are an additional option of buying your games. I would avoid discless console as long as possible.
Ond imagine - your PS is hacked/stolen and of course banned by SEN, you lose all your purchases in a moment. No refunds or insurance available for that. It could leave you thousands out of pocket.
I'm think there's definitely a majority of preferring physical copes of "big" games, but buying plenty of digital indie games. I love the physical collection. I'd be gutted if the day of no more boxes comes. Having shelves with all the different generations on is great, and knowing I can play them whenever I want and never lose them if they're taken off an online store or a hard drive dies is amazing. The thing is I think the vast majority of Sony customers don't live in areas with great internet. I mean most people here in the UK don't have amazing internet so if you look at the list of countries selling PS4's, I would guess many would have even slower connections. So even if Sony do release a disc-less version of PS5/6, hopefully they'll also keep the drive version, not just for the millions and millions of customers who prefer/require it, but also for little old me with my nice and neat, totally not OCD or anything, shelves.
No, I wouldn't. The cost of blu-ray player is like 20-30$ for Sony in bulk. It is not worth it.
I have been buying more and more digital games due to lack of physical space...but I still overall prefer physical games.
You can lend them to friends easier, sell them after you are done playing, and they won't vanish if you ever have account/internet issues...
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