Sony’s been giving away PlayStation 4 games with PlayStation Plus since the beginning of the generation in 2013, but it’s mostly titles from this year that have proved the favourites among fans. Among the five most downloaded freebies, only Just Cause 3 was given away prior to 2018. The remaining four titles, listed in no particular order, were all part of this year’s lineup: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Destiny 2, Dead by Daylight, and Mafia III.
To be honest, we’re surprised not to see Rocket League or Resogun included in this roster, as they were arguably the two giveaways that got most attention. Then again, we suppose the PS4’s install base has increased drastically since those titles were handed out, and the fact is that there are more PS Plus subscribers now than there’s ever been, which means there’s a much larger pool of people actually downloading these games. Interesting stats nonetheless.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 25
Wish more people downloaded Ratchet & Clank when it was on PS Plus, that game is excellent.
Is anyone else like me and just adds these free games to the library every month but never actually gets round to downloading and playing any? My backlog of games that I've actually bought is already too big!
@Incognito_D yep, this is what’s happening to 95% of my ps plus downloads
@Incognito_D Yup, mostly in the library to never be downloaded or played in the future. Though I usually do download 1 a month to mess round with it a bit, like Mafia 3, GoW 3 and any PSVR games.
@Incognito_D Yeah I end up doing that as well. To be honest, I personally preferred it when they gave away brand new indie games, rather than these legacy titles that people wanted.
@Incognito_D as a friend once joked about me: I'm saving them for retirement
@Incognito_D Same here, a backlog of a few hundred games (bought at a discount and free). In fact, the smaller the game, the more likely I am to download and play it.
A few surprises there. I would have thought MGSV, Infamous, Knack, Ratchet and Clank, Bloodborne, God of War 3, Rayman Legends, Deus Ex or even Mad Max would have been up there ahead of the likes of Dead by Daylight.
I just had a look through this years releases on ps plus and realised I have only downloaded and played
Heavy Rain
99 Vidas
Rayman Legends
Mighty No 9 (for about 30 mins thats all i could stand)
But there is a load that I will hopefully get round to playing at some stage. With releases slowing up a little next year hopefully crack a few of my backlog
@Incognito_D Yes, I save them for later usually. I still have several I plan to get to from earlier this year and even from years ago.
Of these top 5, I haven’t downloaded a single one. And actually won’t play any of these most likely. But will play others like Burly Men, Rime, Beyond Two Souls, Rayman... among others. Maybe Just Cause 3
How cool would it have been to have a list of all future Plus games ahead of time?
Sadly, most of them I had already bought before they got added...
I still add them to my library, mostly just in case my disc copy fails.
When reinstalling, I still use discs because I hate long downloads.
@get2sammyb Me too. The best thing about Plus for me is the indie type games I wouldn’t have bought on my own. Resogun, Rocket League, Towerfall, Never Alone, Sportsfriends, etc, are all games I would have never bought, but loved once I played them. That has a value that can’t be easily assigned a value unlike a legacy game I would probably buy at some point.
i've downloaded 4 plus games in total since the PS4 released - resogun, dead nation, rocket league and grim fandango remastered, and i'm not 100% sure about dead nation - as if i recall, it was cross-buy with PS3 and i already it from then as one of the free games given to PSN users after the 2011 outage. my sub ends in 4 weeks, and don't intend to renew it. though i said the same last year, then found a deal for 12 months for £28..
I agree that it's better when they give away new indie games that could be easily overlooked otherwise. With bigger releases like MGSV, Just Cause 3, Destiny 2, etc...if I didn't buy it, it's not a game I truly care to play. Nobody is going to overlook those big games. Not buying them is a conscious choice for reasons of taste.
Sure, lots of people have downloaded the AAA PS+ titles, but I wonder what percentage have actually played them any significant amount.
@Turismo4GT Lots of people bought the physical copy of that game for insanely cheap in the US. I remember buying it brand new for $10 a year or maybe two before it was free.
Given that there's simply more PS4 owners out there now it makes sense plus the majority seem to like these types of games, for me Resogun is easily my favourite game from ps+ with Rocket League a very close second
@get2sammyb I'd much rather have indie games, I mean for AAA stuff if I couldn't be bothered with it at launch or in the various sales there's no way I'm going to play it anyway even of it is free, yet the likes of Resogun I still play to this day
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Destiny 2?? lol
Judging by the number of people requesting Knack every month on this site (me included) I'd half expected to see it on the list! lol
What a staggering display of mediocrity. It's no surprise that the AAA games were the most downloaded, but I miss the days when Plus gave away stuff like Vanquish, Demon's Souls, Spec Ops: The Line etc. Games which didn't sell amazingly well, but we're still relatively big titles which deserved a bigger audience.
With that said, I was very pleasantly surprised at Yakuza Kiwami. What with @shogunrok and @MC_noisy raving about the series I thought I'd give it a try. I'm about 20 hours in now, and it's bonkers but very addictive. I'm aware it isn't a great entry in the series, but it's still a lot of fun, even if those first few hours were a bit of a slog.
Playing this has me excited to get hold of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.
@Johnnycide Kiwami's the weakest one as well!
@ShogunRok so I heard! I'm looking forward to the rest in the series if I can tear myself away from battering Rina at pool!
Lets be honest here those where probably the only decent games and that's being charitable hence the large download numbers
I add everything but have only played a few.
Still what I have played I really enjoyed - off the top of my head Laser League, Invisible Inc, Furi, Resident Evil, Transformers Devastation, Disc Jam.
@Incognito_D hahahhaha thats me exactly =D
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