Catherine: Full Body Edition will undress on the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan early next year, but the Australian ratings board appears to have revealed a multiformat game from Atlus called Catherine Classic. Intriguing? Well it potentially is, as it suggests that the sexually charged puzzler may be making its way to modern platforms in its original guise.
For those of you who haven’t been following, Full Body Edition is a heavily updated version of the PlayStation 3 release – it’s got a new character, new scenarios, new plot beats, and much more. So while it’s curious that this listing has emerged, there’s a chance that the Persona maker may want to re-sell the original alongside its upcoming Directors Cut.
Look, we know as much as you do, and we’re just speculating based on the listing. The one thing we will say is that it’s extremely, extremely rare for a publisher to get a product classified if it’s not actually going to release. As such we can only assume that Catherine Classic is legitimate, and we’ll simply need to wait for confirmation on what it actually is.
[source classification.gov.au, via gematsu.com]
Comments 16
Boycott Sony...
Oh wait, what we should complain now?
Bring crossplay to Fallout 76!
@PS_Nation sad isn't it people spend more time complaing then they do playing their games
@Areus Yeah. Catherine is such a great game, an underrated gem from the last generation. Another games that I want to come back are Vanquish and Shadows of the Damned.
@PS_Nation I remember when a rumoured bayonetta/vanquish pack surfaced I had a big smile on my face but it never happened. A Suda 51 collection wouldnt go amis with Killer 7. SoTD and Lollipop Chainsaw.
As for Catherine im looking forward to the new version but cant see why the classic would release with it. I dont see the selling point
"hey guys we are releasing Catherine with updated visuals with updated content and more stort with an additional character! Oh and heres the vanilla one we released. May knock a fiver off it or something"
Not sure what’s the point of the vanilla version but whatever I guess.
Maybe Catherine Classic will release at a cheaper price point on Xbox and Switch, while Full Body releases on PS4.
Excellent game and I'll rebuy it as many times as I can.
Maybe they just changed the name for the international release?
Interesting it doesnt say which platforms.
Nor does this really make a difference. Its alreadh on Xbox One anyway so there arent any modern platforms to bring it to.
Well...PC I suppose.
Catherine alongside Bayonetta were some of the most underrated games last generation.
@Danloaded True, I remember about the pack with Bayonetta and Vanquish, it's a shame that Platinum will not release it after all.
Sony should talk to them and rescue Vanquish, just like Nintendo did with Bayonetta. Each one will have an exclusives series made by them.
Could be Catherine Classic a game with just the puzzels?
@GarySan Im still annoyed with the terrible Bayonetta port in the PS3 it was so bad i never finished it.
@PS_Nation Now I dream of a Vanquish Remastered + Vanquish 2 bundle...
Oh, she's eating pizza, I see. Nice job framing the image for the article thumb though, it really looked like... something else
Tissues on standby 😂
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