As is always the case with retailer listings, we urge caution before fully committing to this supposed leak, but if this turns out to be accurate, then we have have just stumbled upon a goldmine. Thanks to the eagle-eyed Wario64, we now know that Walmart Canada has a page that features listings for PlayStation 4 games that are yet to even be announced.
The page includes Splinter Cell, Just Cause 4, Rage 2, and Borderlands 3 -- all titles that are well within reason, especially when taking previous rumours into account. What's more, all four games just seem to make sense. Rage 2, for example, is something that totally slipped our mind, but it'd be a perfect fit for Bethesda's conference this year. The same can be said of Just Cause 4 being at Square Enix's video showcase. The page also mentions something called Dragon Quest 2, but we assume this is just referring to Dragon Quest Builders 2.
What do you make of this? Could you see any of these games showing up at E3 next month? Reveal your wildest dreams in the comments section below.
[source walmart.ca, via twitter.com]
Comments 51
I...don't think Dragon Quest 2 refers to Builders 2.
In fact I am sure it doesn't.
Why would they list it for PS4 and Xbox One when the game has already been announced, and is coming to PS4 and Nintendo Switch, but not Xbox One?
@YummyHappyPills The Xbox One version is a good point, but what else could it be? Square Enix isn't going to magic up another Dragon Quest game when XI is out this September in the West, and you'd think some sort of remaster of an old game isn't going to retail at full price.
Just seems like a weird listing to me. The others are way more important at this point.
I sometimes feel like I'm the only person in the world that loves Rage. In the infamous Doom Drought of the noughties it was a welcomed respite. It wasn't the greatest, but it was fun and the gunplay was juicy.
I'd effin' love a sequel!
Metroid Prime 4 drools New Assassins Creed game too soon i was hoping AC would be every two years now. Final Fantasy 7 remake fake.
@ShadowWarrior Ubisoft won't release a new Ass Creed game this year, it'll be 2019. Pretty sure that listing is just a placeholder for the inevitable.
Also listed are Destiny: Comet, Lego DC Villians (not sure if that is new or not), Insurgency Sandstorm and the not PS4 related but Gears of War 5
I was just thinking on that Assassins Creed title what if its not a new title but a remaster of the first game. i would buy that day one.
Rage 2? I thought first one was a failure.
Rage was something I thought would be brought back and one of Bethesdas more recent portfolio. Borderlands 3 has been knocking around for years without necessarily a 'formal' announcement. Splinter Cell has been rumoured for the past year or so but I can't recall hearing much about Just Cause 4 - not after the trouble the devs had trying to get 3 running well on consoles with all that destruction causing CPU bottlenecks.
Borderlands 3 was already announced!
But...Rage 2 wtf xD never thought we would get that
@ShogunRok @YummyHappyPills Dragon Quest Builders 2 seems like one of those announcements they would make for Xbox at the presser to prove they're supporting Japanese games. I could see that happening.
Then again, it could just all be a big error or guesswork.
I sorta feel like I'm the only person I know who doesn't like to watch trailers and previews. I even watch TV online so ad blockers can skips the ads. I prefer things to be new and exciting. That being said, I didn't read the article lol.
I really wanted to like Rage but just found it unbelievably repetitive, but an improved sequel could be quite good, surprised it is coming before DOOM 2 though (if this leak is accurate).
@ShogunRok @get2sammyb Its such a weird error. The notion theyd not list an already confirmed version but instead a maybe version for Xbox to make a point is staggering.
Then again there are also other listings that are erroneous or absent that we know are 2018 games.
This is such a weird rumour. Worth looking at but not putting much stock into
@ShogunRok I see Forza Horizon 5 in there. lol they skip 4 for 5 ?
@ShogunRok it not mention Watch Dogs 3 in there
Was just about to type this
@AFCC not officially it wasn't sadly. Hinted at but definitely not confirmed.
@polkeroo "Lego DC Villians"
That was rumoured awhile back alongside Lego Incredibles. Since we already know Lego Incredibles is coming out in June, and it looks like a limited Lego game done by tT B team, I'd say a huge DC Villains game this holiday is very likely.
@AhabSpampurse I really liked Rage as well. Borderlands were fun, I enjoyed them, but Rage is a whole different puppy; it had a much tighter story and more purpose with gameplay.
Borderlands 3? Better play Borderlands 2 on my Vita now then...
This is a bigger leak then me after a few pints if true.
Holy crap rage 2.oh man.that will be off the wall playa.its a possibility.bethesda e3 is going to be epic.word up son
The only thing I wasn't expecting was Rage 2. I remember playing the original Rage on 360 and being incredibly disappointed. It was way too damn short and ended way to abruptly. Buying that for $60 and at day one placed a bunch of expectations on that game that it just couldn't fulfill.
Rage needs a sequel to fix that awful ending
@ShogunRok The Assassin's Creed listing could be for another remaster, perhaps a bundle with III and Liberation (I would also say the first game but that would be a bit out of place next to the American games, unless they call it The Leftovers Collection).
My wallet is crying! Rage was such an underappreciated gem, loved that game. Splinter Cell has been one of my favorite franchises since the ps2 days. And Borderlands is one of the series I've sunk probably 1000 hours into total so I'm definitely ready for number 3. Hopefully all these pan out!
@AhabSpampurse I looooved RAGE too! If this is true, that would do it for E3 for me. I just wonder what they’d do differently, since the first doesn’t have the best reputation (although personally I’d be perfectly fine with more of the same).
Loved Rage! But surprised they're bring it back after the first one under performed so much.
Kinda off-topic, but the leak also mentions Gears of War 5 (for those of us that are also PC gamers )
@daveofduncan they even showed a tech demo or wtv and that douche guy that talks from Gearbox said there was a B3 in development
Love to see Rage 2
Yeah upon looking at the actual photo there are a few discrepancies. Namely forza horizon "5" and the ff7 remake that we have been told is quite a ways off. I'm sure most of it is real but a couple things really stick out.
Hope Borderlands 3 is revealed at E3 so I can tell Randy Pitchford on Twitter where he can stick it!
Rage 2 would be great and overdue for those that liked Rage. The lack of extended story dlc and or a Rage 2 game was disappointing.
After all these years Rage 2 may be late but still welcome to me.
Borderlands 3 ? I'm ready for it.
Just Cause 4 ? After JC3 i will Just Say No.
assassins creed this year?
not gonna happen. i'm sure that they will stick to their new "1game every 2 years"plan they have for that franshise.
might have been a placeholder for watch dogs 3?
I can see all these games being announced on E3. Talking about multiplats, I was also expecting Watch Dogs 3 and Doom 2. Not sure if they will announce a new Doom now with Rage though.
Rage 2 eh... Huh.... Ok. Thanks bethesda.
1st one was ok. Had one of the worse endings ever. None of these reveals do anything fir me honestly
@AFCC it's definitely in development, I'm just saying it's not been officially announced. 😉
@daveofduncan Yeah, you're right it wasn't official...and actually I thought it was pretty f**king weird how they announced their major franchise's next installment with a tech demo and only words to back it up! lol
Gearbox is crazy, to be honest
@ShogunRok Well it could be a remake of Dragon Quest 2. Seriously that might be interesting if they built it from the ground up with modern gameplay and the DQ XI battle system.
When I seen "Forza Horizons 5" I closed post right away...
I want Borderlands 3 so we can have Tales From the Borderlands 2 already.
Yep, I'd be on board for some more Rage, definitely. Great game.
Just Cause 4 with full destruction please! All buildings must come down! Red Faction Guerrilla did it a million years ago, make it happen! And set it in Australia while you're at it. So much potential in JC, 3 was a bit poor....
@NoCode23 Why not pick up JC4 anyway, just 'cause?
Hmm, if these leaks turn out to be true, I look forward to trying the following titles.
Splinter Cell, Just Cause 4, Dragon Quest 2 (unless it's Builders 2 then nope), Assassin's Creed, Lego DC Villans, and maybe RAGE 2.
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