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One of the big stories in the PlayStation Nation this week was that according to reputable sources, the ability to change your PlayStation Network username is finally heading our way. When? We're not entirely sure yet, but reports say that some developers have been told all about it.

If this really is happening, though, will you actually make use of the option? Do you have a PSN name that you desperately want to change, or will you just keep what you've got? As always, let us know in our polls, and then tell us all about your embarrassing username in the comments section below.

Would you change your PSN username if you had the option? (325 votes)

  1. Yes, definitely28%
  2. Yeah, I'd probably change it11%
  3. Hmmm, maybe8%
  4. Nah, probably not11%
  5. No, I'd keep the one I have42%

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Why would you change your username? (311 votes)

  1. The one I have right now has not aged well14%
  2. I have a better username in mind25%
  3. I just fancy a change10%
  4. I wouldn't change my username to begin with50%

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