What's all this, then? A US patent that Sony first filed back in 2015 has been renewed, and it's already sparked a load of speculation across the web. The patent's wording is rather technical, but the gist of it is that Sony has been investigating the possibility of digital game trading. Supposedly, this could even work with physical games, as the patent mentions "generating" a digital version of a physical title. Yeah, it certainly sounds interesting.
"At a later date, the user (e.g., owner) is free to give away, sell or trade the digital copy to another party in transaction with terms based on, for example, the determined value of the digital copy," the description reads. In other words, users would be free to move digital games onto friends or other players, if they wished.
If this has any kind of practical application, then it could be a huge selling point of the PlayStation Network in the future. The PSN has come a long, long way over the last two console generations, and it currently makes Sony a crazy amount money. It could be that the company is seriously considering expanding the overall scope of the network, and we wouldn't be at all surprised to see Sony push its booming marketplace even more with the PS5.
As is always the case, though, you can't take patents as concrete evidence. We're going to see a lot of this stuff pop up throughout the year as we creep closer to the PS5, but until we actually see patented systems or functionality in action, then it's impossible to tell whether they're actually going to be used.
Still, it's one heck of a juicy patent.
[source patft.uspto.gov, via jackofallcontrollers.com]
Comments 20
With that and the removal of digital downloads at retail shops does this mean they're looking at trying to steal the 2nd hand market away from shops like Gamestop and GAME?
Sounds interesting.
Wonder if this is something that will apply to the PS5?
Would be amazing for me, I buy all my games digitally, and I'd love to be able to gift them to my nephew when I'm done. Assuming it wouldn't cost me money to transfer them.
@feral1975 it does seem that way.
@gingerfrog same for me. I'm sure 99% digital on ps4 and have definitely brought a clunker or two that I would want to get something back from and also to give to others. Hope this becomes a reality!
A nice way to torpedo streaming gaming which is the opposite of owning anything.
Can't wait when I've been playing for half an hour and the game won't go any further because of a massive scratch and finger scum all over my harddrive.
It seems pretty basic that you should be able to sell/give it away whatever thing you own ... it would be great to have at least an option to gift or be gifted with a digital game... There are several "one playthrough only" games out there.
I think sony should let psn users sold their games on psn, just take a couple of percent from it, I think it will be huge boon for psn market.
@Neolit Yup, they can assign the 2nd hand games price themselves (like say, 50-70% value from the games original price), and get nice percentage for theirself (maybe 10% of each sales). I believe in the end, this will get people to spend way more than usual on psn.
it'll depend on whether publishers will get on board with the idea or not, and how much their 'cut' will be.. much like amazon does on their marketplace. i could also see it replacing the ability to play the same purchase with different user accounts on different systems, which might not be too popular.
@Shogunrok PlayStation Lifestyle have amended an article about it. Apparently it's to with Amiibo like devices.
Just a(nother) reminder... the EU brought in regulations about this in 2012. As much as I'm generally not a fan of that particular organisation, I don't disagree with everything they do, and it's about time that particular decision was acted upon.
As someone who prefers physical primarily for the very reason of trading in when I'm done, something like this would remove one of my major sticking points when it comes to buying digital games.
While I am a physical games guy and will continue to be I will not mind so much, when sony goes all digital in the future, just not down with streaming.
Not sure about others but I have had a few psn accounts over the years with different digital purchases, this would be great so I could merge them into one account for free/trading or at least sell them off to others.
I'll be the bearer of bad news...
Correction: It appears that the source only selectively applied that text of the patent, completely ignoring the title of the patent, which is “Tangible tradable collectibles having a digital copy,” as well as the first line of the patent, which is omitted, stating “Tradable physical collectible objects are described. In particular, systems and methods for using the tradable physical collectible objects facilitate generation of a digital copy that can be used within a network game.” The described patent is about Amiibo-like figures, not about digital game trades and gifting.
The above comes from...
I failed to see your post @AdamNovice
@SirRealDeal That's fine mate
If I could sell all the digital games I don't want to play anymore even for just a couple bucks each, I could make a good chunk of money.
I really dont see how this could work.
This would be great, as I only play digital, apart from a yearly copy of PES. Plenty of digital purchases I'd happily get rid of to be honest.
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