The embargo has just been lifted on Far Cry: New Dawn, the nuclear-flavoured sequel to Far Cry 5. The colourful post-apocalypse arrives with a bang, garnering largely positive reviews from all the usual suspects, with some lower scores in the mix too. By the sound of it, New Dawn is mostly business as usual when it comes to this series, but some new elements save it from being too samey.
We imagine Far Cry fans will be giving this a look either way, but here's what a handful of publications think about the latest game in this long-lasting franchise.
Destructoid - 8/10
The best narrative beats in New Dawn still fall short of reaching Far Cry 5's highest points, but this standalone sequel is a more well-rounded experience overall. Ubisoft knows when to be serious and when to let its silly flag fly. This time, the top priority was setting the stage for player-driven hijinks, not forcing story moments with a heavy hand. After all the doom and gloom sowed by Joseph Seed and his cohorts, Far Cry New Dawn resonates as a sorely-needed palate cleanser before the next full romp.
GamesRadar+ - 4/5
Overall, if you liked Far Cry 5, you’re sure to find Far Cry New Dawn thoroughly satisfying. Expeditions, re-claimable Outposts, and the upgradable Prosperity hint that the series is growing into something different, something better.
Game Informer - 7/10
While the neon-hued flora and mutated fauna successfully shake up the landscape, the superficial progression changes and formulaic story do little to accentuate this new coat of paint.
GameSpot - 6/10
There's a lot of potential in the ideas seeded in New Dawn, but there isn't enough room for many of them to breathe and feel fully realized. Not the post-apocalyptic theme, not the RPG mechanics, not the weapons, vehicles, plot, or characters. Advancing through the adventure is an enjoyable experience, especially once you get your superhuman powers, but this is largely because Far Cry 5's combat and progression models remain compelling enough to propel you forward. For its part, New Dawn is a palatable but unremarkable spin-off that feels like it could have achieved so much more.
Eurogamer - Recommended
An over-familiar follow-up, perhaps, but New Dawn whittles away the rough edges of Far Cry 5 for something extremely enjoyable.
What do you think of the reviews for Far Cry: New Dawn? Are you excited to play this new entry in the series? Watch out for buzz saw blades in the comments below.
Comments 17
6/10 needs more towers
Credit to Game Informer for actually talking about the game's microtransactions, something that conveniently was left out in a couple of reviews. Same thing happened with Assassin's Creed Odyssey where that was designed to be grindy.
Around the ball-park of what I expected and whilst I did enjoy FC5, I am not looking to buy this at the moment as I have Metro, Anthem and Days Gone coming in the next few months as well as a backlog
@AdamNovice I loved playing AC Odyssey and never felt the need to grind or use an xp boost. It is a super long game though, I am 60+ hrs in and still haven't seen 1/4 of the map.
Games like this don't register for me. It's like the gaming equivalent of an Adam Sandler or Vin Diesel movie.
I'm 130 hours into Odyssey and haven't done everything... As for Far Cry, I plan on getting this but going to wait for a sale.
@DrKameren That's fair enough mate. I just personally wished that it wasn't there that's all.
At least it has better scores than Crackdown 3. :S
New Dawn is great so far, nothing outstanding but a great Far Cry continuation from FC5
More Far Cry 5 works for me.
Im sorry but i can reward these broken releases anymore wont be buying it. 😃 👍
Its a pity it looked great good job Ubisoft.
i have farcry 5 on ps4 and it is my 7th favorite game ever and my 1st favorite shooting game ever i don't know if farcry new dawn will be better i will wait til i get it on sale it does look and play the same as farcry 5 which is good for me and there are some new things added like double jump and a buzzsaw launcher which seems to be the only new weapon in farcry new dawn which is fine same graphics as farcry 5 don't forget farcry new dawn is still a great shooting game just not the best shooting game for me have fun
@Throb i agree but farcry 5 on ps4 looks like a mix of farcry 5 on ps4 farcry 4 on ps4 and fallout 4 on ps4 all in one
@Matroska haha lol
@kyleforrester87 yes it does also it could have a few more new features like customizable voice since in main character does not have a voice a few new weapons like a few types of acid throwers acid bombs electric throwers electric bombs maybe some american indian and other kinds of axes spears clubs daggers bows scythes warforks etc etc oh and maybe some other kinds of vechiles aircraft vessels like other motorcyles plane helicopters boats cars trucks kanoes etc etc those are just some ideas of what could be in farcry new dawn maybe as dlc's or a new farcry game or as a update for farcry new dawn
@Splat same her splat only i have done everything in ac odyssey on ps4 and it is my 2nd favorite game ever i will waittil farcry new dawn goes on sale for like maybe $30
@Throb i will get farcry new dawn on ps4 when it is cheaper i am not spending $99 new zealand on this shooting game i will wait til maybe it is $60 because that is the real price for a open world shooting game to me
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