From Software, the now revered Japanese developer behind the Dark Souls series and PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne, has not one, but two unannounced projects in the works. The news comes directly from studio boss Hidetaka Miyazaki, who, speaking to 4Gamer, revealed that the developer is perhaps a lot busier behind the scenes than many may have thought.
"While it isn’t the time to discuss details, they’re both [From Software]-esque games," Miyazaki said, as translated by Gematsu. From Software recently released PlayStation VR title Deracine, and it has Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice coming out in March 2019, so it's quite exciting to speculate over what else the developer could be cooking.
Of course, we can't possibly continue this article without at least mentioning Bloodborne 2-- a theoretical sequel that's been rumoured for a long, long time. Once the aforementioned Sekiro hits store shelves, we're sure that it won't be too long until we hear more about From Software's future.
Until then, though, let us know what you want from the studio in the comments section below.
[source 4gamer.net, via gematsu.com]
Comments 48
Please Bloodborne 2! Please!
Bloodborne 2 PS5 launch title. LOCK IT IN!
Bloodborne 2. I also want the remake of Demon’s Souls made by Bluepoint.
I wonder if From Software will make another exclusive for Sony though, but Deracine was released recently. There is still hope.
Knack 3
Once upon a time I had a very healthy and active social life, then I discovered From Software and Bloodborne in particular. And then it was game over for everything else. Currently enjoying my first playthrough of Dark Souls Remastered and loving it!
@ShogunRok It’ll be crazy if that happened.
@ShogunRok what you want is Microsoft announced scaleboound 😱.word up son
@ShogunRok That would generate so much hype and be the greatest system launch title of all time.
Sony needs Bloodborne 2 for ps5 more than anything if they want to keep up with MS next gen. MS got some good studios ninja theory, obsidian and inxile (I think that’s the name) that was a big win for them. They look like they are not stopping buying more. Sony need to strategize outside of 1st party studios. Go buy from software they have the money
@Morenoj1220 Careful, you'll trigger some fanboys.
Did Bloodborne actually sell that well? I mean, yeah - it’s one of my personal favorite PS4 games but I dragged my feet to play it until it was given out as a PS Plus title. I’m not sure it would be a system seller. From games are still fairly niche titles that are geared for the hardcore only. Knack 3 may sell more launch PS5’s than Bloodborne 2 😂. But I’ll personally be there day 1 for BB2, so don’t lynch me, I’m just saying .... not everyone appreciates it.
Bloodborne’s combat just didn’t gel with me. Maybe a sequel would be easier to get into but after breezing through the ****fest that was DS2, I doubt it. DS3’s next but idk if I can be bothered yet.
I suck at hard games, but I have to play my copy of Bloodborne some time over here. Obtain adequacy, as the kids are saying.
And not From's fault, as they're doing a great job making games people love, but if I hear "souls-like" once more I'm gonna swallow my Dualshock.
Armored Core 6 and Bloodborne 2
Oh my, yes! Bloodborne is simply too good a game to not get a sequel. Sekiro looks like it's a bit more Bloodborne in combat than Souls though, so that's good in the mean time.
It's armored core and king's field vr
Pretty sure one of those is Armored Core. I hope it is.
@PS_Nation Still my favorite Demon Souls i loved the HUB part. 😁
@Th3solution wouldn’t the hardcore audience be the ones buying the PS4 day one though? That’s who they want to be the most excited at launch, the people like us.
@get2sammyb as good as Bloodborne was, it ended. As evidenced by Sekiro I think we’re more likely to see the formula applied to another setting than a soul-less sequel, pardon the pun.
@Jaz007 Good point. Day 1 adopters are the more hardcore.
And I agree we need BB2 eventually, whether a PS5 launch title or later. We need more From titles and less annualized sports and shooter releases that sell a billion copies for some strange reason. And less games with microtransactions out the wazoo.
As far as I'm aware, Seikro is been made by the majority of the Bloodborne team so when that's out maybe they might move onto a sequel. Or the DS3 team are doing it. Either way it'll be a long while before we hear of any potential sequel cos I have a funny feeling we're going to hear about a Demon's Souls remake by Bluepoint next year.
@Th3solution Yeah I think @Jaz007 is right. When it comes to launch day, it's the super hardcore people they'll be targeting.
@PS_Nation I don't see why they wouldn't? If Microsoft stumped up the cash I'm sure they'd make them an exclusive game
I am thunderstruck you're the only one that said it.
@everyone else
Yes, DarkSouls is my GOAT. But I've been dying for an updated Armored Core with all the lessons they've learned.
How about an armored core game where your pilot can get out and dark souls it up in dungeons and mech it up in open world.
How about a dark souls game that explores the world with the dragons before they slaughtered senselessly. Perhaps even a game where through the age of darkness they can somehow take revenge against the Lord's of Cinder for the atrocities committed against them. Or maybe just playing through the sequence of events that lead to the great dragon war for control of the surface world. So many things they could do.
@Th3solution It did.
@AdamNovice that's a good reason to be hyped for sekiro!!
Would love a bloodborne 2 but in a way, it's kinda perfect on its own. If tgey made it, would still be a system seller for ps5 for me.
Seems a fun idea, sounds a bit like Titanfall 2, only game I can think of where you can do both. That was a lot of fun, even if it was very short.
I thought that all I wanted from FromSoftware was a Bloodborne sequel, that was until I saw gameplay of Sekiro.
I have come to realise that new games from FromSoftware are even more exciting than sequels or remasters. Don't get me wrong, I will play anything they make and I adore Bloodborne but I do enjoy pondering on what they might come up with next.
@R1spam I'm actually interested in it been a departure from a typical Souls game.
@Adome Yeah, I did a little research and the internet says it sold about 3 million copies. Very respectable for an exclusive. It’s more than I thought. More than Knack, about the same as Infamous Second Son, but nothing close to UC4, Spider-Man, or God of War. Still, I think it may have more widespread appeal than I thought.
It's Blood Souls and Darkborne
This article gives me conniptions
I've never actually played Bloodborne. Heard so much about it. I'm gonna have to give it a go.
@Th3solution bloodborne sold 3m copies, nearly the same as dark souls 3
I'm hoping for an Armored Core game, a reboot or sequel of sorts, heck even a remaster collection would be great.
We have a tonne of Dark Souls-type games already, but were are the tactical mecha shooters?
A King's Field remaster, reboot or sequel would be great as well. Also, Otogi, Kuon and Ninja Blade.
@Bonbonetti @LieutenantFatman @Outlaw_Overlord For Everyone hoping one of these is a new Armored Core, have you seen trailers for Daemon X Machina?? While technically not a new Armored Core, it does have some Armored Core veterans working on it and is set to release early next year!
@Octane hahahaha! That comment only works on PushSquare, lol
I look forward to Bloodborne 2, Dark Souls 4, and Demon's Souls remake.
I would flip if they did a new King’s Field... but sadly that’s not likely.
Thanks! First I've heard of that, sounds promising.
Edit: Looks like it's Switch only unfortunately.
@LieutenantFatman Yeah that's the downside. But hey at least games like this are still being made. With any luck, we'll get a proper Armored Core sequel soon
No PvP no buy.
I know multiplayer is a dirty word around here, but I only get so much satisfaction fighting a.i. baddies.
@Outlaw_Overlord They've confirmed Co Op bosses but not PvP. With the producer of all the big PS2 era Armored Cores behind this one, I'll be very surprised if it doesn't make its way in seeing as how it was such a large part of the series longevity and how this game is clearly aiming to be the next Armored Core
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