According to Metacritic, reviews for Red Dead Redemption 2 will run from 4AM PDT on 25th October. That’s a day before Rockstar’s hotly anticipated Western is scheduled to release. The title – which is set before the events of John Marston’s adventure on the PlayStation 3 – has been eight years in the making, and will represent the publisher’s first PlayStation 4 release proper. It’s previously deployed remasters of Grand Theft Auto V and LA Noire, but this is the first title it’s made natively for Sony’s current flagship format.
How are you expecting this one to review? The previous instalment secured a 95 on Metacritic, but obviously times have changed, and games generally score lower these days. Where do you reckon it will settle?
[source twitter.com]
Comments 39
Probably my favourite game on PS3 but I'm playing through a few games at the moment so this may have to wait a bit, I'm expecting nothing less than excellence though and knowing me I'll probably get it at launch anyway and simply juggle 4 games at once 😆😆😆
It seems crazy to have expectations set so high but I'd be really surprised (and disappointed) if this one doesn't get 10s almost universally across the board.
It's the first Rockstar game in 5 years; almost all of the previews have been ridiculously excited about it; and hype levels for it just generally seem really high.
I've been excited for upcoming games for 20 odd years now and this might be my most anticipated release yet.
Expect incredibly high scores, GOTY awards then people eventually saying "it wasn't as good as the critics made out".
I predict a Metacritic score of 96.
I am expecting high review scores, with at least a handful of mediocre scores thrown in cause someone needs clicks. Can't wait to play it myself.
@get2sammyb when do you think your guys review will be up?who's the jammy git who gets to play it first?!
90+ on Metacritic is guaranteed I think. Hopefully 95 or above.
I'm currently playing the first game on PS3, and I'm struggling to see the magic. It's growing on me, but I can see it getting pretty tedious. I also wish the PS3 version weren't so...ugly. First time I've found myself wishing I had an XBox One X.
I’m guessing it will be around 95 again. I’m sure most will go for max scores and you’ll get the usual one off low score, from a reviewer that openly states they hate western open worlds, but feel the need to review it anyway. Haha.
Now maybe R* will start working on Agent...
I couldn't care less about idiotic scores. One day before it's due means less chance to get spoilers I guess, because I'm certainly going to enjoy reading nicely written articles and possibly find out how to better appreciate the game if need be.
Just hoping it's better than the pretty average GTA5.
@LaNooch1978 i be surprised if this game get 98 is higher than GTA was 97
Undoubtedly someone will score it for the approximate number of hours the main campaign runs: 60-65.
But it's almost a guarantee it will land in the mid to high 90's on Metacritic.
Expecting many nines and tens with the odd eight. If I was to guess a metacritic score id say 94% It's Rockstar and they're not gonna mess it up.
Anything above 90 is ok . A game so ambitious can (and will) have a couple of flaws so ... if it's not a flop then is ok.
While we're on the subject of cowboy games. Does the forced unpaid overtime labor that goes into game development ever get factored into a review?
@MattSilverado below 90 is a flop, eh?
Maybe do some research before you fall of that high horse. No one forced anyone to work overtime , seems these people went to make the best game they could and they like there work.
Sadly seems a lot of people who think like that, well there loss as they we missing out on some great games.
Get your point, but was just pointing out to the other posted they weren't forced or.didn't get paid, just seems people are happy to jump on the hate bandwagon without all the facts.
@kyleforrester87 regarding this game, yes ; ) . You know... Rockstar saying "this game will redefine our industry..." . I hope it gets a 100+ but that will not happen. I enjoy games regardless of review scores, I know what kind of games I like.
I decided to choose RDR2 over BO4 as my next gaming obsession. I don't think I could go wrong either way but the single player aspect of RDR made the choice easier. Really looking forward to it.
@MattSilverado yeah me too, I make a decision on a game more or less the first I hear about it, and I've long made up my mind well before reviews most of the time. But that's what it's like when you game as much as we do. I guess it's different for less..err.. "hardcore" gamers.
To be honest if you have been playing games most your life and can't make your own conclusions pretty quickly based on a few gameplay previews, you have a bit of a problem.
Still, review embargo day is always a bit of fun.
Well, it's made by Rockstar, so no matter how good or bad it is, it'll almost exclusively get 9's and 10's
@legalstep Can you read? And all other people who gets it wrong and turn it to their twisted interpretation? I've met some guys from Rockstar and they didn't complain about any "forced" overtimes.
I do not trust all reviews but hope it will get all 10s where it used to.
I predict that I'm gonna love it.
@suikoden Aww I wish you here to defend the banks when they collapsed. Those poor corporations forget the people who lost their houses
@Oizon I'm glad your a free market champion. Yes I guess no authority figure could force an employee to work overtime. They'll all do it with love for the great leader. Which Korea is your favorite?
@suikoden their work?
@suikoden Rights for people working. Overtime pay. Yes I guess you're right I'm completely irrational
probably 100 hahaha word up son
@Giygas_95 I had the same issue which is why im probarbly the only person in the world noy bothered about the latest instalment.Great, likable lead and story but whereas in GTA there is stuff to look at all over the place and all the time alot of red dead is very sparce and boring ( as you obviously would expect the wild west to be) and who the duck really wants to play horse shoes? I really wish they would take more time and make mini games actually fun like having a barman in a saloon throwing bottles for you to pop etc.
Let me start by saying I have the ultimate edition preordered and I’m super excited to play this. Now with that said it’s a rockstar game so it will get inflated scores like gta 5 and get a ridiculous 97 on metacritic which just like that game it probably won’t deserve
I'm fully expecting a 95 or above on Metacritic. Often big releases are overhyped, so folk's expectations are through the roof and they end up disappointed when a game is merely very good as opposed to positively orgasmic (and I've seen folk pointing this out more and more this last few years, so the hype phenomenon is defo getting worse I reckon), but I have faith that Rockstar will deliver on the high expectations for RDR2...provided that their not quite as great parent company hasn't snuck any surprise unnecessary MTX into the single player that is!
GTAV was kinda meh and overrated. Hopefully this is better.
I'm expecting ALOT of 10s (some 9s and a few rare 8s or lower) and a 93-95 metacritic score personally.
Really wish I had the time to play this but I've got a huge backlog as is and need to be free in November to play Spyro Trilogy and then start catching up on Kingdom Hearts and Resident Evil series for KH3 and RE2 Remake.
Besides, hopefully a year from now RDR2 will be $30 New or cheaper during Black Friday 2019, and they'll have finally also ported RDR1 to PS4.
It'll be a horribly broken mess on release bomb commercially and rockstar will have staff doing mandatory 168 hour weeks to try and fix it, they'll fail and start taking rockstar execs to the human rights court sue them mercilessly and rockstar will go into administration......Daniel radcliff will make a fortune playing both housers in the inevitable film about this....Mic drop
lock her in at 96 eddie
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