Sony’s counting down to E3 2018 by making a new announcement every single day starting from 6th June running right the way through to the organisation’s press conference on 11th June. The appetisers will air live at 8AM PT/4PM BST every day, and will span everything from a first-party release date through to brand new games.
Here’s the schedule in its entirety:
- 6th June: New PS4 Game With PSVR Support
- 7th June: Release Date for an Upcoming Worldwide Studios Title
- 8th June: New PS4 Game
- 9th June: New PSVR Game
- 10th June: An Eagerly Anticipated Game Comes to PSVR
This is a unique approach to E3 2018, which will keep all eyes on PlayStation for an extended period of time. We reckon that the Worldwide Studios release date will probably be for Dreams, and will come hand-in-hand with some kind of beta announcement. We also suspect one of the new PlayStation VR reveals will be from Manchester Studio.
All in all, though, this is quite a novel way to build hype, and we appreciate that Sony’s thinking outside of the box with its presentation this year. What are your predictions for each of the scheduled livestreams? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 34
6th June: New PS4 Game With PSVR Support
Could be anything, so I haven't got a clue.
7th June: Release Date for an Upcoming Worldwide Studios Title
I think it'll be Dreams, but could also be Days Gone. More likely to be Dreams in my opinion. Out in December. Beta in July. (Could also be Concrete Genie as pointed out by others!)
8th June: New PS4 Game
Mortal Kombat 11.
9th June: New PSVR Game
Manchester Studio game.
10th June: An Eagerly Anticipated Game Comes to PSVR
Not sure? The wording implies that it's a game that was maybe a hit on Oculus Rift or HTC Vive and people have been asking for on PSVR. Not sure what, though? Beat Saber?
I could live w/ a Dreams announcement on Thursday.
No clue on the others as the clues are quite broad.
@get2sammyb Knack VR you heard it here first!!!
You know what's weird?
I had the idea that the actual E3 show will be a 4 act thing.
Spider-Man - Act 1
Indie stuff - break
Death Stranding - Act 2
VR Stuff - Break
Ghost of Tsushima - Act 3
Third Party Usual Stuff - Break
Last of Us - Act 4
That would be a good show.
But now it looks like 4 acts back to back and some of the stuff to fill in cooldown periods are...being announced prior to the event?
You know Sony, at this point just do a Nintendo Direct. Screw it XD
could the new ps4 game be the new project of bluepoint?
If that anticipated VR game is a mode for No Man's sky I am going to o explode with excitement but the chances are miniscule.
@jdv95 Could be, depends what it is.
Lets hope that 'wild' and 'deep down' are on the list too
You think this means they won’t have a preshow this year? Also, the release date for upcoming exclusive could be Concrete Genie.
Spread out some of the excitement a bit, I like it, good idea. Sometimes things get overshadowed when everything is shown within 48 hours.
Deep Down PSVR exclusive.
6th June: No idea possibly Ace Combat 7
7th June: Concrete Genie (people have forgot that one) don't rule out Medievil either.
June 8th: Mortal Kombat 11 is a good shout or DMC 5
June 9th: Maybe Rayspace
June 10th: Maybe Lone Echo or Brass Tactics
Either way this feels like gaming's equivalent of an advent calendar lol
I'm so looking forward to E3 next week, not only for Sony's show, but all the major players.
Damn! Get hyped son!
Jun10 may be Ace Combat 7 announces entire game playable in VR; not just certain missions
Rather not.
Could we be getting No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous in PSVR?
I'm not that keen on this approach. I would much rather have all the game reveals in one huge announcement instead of it being spread over several days.
@roe word up son
6th June - no clue. PSVR support could be a one-off experience like Battlefront and Tomb Raider, or an alternative play style akin to Dirt Rally, RE7 and Gran Turismo Sport.
7th June - surely this is Dreams. It’s mid-2018 and still no release date. I can’t see it being anything else.
8th June - DMC5? Bloodborne 2? Knack 3?
9th June - Farpoint 2
10th June - Golem
My guesses, for what they’re worth.
I like it as I felt that last year all the smaller pre-presentation games were ignored a bit and rushed. Giving some tidbits before the show sounds like a good idea.
My guess is that the release date is for Days Gone. It has been getting a lot of coverage recently, and the fact that they let so many outlets play and stream it is a good indication that it is close to completion. I don't see Dreams having quite the same interest level, but then again these are just pre-E3 appetizers.
For that last one, the way they worded it is interesting: "An Eagerly Anticipated Game Comes to PSVR"
Perhaps this is a VR tie-in to an upcoming AAA game. I'm thinking maybe a Spiderman web-slinging experience, or maybe some sort of environmental exploration of the setting for Death Stranding(something along the lines of PT). A fairly small VR feature/teaser/mini-game could build hype for an upcoming game, and sell more people on PSVR by bringing a big-name IP to the platform. Judging by these announcements, Sony certainly appears to be re-affirming their commitment to the medium.
The new PS4 game could be Stormdivers, Housemarque's new project. This is something that is perhaps not quite AAA, E3-level stuff, but cool enough to be called out on its own. Pretty excited for this one either way.
Oh yes more PSVR stuff Sony thankyou, can’t wait to see more on Astro bot, and more surprises:)
6th June: Erica
7th June: Dreams
8th June: Devil May Cry 5
9th June: Starchild
10th June: Could be anything...
i'm not convinced that the announcement of a new PS4 game would be something like MK11 or DMC5.. doesn't seem logical for sony to announce something new in this way that's going to be multi-platform. it could be an exclusive or console-exclusive smaller 3rd party game that they want to give bigger spotlight than they could at the E3 conference. as somebody already mentioned, i think housemarque's new game could be a good shout.
Maybe a third party exclusive like Depp Down or Left Alive?
I can’t imagine the new PS4 will be a big first party-announcement. It’s be during the press conference then.
This gives me hope something new I’ll be announced at the conference though. I’d wager a new Mortal Kombat before DMC, simply because DMC would be more valuable to announce during the conference.
June 7th: I was thinking (if not Dreams) then either Patapon 2 or Medievil.
June 10th: I'm with you on Beat Saber, but the other PSVR game that's gone pretty silent and was suppoesdly coming out by the end of Q2 was Torn. That was an interesting looking game, so that could be the one coming out Sunday. I'd still prefer Beat Saber though. lol
Other dates/games, no idea. But those are my thoughts for the June 7th/10th titles.
It could be Dreams, Medievil or Concrete Genie. Wojld be awesome if one of these games are coming this year.
Would Sony really give 5 announcements pre-show if they only had the big 4 titles scheduled for the conference? I think not. I believe we'll get some surprises at the press conference as well.
An Eagerly Anticipated Game Comes to PSVR... I'm thinking Fallout 4 on PSVR
@get2sammyb any news on Beat Saber for PSVR ? Looks mental...
@Gilvin that would be... out of this world. But technically I don't see it coming.
@MattSilverado It could very well be one of these announcements.
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