PlayStation Access have got their hands on a PlayStation Classic, and boy is it a small little thing. The channel's latest video compares the device with the original PlayStation console, and we can't help but think that it looks incredibly cute.
The video also shows just how close the Classic's design is to the original's. The colours, the buttons -- even the tiny bumps on the disc cover have been recreated alongside the memory card slots, controller slots, and the grooves that run along the sides of the system. That's some satisfying attention to detail.
Are you liking the PlayStation Classic's size and look? Care for a little baby PlayStation in the comments section below.
Comments 23
I know they also did new revisions back then but not many changes to the PS1 compared to after the PS2 slim in so on. But I now imagine the PS1 slimline to be just the size in the image lol
And it’s interface is... bare. Also people’s hands on with it is... well... meh.
seen some previews and they are less than glowing. Disapointed was really looking forward to this. after the game list revealled its mehhhhhhhhh.
Sony should sell psone classic with pstv inside so it can connect to psn to buy psone games, I rather have that rather than this mini console that doesn't have tomb raider/colony wars/castlevania sotn/suikoden, etc. It seems my psvita is still the best device to play psone games.
The device itself is cool though, I just wish it has better games.
@JoeBlogs kinda crazy... man...
I cancelled my preorder today.
If the suspicions are correct that it's running on the Vita board, then getting more games on to it will probably be a lot harder than the mini Nintys 😒
I think I'll probably be able to pick one up relatively cheaply soon enough anyway.
@Nakatomi_Uk My thoughts since this was first announced have been - why doesn't anybody compare this to the PS One, the original PS Slim. To me that's the only worthwhile comparison, that old system was so small and it played discs.
That small system is 15 years old now, so I'm not all that impressed by this.
So what - it`s cute, but the game choice sucks...
@premko1 Not exactly easy when most of the games people would want on it rely licencing.
@KALofKRYPTON running on the vita board??? that is very interesting. does that mean it could potentially be hacked to run PSP and Vita games as well? if so, that is an even greater value in my eyes and worth keeping. my biggest concern is the storage capacity, but a simple usb thumb stick hack could alleviate this...
I love it and all, but I feel weird at how blatant a copy it is from Nintendo's idea. I know it's not the most original idea, but they could have maybe tried to do something different.
It's probably how other blokes feel when they're next to me at the urinal.
@Porco not confirmed, but it would make sense. Zero extra development or cost to buy in a different SoC like the Nintys.
The beauty of the mini Nintys was the speed and ease that the ARM based SoC they used can be accessed. It's is a pretty 'off the shelf' board used for multiple applications. The Vita board isn't.
@ApostateMage «it looks incredibly cute»?
@KALofKRYPTON true, although sony may potentially have a lot of stock vita components sitting in a factory somewhere due to lower than expected demand of the vita. maybe this is the only reason the ps1 classic exists — to get rid of old stock. time will tell what is inside that thing. i am very curious to know!
This is more bollocks than I originally thought. Would pay
£9.99 for it and would enjoy it for an evening but absolutely not the crazy price they're asking. A 2nd hand backwards compatible PS3 or PS2 would make far more sense, no?
It's amazing how negative everyone is about this. I don't think Sony's mindset was "Hey, let's rip off the NES/SNES mini (coz they did the whole retro console thing first... NOT) and purposely choose a bunch of games that'll piss people off!" Sure, they might have half assed it but it also might be a lot harder to a) choose a selection of games that pleases everyone B) are affordable or even possible to license and C) can run without any technical issues seeing as PSONE is a big technological step up from the NES/SNES. But instead of looking at a situation from multiple perspectives I guess it's just easier to moan.
Not sure which is worse, the fact that this turned out to be a mediocre product, or the fact that Sony did this first instead of giving us the ability to play our PS1 games on PS4......
It’s not the size it’s what you do with it.
@hi_drnick if it is not a product that is good enough to satisfy anyone, then what good is its existence? i haven't seen a single person who is happy with the list of games or even remotely content. the selection fails for everyone so to me it looks like a product that can easily be skipped. it also doesn't help that the best games on the classic have been available on psn for years and can be played on a vita or ps3, thereby saving you money in the process. and then there are all the great games not on the classic console that are on psn... other than hardcore collectors who will buy anything to satisfy their compulsive behaviour, this product is destined to bomb pretty hard.
I really like the design ps1 has always been a great looking console but I cancelled my pre order the games included are bad and also don’t represent the best the ps1 had or even the games most people associated with the console can see it being reduced quite early on it’s not a patch on the SNES mini
Ps4 mini better have knack on it or I'm out.
@AdamNovice Sony`s own Wipeout series...
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