Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! If you’re in the USA, then we hope you’re suitably stocked on turkey and safely navigated the Days Gone-esque hordes on Black Friday. For the rest of our readers, it’s the weekend, so time to chill and play games. Here’s your weekly WAYP.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I'll be playing some PSone games this weekend. Technically I'm not allowed to explain why or how, but you can probably figure it out, yeah?
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
I've got an urge to return to Red Dead Redemption 2 this weekend, so I might just head back out there into the wilderness and see what kind of mad random events I can find. You just never know what's next, and that's one of the open world's greatest achievements I reckon.
Christian Kobza, Reviewer
I just polished off the Platinum Trophies for Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon in the Spyro: Reignited Trilogy and had a blast doing it. This weekend I'll be chipping away at my Red Dead Redemption 2 completion percentage while I digest all that food from turkey day.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After a full week away from my PS4, I very, very badly miss my video games. And having just picked up Battlefield 5, NieR: Automata (finally!), and Firewall Zero Hour. Boy have I got some work to do!
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I tend to use the last few weeks of the year tidying up some of my backlog before we begin writing our Game of the Year articles. I couldn’t very well write mine for 2018 without first playing God of War.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
With only nine days until the PlayStation Classic arrives, I'm continuing to build my buzz by playing less well-known earlier PSone games like the 1995 launch title Battle Arena Toshinden and Cool Boarders 2, which was first released in 1997. A snowboarding game seems suitable as it feels chillier outside in the UK.
Liam Croft, Reviewer
I finally finished Red Dead Redemption 2 last weekend, so I actually have time to play other games now. I'll be returning to my playthrough of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and potentially starting Shadow of the Tomb Raider if I want to mix things up.
Rebecca Stow, Reviewer
Bendy and the Ink Machine, which is a indie game that's taken its hold over me. Not only does it have some of the most standout graphics for a horror game, its narrative and scares keep you on your toes at all time.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
After eating mountains of food and visiting family there's nothing like a good game to relax to afterwards. I will be doing exactly that with Spyro: Reignited Trilogy and Battlefield V on PS4 and some Mutant Football League Dynasty Edition on the Switch.
What are you playing this weekend, then? What are you thankful for in gaming this week? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 76
Beat Sabre baby and some Read Dead 2. My arms are quite sore from waving those luminescent hand sticks around though.
Also going to record some footage from Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 3 for a video I'm doing.
PS4- Soul Calibur 6, Dragon Crown Pro, and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary. I honestly need to start on Yakuza Kiwami 2.
Switch- Mario Kart 8, SNK Heroines, and a few Neo Geo games.
Beat Saber and RDR2 for me with a sprinkle of Pokemon White 2 on the 3DS.
Not sure yet. It's a toss up between Hitman 2, RDR2 and maybe revisiting some unfinished stuff like Banner Saga or Ni No Kuni 2.
One thing I certainly won't be playing is Fallout 76. Given up on that until it gets some patches that actually work. I was enjoying it somewhat but there are better games requiring my attention.
Start Spyro 2 on the Reignited Trilogy. Excited since Spyro 2 is my favorite out of the three.
max Payne 3 💖❤💗.easily top 10 games ever made.word up son
Continuing with Uncharted 3, making good progress through the main story. I was good this week and resisted buying any more games in the sales, so I'll likely start something from my backlog.
Torna: The Golden Country, which is a large DLC expansion to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 that functions as a prequel. It's fantastic so far. The combat and systems have been streamlined to make the experience more accessible, and it seems to be lacking the enormous performance hits that the base game suffered undocked.
Red Dead Redemption 2. Even though I've finished the excellent story, I still can't put it down.
I am working my way through Assassins Creed Origins, which has officially replaced Black Flag as my favorite AC game. I am hoping to wrap it up this weekend, and I am having some good fun!
I also picked up AC: Odyssey on Friday, along with a lot of other games. The sales have taken my backlog from the realm of mild concern to a real issue. Oh well. I brought home games yesterday, and my wife adopted two kittens, so things are happy in the Westernwolf4 household. Now I just need to keep the cats off the PS4 and keep playing......
PS4 - the new Shadow of the Tomb Raider DLC
Switch - Pokeomon Lets Go Pikachu
Starcraft remastered, bought it a couple of days ago, its discounted on battlenet (only $7.5). Replaying the single player story again, man the nostalgia is strong with this one, I remember playing it nearly every night with friend when I'm still in university (vs enemy bots)
My friend brought his GameCube down a couple of weeks ago, and when I've got the time, I'm steadily chipping through the legend of Zelda: wind waker, which despite being a massive Zelda fan, I've never played. I'm absolutely adoring it at the moment, and if it keeps up this quality could be my favourite Zelda game!
Hitman 2 and lots of homework
Xbox One - Final Fantasy XV
Switch - Sonic Mania Plus
PC - zilch
PS4 - zilch
I'm really debating whether or not to buy Hitman since I've never played them before.
It’s going to be a weird weekend, what with the holiday and all. It’s possible I might get to play some Red Dead, but we’ll have to see.
Im playing BFV
Well seeing as I was given Assassins Creed Odyssey,Detroit Become Human and Lego The Incredibles 2 among other things non gaming related on my birthday three days ago I certainly have an interesting choice...but ya know what?Think I'll be spending my time On Dragon Quest XI,Spyro and some Monster Hunter instead.
I bought a Switch on Black Friday with Mario Kart and Mario Odyssey, you know, for the family. Going back to Mario is always good. I really like the rumble in the little controllers, the graphics are pretty good for something so small and it doesn’t make a peep of sound, yet...
@Ralizah urgh I want it!
@Wesker glad your enjoying it, Mario rocked. Get Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and you'll be cool, like me.
Just killing time til Darksiders 3.
Still pushing through the backlog with Half-Life 2 and Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
It's a VR weekend for me so plenty of Astro Bot and Resident Evil VII in particular with bits of Job Simulator, I Expect You To Die and Tetris amongst others
Spyro the Dragon (Spyro Reignited Trilogy).
Also Super Lucky’s Tale, I decided to buy because I’m a fan of 3D platformers, but the game is really weak.
still working through the KINGDOM HEARTS games in order to get refreshed for KH3
Just KH 2 left now
Continuing AC odyssey, at this rate ill never get to play rdr2.
Yakuza Kiwami 2, Symphony of the Night and struggling to find Vita memory cards at a decent price to download Persona 4 Golden.
@nessisonett pretty much why it struggled in the first place, CEX are probably your best bet
@RadoGoji Half life 2? That's some backlog!
Just got both Hitman games so here's hoping they're fun.
Destiny 2 since I picked up the Forsaken Legendary Editon in Tesco for £20 if anyone is interested in a deal ends Monday (I work for them) and playing Spiderman too. Also Shadow of the Tomb Raider for £19 out of Tesco as well but that's mainly for then misses lol
Got a Switch yesterday in a Black Friday Bunduru with MK8 & Crash, Crash is traded picked up Zelda & 1 2 Switch (the wife's choice) so for the first time in a while I've got a lot of irons in the fire with the Spidey DLC, RDR2, WWE2K19 & PES19 (last 2 also Black Friday deals 😁) on the go on PS4 as well
Everybody's Golf. I thought Sammy was a bit daff with how he praised a golf game. Well, I'm a little late to the party but he was so right. I even bought 3 DLC levels because I'm enjoying it so much.
Continuing my love/hate relationship with RDR2. Also still playing AC Odyssey, F1 2018, FIFA 19, and just started playing Paladins.
@FullbringIchigo I’ll be running through the KH games as soon as I finish RDR2.
Any da...week now. Did not expect the game to be this big.
Hopefully I’ll be left with enough time.
Weekend is over in where I live so I’ll just tell what I played instead. I played digimon cyber sleuth hacker’s memory and gave RE6 a shot and kinda enjoyed it.
Hoping to get some more Spiderman in before the end of the weekend. Also some Starlink on the Switch.
@Ralizah ah, I just got Golden Country, there is a small discount and couldn't resist.
<3 Good call! It's a joy going back to this imaginative world.
Well, the kids are playing the heck out of Paw Patrol Is On A Roll on the PS4. Wife has been playing Disneyland Adventures on the XBONE. As for me, PS4 is Horizon Zero Dawn, Tetris Effect (only in VR mode for me!!!) and some Atari Flashback Classics vol 3. On Xbone, it's been Conker's Bad Fur Day on Rare Replay, and of course, on PS4 everyday, is the normal Gems Of War!!!! Hope everyone had/has a great Thanksgiving!!!!!
I'm also playing some Everybody's Golf, as well as Dakar 2018, Valkyria Chronicles and MotoGP 18. I've ordered Valkyria Chronicles 4 on disc and decided to replay the original first.
Going back to RD2 on ps4 and playing a bit of LA Noir on switch. Ooft if you think the controls in RD2 are a bit tanky!! Enjoying LA Noir though, never played it first time round but love the 1940s setting. I also crumbled to black Friday deals and bought hitman 2016 definitive edition. Kudos to the developers for letting you download the legacy pack for first game if you download the prologue for hitman 2 👍
AC, game is friggin huge.
@Nightcrawler71 So which are you enjoying more — AC Odyssey or RDR2?
@R1spam what exactly is the legacy pack?
@kyleforrester87 I fear that I am not cool enough to play turn-based Japanese RPGs. I’m working on it though!
A newcomer to PSVR and loving it, mainly PS Worlds and the VR playroom and a race or two on wipeout omega collection!
@KingdomHeartsFan 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage, Dream Drop Distance HD, Birth By Sleep, Re:Coded, 358/2 Days, RE:Chain of Memories, KH1
yeah i didn't play them in order but i had completed them when they first came out anyway
@ellsworth004 remastered and enhanced versions of the original 2016 levels, changes so the progression system is the same as new hitman and new escalation missions now and in the future I think? also some extra content missions depending on which version of the original game you have. It's still downloading though so not had the chance to try it out yet.
Still Red Dead. Still hooked.
So in preparation of the ps Mini Jaime is playing games that are on the ps mini? Is it just me or is Jamie a little backward? (That's the most pc way of saying what I mean to say that I can think of)...
Stealth, Slaughter and Speed with Hitman, GOW III Remastered and GT Sport on PS4.
I'm gonna try to finish Yakuza Kiwami and then finally jump into Spiderman that I got this Black Friday (The Spiderman PS4 bundle).
I'm contemplating picking up Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition on the PS Store's Black Friday sale. I usually like to buy such games physically, but at $15.00 it seems like too much of a deal to pass up. I may pull the trigger tonight when I get home from my client meeting I'm heading to now.
@Wesker best start with FF7
@Deljo There is a very logical reason why I'm playing certain PSone games right now, even though they'll be included with my PlayStation Classic on 3rd December.
Perhaps it was a bit less fun that I mentioned two specific titles here, because as @get2sammyb says, "Technically I'm not allowed to explain why or how, but you can probably figure it out".
In any case, there are plenty of other PSone games that are true classics that I'm waiting for nine days to play on my mini console.
Over the next week or so it'll be clear that my thought process is focused on Push Square regarding my retro choices for this edition of WAYP. Hopefully I'll be redeemed soon enough to show that I didn't necessarily have backward thinking at all.
@R1spam so if own first game, this adds these things u mention, just by downloading the demo? I have ultimate edition, or whatever it was called, one with all content.
Nearly done with the Kingdom Hearts 2 re-remaster, then it's a return to either AC Odyssey or DQXI for the platinums depending on my mood tomorrow, with some Spyro in between for light relief.
Picked up evil within2 cheap, so ive finally decided to play first one.
Forgot to mention I bought Castlevania Requiem. Playing that too.
Week four sees my continuing playthrough of Suikoden 2. I haven't been this engrossed in a JRPG since 1998. Maybe some Into the Breach too.
@Turismo4GT that was 9.99 brand new @ gamestop I think you may look around before pulling the trigger.
Also playing battlefield V, Monster Hunter world, and soul calibur 6. Oh and tetris on psvr
@ellsworth004 Yep, download finished now and though I haven't launched it, looks like it loads up from the menu in hitman 2 prologue demo. You might need the first one downloaded on your hard drive though to get the extra stuff.
I'm enjoying No Man's Sky and the latest massive update, Visions. Loads to discover and the extra planetary details are really impressive.
By the way can anyone who posts the phrase "word up son" please refrain from doing so? It's quite embarrassing.
@RoyalGuard oh I've looked around. During Black Friday weekend, the physical game is $68.00 at a local game shop (a 'massive' discount considering its usually $170.00) so the $15.00 it costs on the PS Store now is like it's essentially free.
Yeah, games are expensive in Barbados 😉
@Old-Mrs-Cloggins word up son
@Turismo4GT Are you serious?!? 😧 $170 USD or Barbadian dollars? Although, either way, it’s too much. Sheesh, the tariffs must be stiff. HZD is a great game, but not worth 170 bucks. Yeah, digital is a much better deal.
@Th3solution $170 Barbadian dollars, which is about $85 USD at our fixed exchange rate. Considering the game was $60 USD at launch, you can see we're getting royally screwed here. The thing is, $170 is one of the cheaper original prices you'd find; some retailers sell a new game disc for $180
So yeah, even though I do still prefer having a disc, digital is definitely the way to go in this instance.
@Th3solution So far I would say AC Odyssey, but RDR2 is slowly growing on me. Both have great graphics, but ACO has better controls. RDR2 has more varied missions, but I prefer the combat in ACO. As much as I love Kassandra in ACO, RDR2 has more memorable characters and superior writing. On the other hand I love the RPG elements in ACO. Basically I like both, but I would say I’m having more FUN with ACO.
Backlogs . Dishonored 2 chapter 8 and turf wars on Spiderman
I'm actually giving the ps4 a rest for now and have finally started zelda breath of the wild on wii u while dipping into another play through of pokemon heart gold on 3ds too.
@RogerRoger lmao
As well as continuing red dead 2 been playing divinity original sin 2 and Detroit which got in black Friday deals.
Mainly grinding out Destiny 2 bounties and hoarding materials in preparation for the Black Armory DLC, also played through Inside which was absolutely fantastic!
Enjoying Rainbow Skies on the PS Vita. 85 hours into the game and still enjoying it. My game off the year.
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