Just go ahead and call them Capgod: they deserve it the run they’re on. Capcom’s revealed the contents of Resident Evil 2’s Deluxe Edition in North America, and it looks damn well worth the $10 premium that the publisher’s charging. In addition to a reversible cover, which lets you pick between Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, the package also bundles some bonus in-game content.
Now the Samurai Edge pistol we can take or leave, but it’s the costumes that are the stars of the show. Leon gets a noir costume clearly inspired by The Evil Within, as well as a sheriff’s outfit which screams The Walking Dead. Meanwhile, Claire gets her own military and noir threads – but it’s the Elza Walker getup which is sure to thrill fans, as the motorcycle racer was planned to be the protagonist in the original version of Resident Evil 2, before development was rebooted.
You also get a soundtrack swap which allows you to use the original score from the PSone title, so a nice selection of extras for the inflated price. Look, we agree that all of these items would have been included in the base version of the game once upon a time, but we still reckon these costumes are worth the ten bucks. The steelbook edition includes some of this content in Europe, but we’ll ask Capcom how you can get it all in the Old World.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 50
Whew, good thing I pre-ordered this version already, since the digital versions aren't refundable. Definitely gonna play through with the Elza Walker costume at first (story-wise, that's how she rode into town!) and then switch to the default one partway through the game (the others are too goofy for me to keep immersed in the story). With Leon, I'll change costumes as the story permits (like when he gets outta the sewers...you gotta change after being in there!).
With the Elza Walker costume...I'm hoping but not expecting that other elements from Resident Evil 1.5 make their way into this game (or otherwise some DLC missions). I'm talkin' fighting some zombie apes in the RPD parking lot!
Noir Claire reminds me of Mister Mister era Girls' Generation.
I might as well get that. I’m already sold on this game.
Yeah, I think this edition worth $10, as long as there's mtx, I'll take this edition. Also I want the weapon since the game difficulty seems tough.
Now I just want a costume that actually resembles Claire remotely. Here's hoping it's an unlockable within the game! The Elza Walker costume is a very nice touch.
Yes please, January 29th can't come soon enough.
@Onion like an actual modern rendition, or like what they've done in Mario Odyssey and the new Tomb Raider where you get a skin of the original character? Either way would be cool.
I would be really surprised if they went and brought in the actual models like Odyssey did for Mario's 64 model, but nah I was mostly referring to a modern rendition of her original vest and shorts. I can deal with her new face and hair but I really hate her new outfit, I'm hoping they bring in her original clothes as an unlockable.
Meh, not a big fan of the outfits and disappointed there's no classic one for Claire. But I do like the weapon and of course, the soundtrack swap. Have to use the original.
At the moment it seems the only way to get this stuff in the UK is to get it digitally, it's a shame as it's one of the few games I'd quite like a physical copy of. Out of this extra content it's the Eliza Walker costume and definitely the original soundtrack that I'm most interested in, I still remember that creepy music from the main hall now
Going to rebel here, I don't want that stuff...
Once those things were included as rewards for those who beat the game at a certain difficulty or tied to collectibles. Now you have to pay an extra 15% of the game price to get them.
Then I look at recent elections in Europe, North and South America and I realized people is getting smarter and smarter!
What next, paying to watch cutscenes?
I'm loving Claire's noir costume.
Pay extra to get the old, already created music? No...
No way, Elza.
Dressing up is for kids. Wouldn't mind that soundtrack though. But nah, base version for me please.
Nope, never understood the love for costumes ,standard version for me.
This article is sarcasm, right?
If you change the original "You are going to want the Deluxe Edition" with "You are going to want the Gold Edition" everything will be back in place.
I'd love to see the file where Capcom records and profiles their customers: I bet I'm tagged as #stingy, #straggler and maybe #sage since I've spent € 50 for the RE7 gold edition instead of € 100 for day one edition + season pass. In the latter case #spendthrift, #hasty and #muttonhead would sound correct.
@carlos82 give it time, the UK is notorious for getting things late so it's possible out pre-orders just haven't gone live yet i mean take Devil May Cry 5, we STILL can't pre-order it yet but it was announced ages ago
Not that a cosmetic is a massive deal BUT, if they’ve already made them, they should just be in the game.
You should not be promoting/speaking positively about the fact that they are withholding content and putting it behind a paywall. Scumbags.
I’ve no problem with some dlc if it is made after release to extend the experience or life of a game but locking content they have already made is just scummy.
“Capgod” my arse.
@JoeBlogs it’s terrible to praise a firm for withholding content and then selling it back to people. I hate the future.
So normally sammy would not like this stuff but just because capcom has been doing better business
For the fans it's okay and even a Nice thing?
thats the feeling i get, if it was for something they didn't like this article would of taken a whole different direction
also think an R is missing from capgod!
Nah I'm good. I'll just go with the scrub skins when I buy.
@andreoni79 @KingdomHeartsFan
They may have been included in the game originally, but then the game would also have been a lot more expensive back then.
RE2 was £40 in 1998, the standard price for PS1 games. That's equivalent to £66 now. That's $86. So yeah, get these costumes included but pay $86/£66 just like the good old days. Plus, there are also probably other unlockable costumes in the game as well given that these ones are different from the original unlockable ones.
@Omnicron What if they already made them on a budget based on the fact they'll be charged for separately later? That they spent extra time, money and effort to make them BECAUSE they were charging extra for them?
Like, every day Greggs makes loads of baguettes, that doesn't mean for the price of one baguette you should get all their baguettes since they've already made them. They were all made to be sold separately. Different pieces of content made at different price points that you pay for piece by piece... But I've paid for my baguette so Greggs should give me all their other food since they've already made it. Stop withholding content you've already made, Greggs!
@Matroska Nah man thats such a lame excuse being used as of late that developers extend their resources and project budgets to churn out DAY ONE dlc that could and should of been in the base game.
@keihtg the others too goofy? What
@jswhitfield8 are you whining already?
@jswhitfield8 and this is why folks remakes have a bad side to them, the DLC is always a issue, can you imagine what capcom would do to dino crisis if that was remade? imagine the milking on that.
just FU capcom.
@KingdomHeartsFan nailed it.
@FullbringIchigo yes devil may cry V is irritating me that it's not available for order yet.
@andreoni79 "What next, paying to watch cutscenes?"
capcom: hold my beer....
devil may cry V will feature live action cutscenes but only if you order the deluxe edition! @ £59.99!
@get2sammyb @Octane Right!? I assumed the article was meant to be sarcastic. 10 quid for nothing really. Base version for me please.
@Undead22 I mean like why would Claire wear those in the context of the story? They’d be fun for subsequent playthroughs tho.
I'll be preordering the standard edition, have no need for the clothes/skins and I'm sure they'll sell the gun on PSN eventually.
@Matroska That's not even a proper comparison you have dreamed up, they are different products. By your logic we should buy 1 game and be given loads of other games. That's not what we want.
A PROPER comparison to that would be Greggs making a sausage roll, selling it to you at normal price but as they hand it to you they cut the end off. They then suggest that you could buy the last bite in order experience the full sausage roll, if you so wish.
Attitudes like yours, and this article, encourage this dirty behaviour from developers. Before long all games will be like street fighter, where all the characters were made and ON THE DISC YOU BUY, but to access them you had to pay extra.
The "Capgod" comment for selling DLC before a game came out was incredibly dumb. @Get2Sammyb is usually on point but not in this case. As the comments above would also back up too.
What happened to pre-order bonuses ?
Surely these cosmetic DLC should be a reward for day 1 purchase ?
Am I the only one who remembers these. RE2 is on my want list for sure.
I have recently stopped day1 purchases, too many sales and too many games in my backlog means that patience really can pay (or save)
Am also becoming very wary of DLC - Streetfighter from cashcom has 3 season passes and other DLC etc .
I really want this game but I can wait till the price drops since game pricing drops like rocks these days.
@JoeBlogs Inflation is also offset by the fact that more games are being sold now than in that era. It is a MUCH bigger industry now, it has even taken over the film industry. RE2 Remake will turn a huge profit whether they include that skin or not, so it's purely greed at the expensive of the gamer.
Instead of locking items behind a paywall why not approach it differently and promote the fact that they are including these items in the game, encouraging more people to buy the game because they have gone above and beyond with content.
Look at games like COD which makes a billion per year before you even factor in DLC sales. Instead of using that huge profit margin to make the product bigger and better, they are now removing the story content which will save them HUGE amounts of time and money, yet the price of the game is not dropping. Why? because people are letting them get away with it.
It's a slippery slope and the more slack you give them, the more they will take. Praising them for doing it is only going to make it worse.
@Omnicron But it's not like that. If this is content is developed on top of the main game, and was only made to be sold separately, it's like a can of Coke being separate from a sausage roll. I'd agree if they made it so you could only play as Leon and Clare was only playable for £20 more. THAT would be removing something to sell separately. Extra costumes that weren't in the original have not been removed from the game.
The outfits are cool. The Samurai Edge pistol not. A 12 gauge tacticle pump shotgun yes.
Hopefully more outfits will be unlocked from game play.
I'd much rather have a steelbook case than a reversible cover.
@jswhitfield8 oh ok
@keihtg why are you whining over outfits just enjoy the game when it's out and it's called resident evil 2 not resident evil 2 fashion edition
Whoa dude...I’m not whining, I was just saying I wouldn’t use them for my first play through. Resident Evil always has goofy alternate costumes....excuse me for not thinking some of them are inappropriate for a serious playthrough. God damn, take your anger out on someone else lol.
@keihtg oh ok and just see alot of the whining fans keep whining about it and other dumb crap too
@Undead22 it’s all good. I agree, there’s definitely a lot of whining about this game, most notably the appearance of the female characters (Claire’s face and outfit, Ada not wearing red).
@keihtg you are correct about that
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