SEGA has come a long way since the days of removing parts of Yakuza 3 because western audiences wouldn't "get it". Speaking to GameIndustry, SEGA Europe boss John Clark says that Yakuza has found its footing here in the West because it doesn't shy away from its Japanese roots.
"We're not turning every Yakuza title into an open-world Yakuza game. That's not what's happening," Clark states. "We're representing the Japanese IP, the Japanese road map, the Japanese content to the relevant audience within the West. And whether there's a need to change that or not, I don't know. But it seems to be successful and it seems to be working." In other words, fans of Japanese games and Japan in general like Yakuza because... Well, because it's so Japanese.
We remember a time not all that long ago when Japanese publishers were desperate to crack the western video game market, pushing titles that borrowed heavily from existing western game design. To some extent, the incredibly divisive Final Fantasy XIII was a product of that mentality, as was the downright terrible Quantum Theory.
As such, it's great to see a series like Yakuza grow in popularity outside of its homeland. Even better is that SEGA seems to understand why it's catching on. Let's keep it going.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 28
Yakuza 3,4,5 Ps4 collection to the west please thanks.
Sega knows a thing or two about a thing or two. Yakuza hits all the right buttons. It's a charming GTA alternative. Train a hostess, rescue a cat who cares Sega's going to put it in the game. Yakuza is the best video game franchise Sega has produced.
I like them because they're great games.
It is the only game with super serious main story which is constantly interrupt with hilarious events. You dont find that anywhere else. Its like The Last of Us and Saint Row got a baby together.
Mr Libido doing his thing around town in just his duds. I love Yakuza.
No shiz!
I think Gio Corsei and his team probably deserve a bit of credit themselves cos it was their #BuildingTheList initiative that brought the Yakuza games over to the west cos Sega had pretty much gave up at that point. And now look at it.
@ShadowWarrior you’re welcome. Would you like them in native 4K and 60FPS?
For new to the series like me... where should I start? Have there been any made specifically for this generation on ps4 or are they just remasters so far?
Yes please
@Cutmastavictory You can start with yakuza 0 on ps4. Its a prequel to the first game and arguably the best if not one of the best in the series. Then yakuza kiwami. Its a remake of the first game on ps4. Yakuza kiwami 2 which is a remake of the second game releases next month on ps4. Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 are all on psn for ps3 I think. And finally yakuza 6 on ps4.
people like yakuza cuz its one of the most hype games to exist. No other game can perfectly balance nonsensical goofiness and heart wrenching drama like this series does
Hopefully Square Enix gets the memo. Can we get a real Final Fantasy game again with some form of turn-based combat and a real story instead of some billion dollar epic about four dudes driving around in a car?
It’s different... and I like that.
Yakuza has always been wonderful for not pandering to a western audience. It revels in its uniqueness and japanese'ness'. Long may it continue.
Final fantasy 13 - and absolutely final fantasy 15 are definitely products influenced by western design
Thats why the last great final fantasy in my book was ff10, and the psone trilogy are nearly perfect. The westernisation ruins things. I dont want to play skyrim or fallout alikes when i can play .. skyrim or fallout.
And thats why people trying to compare yakuza to gta baffle me. They are nothing alike, yet they are trying to force westernism on something uniquely japanese. Sega do get it right sometimes. And thats why i love yakuza, persona and cant wait for valkyria 4. All games all the better for preserving their roots. When sega look to the west we get nonsense like sonic boom. They are better than that, as the aforementioned titles demonstrate
I think the western game market has a tendency to get too samey rather frequently. I'm sure plenty of people here remember the mascot platform craze in the '90s, the shooters in the late 00's/early 10's, and now with open world games. Games like Yakuza give us a chance to play something different from our norm, as well as getting a slice of Japanese culture. Experience something different and broaden our horizons.
@Ralizah what's more Japanese than a jpop band on a roadtrip with some cup noodle product placement. Was ffxv a mess?... sure, but it was a bloody fantastic mess that could only be made in Japan.
I like learning about other cultures, so Yakuza being heavy in culture is really neat.
That, and beating guys faces in is pretty satisfying.
@Deadlyblack I couldn't agree more!
@Kiloman74 I just want to play the on the PS4.
@Rob_230 You can always mix East and West if you dont go to far. And the West is more the US if you look at European stuff it has some relations with the Japanese. For me i just love turnbased and yes the Japanese stories go better with me still have not started FF15 Im waiting untill the complete the game then ill start.
FINALLY! Thank god someone over there finally got the message! Just like how anime was popular here for long before these terrible english dubs started plaguing every popular series, Japanese devs don't need to change anything about their games in order to sell them here, just add proper english text to the game and leave the Japanese audio as an option, tbh I prefer only Japanese audio and don't mind if they skip english audio altogether.
You know why I like Yakuza? Because it's simply concerned with being a fun video game. And I respect the people behind the games. No stupid political agendas, no stupid developers going on Twitter to show the world how 'woke' they are (and attacking consumers in the process who don't enjoy their work while also being at a studio that has come under fire for some questionable work place activities). It's just a fun game from a group of people who want to bring something different to the table and I'm for that. I also like that they aren't afraid to put your stereotypical alpha male in the lead role. Something too many idiotic Western studios (games and movies) are afraid to these days.
I'm glad this guy gets it.
This is awesome. Wish the developers of that Dead or Alive 6 game learned this lesson, instead of pandering to whiny western activists.
@ShadowWarrior @ShadowWarrior you know it! Probably won’t happen though. And news of possible western versions of the ancient japan spin offs? Gushing! With blood and excitement of course....and without the blood! Lol
@Flaming_Kaiser same here buddy! Just need 3,4,5 kenzan and ishin......👍
@ShadowWarrior and kenzan and ishin!
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