The ever-enigmatic Death Stranding is one of Sony's four flagship exclusives we'll be seeing more of at E3 2018, and the mind behind the madness, Hideo Kojima, has been teasing a new trailer on Twitter recently. In response to Neil Druckmann's tweet, itself building excitement for The Last of Us: Part II at Sony's showcase, Kojima tweeted, "+1 on the T-minus 3 weeks. #E32018 Decima×Kojima=DS". You can see the accompanying screenshot above, showing a close-up shot of, well, some pretty realistic-looking moss.
The Decima engine is the tech Guerrilla Games built for Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game with excellent plant life. Looks like Kojima Productions is following suit with its own gorgeous greenery. Presumably this shot is from the new trailer we'll be seeing at Sony's show in June, and while it shows no new information, it's hard to deny that it looks great. We're sure it'll make more sense when we see the new footage.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 31
You mean that cute little VR mouse is going to be in Death Stranding? Awesome!
@Rudy_Manchego The most ambitious crossover event in history.
@Rudy_Manchego you, Sir, have broken the internet this day and blown our collective minds with this observation.
“We're sure it'll make more sense when we see the new footage.”
Are you really sure? It’s Kojima we are talking about.
It actually looks like the moss from Horizon Zero Dawn, which I guess isn’t surprising given the engine.
Mind blown
@Turismo4GT @Quintumply I think what we are seeing here is the creation of the SGU - the Sony Gaming Universe. It seems obvious that Death Stranding is actually Sony's equivalent of the Avengers. I anticipate, Aloy, Kratos, Moss, Sackboy, Nathan Drake, Ellie, that biker dude from Days Gone and at least one of the hipsters from Infamous to team up to stop Mads Mikkelsen from doing something weird with babies and whales (or something).
@Rudy_Manchego I think you might be onto something.
The vague weirdness is starting to irritate me. Hopefully we see substantial gameplay soon.
@Rudy_Manchego Damn you beat me too it. I've been having a PlayStation universe theory for a while now. I reckon the timeline is this: God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne, The Order 1886, Death Stranding, Uncharted, Infamous, Detroit, Days Gone, The Last of Us and finally Horizon. Kojima did say DS was all about "connections" after all. The next PS All-stars is going to be insane.
@shellcore Nah that's all the fun of it, there's plenty of time for gameplay when it nears release.
@Rudy_Manchego Let this be real, Sony gods
@Rudy_Manchego Yes Rudy! Amazing theory.
@MadAussieBloke "It's still real to me, dammit!"
@adf86 Let’s create this game in Dreams! Sully and Shu will gather the PS heroes.
@adf86 So if I follow you correctly, you figure Death Stranding to take place in the 1900’s? 🤔 Hmmm ... Interesting. I would have put it between Detroit and Days Gone in chronology. That moss looks more like 21st century moss.
Move over, Kratos's beard. Moss is in town.
A gameplay will be better.word up son
@get2sammyb 🤔 Is it just me or does that not possibly look like a head, shoulder and arm buried beneath the moss?! Whatever it is, it looks excellent!
@Wunters You never know with Kojima.
@Rudy_Manchego What's wrong with you? Where's Knack? He's the glue that keeps the SGU together.
I'm sure some folk will theorise a meaning to this and call Koj a genius God or some such.
@Th3solution Well my thinking goes into the second Death Stranding trailer where the setting looked like Normandy in 1945 but of course this is Kojima's parallel dimension mind bender game so I figured this was a a better place to put if any
@Octane My thinking with Knack is more akin to the X-Men where their too big so they have to have their cinematic universe
@Octane Oh boy, you've completely ruined the surprise villain cameo. Thanks for ruining the game for EVERYONE!!!
I've just sussed it, it's Snake's new camo tech Metal Gear Solid 0 confirmed
Knowing Kojima, it's probably moss that reverses time or something.
@PS_Nation I'm trying to think who the main villain would be, Polygon Man is too obscure, Phil Spencer would have licencing issues and Nintendo fanatics would be too baity. It would have to be someone who's powerful, reasonably well known and could easily fit into multiple timelines. So it has to be Dr Nefarious, I can see the title now PlayStation AllStars: Age of Nefarious!
@adf86 The problem with giving an interconnected Sony universe a "Villain" would be that the only really "Not tied to any one franchise villain" is Polygon Man and who the hell remembers that?
What they'd need to do as you say is pull a villain from an existing franchise who is powerful enough and honestly Sony + Recurring villains....eehhh….Dr. Nefarious, Erol, Clockwerk...Sweet Tooth?
The devil guy from SoTC?
How about David Cage?
@adf86 We should call him Phil Spincer, a liar villain who wants to destroy the world with micro transactions and f2p model. He also wants to end our freedom and push a multiplayer future only. Only our PlayStation heroes can defeat him and his evil army of bots called X.
@PS_Nation I'll send the pitch documents to Sony HQ first thing in the morning.
I'm lichen what I'm seeing of this game so far
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