Well, England didn’t win the World Cup – although it must be a nerve-racking weekend for our resident Croatian reader. This author’s been backing France since before the tournament started [Stealth brag – Ed] so it’s hard to see anyone other than Hugo Lloris lifting the trophy tomorrow, but stranger things have happened. Feels written in the stars for Kylian Mbappe to bag the winner, though, doesn’t it?
Sammy Barker, Editor
Due to the football I’ve barely watched any of Wimbledon, so I’m hoping to catch at least a little bit of that this weekend. On the gaming front, I haven’t really settled on anything and so my backlog remains as big as ever. I think I need something to really sink my teeth into before the holiday rush starts in earnest.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
The arrival of Monster Hunter: World's summer festival has got me playing Capcom's finest once again, and after a long break, it feels great to get back into the swing of things.
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
I’m back on reviewing duty once more. This time, I’m turning my attention to Danger Zone 2, a game attempting to recapture the magic of Burnout’s Crash mode. I’ll also be exploring Sapienza as I get back to Hitman.
Jenny Jones, Reviewer
This is the first free weekend I’ve had in ages, so I plan to make the most of it by playing a few different indie games that I’ve been dying to play. I plan to play Xenon Valkyrie+, Reverie, and I’ve also just had a long awaited package delivered from Play-Asia which means that I’ll also be giving Sir Eatsalot a go.
Liam Croft, Reviewer
This weekend will revolve around playing a little-known game that just released called Earthfall. It attempts to be the next Left 4 Dead, and you can look forward to my review early next week. Elsewhere, there's always Fortnite.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
I will be continuing Bayonetta this weekend on the Xbox One, I am looking forward to finishing this one so I can start Bayonetta 2 on the Switch. I have been enjoying it a lot it's really a shame that the Bayonetta series has become a Nintendo exclusive.
That's what we're playing this weekend, but what about you lovely lot? You know the drill, so let us know in the comments section below.
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Comments 77
Crash N.Sane Trilogy and Splatoon 2. Maybe a bit of Wolfenstein 2 as well.
Rainbow Six Siege, Company of Heroes on pc and I may try for the first time the elusive target on Hitman. Have a good weekend everyone!
Odin's Sphere the PS4 version. I just made it to the fire world and man are those backgrounds a thing of beauty. I suppose maybe some Yakuza 6, but I'm not in a rush with that one.
I’m out of town this weekend, so I’ll be taking the Switch with me and getting my team up to scratch in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I might play a bit of the new Kirby too and some Splatoon 2 if I come across WiFi anywhere.
I'm in a serious stealth mood after finally playing through Dishonored 2 this week, so the weekend will consist entirely of me playing Death of the Outsider and Sniper Elite 4.
Wimbledon has had me hooked the last few days really. Djokovic and Nadal are continuing to serve up a cracker.
Gaming wise I've been quiet but have been playing quite a bit of Football Manager recently. I'm enjoying my save (with Cambridge United) but am struggling a bit so not sure how much longer I'm gonna stay interested.
Also for some strange reason I've gone off football a bit since Wednesday night..
Nier Automata. I'm still early on in the game, but I'm loving it so far. It's the best game I've played in a long time.
Also want to do some more songs with Hatsune Miku Project Diva Future Tone, do another case with Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations, and get further with Bravely Default.
Octopath Traveler and packing to move!
A lot of PES 2018 for me. I've just finished my first 'Become A Legend' season for VVV in the Eredivisie where I scored 49 goals in 39 games. Not bad for an 18 year old. I'm expecting that England call up any day now. I'll show Harry and Raheem how to score from open play.
Between the 3rd place play-off, the WC final and Extreme Rules I'll be watching a lot of TV. Luckily I've got Octopath Traveler keeping me company.
Spoiler: It's really good .
Persona 5 , this game is amazing.
Darksiders 1 and 2 for me in prep for Darksiders 3.
Probably going to dig into Octopath Traveler, some Ni No Kuni 2, and red faction remarstered as well.
i'm playing Video Games
OK being serious i'm trying to get trough mu backlog, i finished The Fractured But Whole yesterday so i'm moving onto Sherlock Holmes and the Devils Daughter
Just finished up chapter 2 of Ys VIII and chapter 3 of Yakuza 0. So now I'll be working on beating Child of Light.
And probably some Splatoon 2 multiplayer as well!
@kyleforrester87 Dude, good luck packing. One of the worst things to have to do. Hopefully your new place will have a huge theater room with an enormous 4K TV all set up for gaming.
As for me, I’m alternating right now between Yakuza 0 and my rediscovery of Horizon Zero Dawn. I killed my first Stormbird last night. That was rough. The enemies are getting pretty hard.
@Th3solution haha yeah thanks. I'm still trying to figure out if I want the gaming room to be next to the indoor pool or tennis court, if I don't make my mind up by next weekend I'll just have to have two of them!
France X Croatia will be a great match, can’t wait.
I’m playing the campaign of Black Ops 3, maybe I will start Kingdom Hearts 2.8 too.
And Meunier scored right now.
Going to the parade of the Belgian team in Brussels tomorrow, hope we'll see a good game today. Maybe I'll trow in some Skyrim VR if I find the time. Cheers guys!
Go Croatia! Shut mouths tomorrow, the same way you did last Wednesday!
As for games, I will try to finish KH BbS so I can start Bloodborne.
@LaNooch1978 ...you give your servants their own quarters..??
@LaNooch1978 it's a slippery slope if you ask me...
@get2sammyb Damn Sammy 😂 This weekend is truly all football for me. But Vatreni already made history so I won't be sad even if we lose (which won't happen lmao).
@sinalefa I am sure we will! We are already here against everything people were saying! Go Blazers! Idemo Vatreni!
Persona 5, Shantea Half Genie Hero, Street Fighter V, and Anniversary Collection for PS4.
Starting my journey in Ni No Kuni 2. I've played about a half hour and the combat is so much better than the first game. Maybe some PSVR stuff, as well.
@YeYa Good luck!
Still playing gravity rush 2 treasure hunt, I must say this mode is quite fun, already spend 10 hour playing it without advancing the story
Also playing gravity rush remastered, I want to finish it before advancing gravity rush 2 story.
Ni no kuni 2! Pleasantly surprised so far.
Gone back to Yakuza 0 into chapter 12, the club management mini game has taken so much of my time
Yakuza 6
COD WWII and Super Metroid on SNES
But its coming home to france.word up son
@Bioth Cool! I can’t make it unfortunately but I’m sure there will be a great crowd. Have fun and give ‘em a proper welcome home!
Not a lot of gaming due to a stuffed weekend. Probably some small Vita sessions on the fly.
Great weekend, y’all.
@PS_Nation vive la france mon ami.un nouveau champion 2018.word up son
Ride 2. I will also continue testing out a whole bunch of Indie games I picked up lately: Blacksea Odyssey, Super Destronaut DX (brilliant !), Waking Violet (love the mood), Phobos Vector Prime (cool), Slime-san (genius), Rogue Aces (awesome), Reverie (super-charming), and Deep Ones (pleasant nostalgia).
… oh, and go Belgium! Go France! you can do it!
Started my 4th play through prey, trying to find all the stupid employees. Will also finally try to finish yakuza 0 as I need to catch up with this fantastic series
The Division and MH: World.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I forgot Extreme Rules was this weekend. Good thing you mentioned it or I would have missed it.
Monster Hunter World (summer festival), Strider and watch France win the World Cup
@GKO900 definitely.france will win .word up son
Come on Croatia!
This weekend is Blops Zombies on Sunday getting carried by Jaz and Mozzy. Cant wait.
Gravity Rush 2 inbetween writing my speech for my wedding on Thursday, as well as sobbing over my car dying on me today, have to wait till monday for the diagnosis fingers crossed. PS4 and thoughts of wedding will get me through.
@MightyDemon82 Congrats on your wedding dude! Bad timing on the car though. Hopefully your spouse is a gamer and maybe they’ll let you take your PS4 with on the honeymoon 😅
@MightyDemon82 what lights come up on the car bro?
@themcnoisy it's coolant tank related but they had to take it away and won't get to look at it till monday, had it for almost a decade so maybe it's just time.
@Th3solution Thanks, probably best it stays at home but she does enjoy the odd game!
Battlefield 1 for me. It's an excellent MP game. I might finally start up The Last Guardian too.
@RogerRoger Loving the weekly gifs 😀.
@MightyDemon82 Have you put checked if you had enough coolant in the system? If you have a leak its more likely to be a hose in an old car rather than the resevoir. In which case its about £75 worth of work - if its the resevoir its about £200. To replace everything its more again and it depends on the car of course. Good luck bro.
Bit late getting here this week but with what's left of the weekend I'll be playing.:
Switch: Xenoblade 2, Shining Resonance Refrain, Stardew Valley.
Ps4: Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 and Danger Zone 2.
I'm honest...I loved making fun of England but this headline made me sad for you guys
Anyway, I bought Alien Isolation, Bioshock Collection and also Street Fighter 4 Ultimate on the sale, so I'm in for a ride this weekend
@themcnoisy there is a leak somewhere but they couldn't tell just by looking.
@RogerRoger Thanks man, from a fellow Star Wars nut!
An amazing team, you truly deserve it!
Finally started playing The Last of Us: Left Behind, and I'm enjoying it so far. Seems pretty on par with the main game in terms of quality.
Other than that, it's hard to say what I'll play. Might play some Splatoon 2 or Night in the Woods, or something else. It's kinda up in the air.
Captain Toad for me!
It’s only taken 3 years, but I’ve finally started The Witcher 3. I guess I’ll see you all in a few months.
Defiance 2050 on PS4 Pro. Delighted that it's back!
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Progress has been a little slow as my attention span has been poor, but I'm hoping to finish one of the three campaigns this weekend.
Earlier I started Ducktales Remastered on the PS3 to break things up a bit. I got it in a sale years ago and thought it would be good to start tackling my enormous digital backlog.
On the Vita I'm continuing with Trails in the Sky Second Chapter, which I like a lot.
@stevenfins How is your cat?
Just picked up Owlboy on PSN sale and have been playing through Pillars of Eternity this week getting ready for the sequel. Tomorrow will be day drinking as WC final starts at 10am here. Maybe Fifa18 afterwards but realistically in bed early.
A bit of Dirt 4, and I've also started Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I can feel my timbers shivering already.
Going forward in Prey mixing it with a bit of GT Sport.
In my quest to reducing my backlog pile, I am not sure what will come next between Bioshock Trilogy, Wolfenstein II or Hitman. Any advice?
@mookysam He is doing better. Still walks like a drunk but I'm hopeful he'll get over it.
@MightyDemon82 Congratulations for your wedding. May you live a long and happy life together.
@Tasuki I usually catch the secondary PPVs throughout the week, as the time isn’t great for me here in the UK, but I’m hoping Team Hell No take the Tag titles.
@stevenfins Thanks sorry to hear about your cat, hope he gets better soon. Can't believe people would do that.
I finally completed all of the Arkham Knight story DLC, started playing Life is Strange last weekend.
Plan to play more today if I can, will be working FIVE 11.5 hour days in a row Monday-Friday.
Congrats to France from your loving portuguese friends 😁
just finished beast quest
i was soooo close to buying a switch yesterday, I NEED TO PLAY HOLLOW KNIGHT, hanging by a thread till a sale
Been reducing game time after completing God of war many weeks ago. Don't feel like playing anything.
@playstation1995 They where horrible two goals that should have never happend. Free kick was a dive and a penalty that wasn't a penalty.
@AFCC i told you france was going to win the championship.vive la france joel.vive la revolution.les blues.mon ami.2018 champions.hahaha.word up son
@Flaming_Kaiser the penalty he clearly swap the ball with his hand.the french team dominated the second half.Croatia was awful in the second half.it should have been 4 to 1 france.dont be blind by that French domination.best team of 2018.les blue.2018 🏆 haha haha haha👍😁😂😀😱💪😇😜😳💞💖💕💓💛💗💚❤.vive la france domination.word up son
@Fight_Teza_Fight vive la france.Hahaha.my france finally first championship since 1998.beat brazil 3 0.20 years later.2018 champions.Hahaha.vive la france playa.word up son
@kmo vive la france.2018 champions.Hahaha.les blues mon ami.word up geralt son
@RogerRoger Nice gif. Is that the challenge where you have to round up the chickens and chuck 'em in a pen? I loved that.
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