Game Informer's month of coverage on Days Gone is drawing to a close with one last video interview, in which a trio of Sony Bend devs answer reader-submitted questions. It's definitely worth a watch for anyone wondering about framerate, cut-scenes, and other small details about the open world title. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit, however, isn't about Days Gone at all.
Before the developer started work on its major PS4 exclusive, Sony Bend made Uncharted: Golden Abyss, a PS Vita launch title. One of the questions in the above video asks if the team could remaster Nate's portable adventure to PS4, and it sounds like it's not outside the realm of possibility. "That has come up," says Days Gone's creative director, John Garvin. Game director Jeff Ross adds, "I would love that. That'd be awesome," while the studio director Christopher Reese comments that the developer does have a plan for adapting Golden Abyss' Vita controls to the DualShock 4, if ever a remaster happens.
The discussion leads to more general talk about potential Vita development, and when asked if one of the studio's ideas for the system was an inFAMOUS game, Ross says, "We talked about it for a while, yeah. John [Garvin] had some really cool ideas for that by the way, it was... Yeah, I guess we're revealing that--" before being swiftly cut off by Garvin steering the chatter back to Days Gone. It sounds as though the studio was throwing around a lot of ideas for potential portable versions of Sony's big properties before eventually moving to PS4 development. We may never learn more, but it's interesting to imagine what might've been.
Would you have played an inFAMOUS game on PS Vita? Should Sony Bend remaster Uncharted: Golden Abyss for PS4, or are you pleased the studio is forging its own path with Days Gone? Use the gyro to aim in the comments below.
[source gameinformer.com, via youtube.com]
Comments 25
There was a lot of chatter about an inFAMOUS game for the Vita back in the day. I definitely would have played it if it happened, but I guess it just wasn't to be.
I would have loved an Infamous game on psvita. Played all the infamous games on ps3+4 including the expansions/dlcs and could never get enough of it.
Yeah someone on Neogaf a few years ago (claiming to be an ex employee) mentioned this. A sequel to Golden Abyss was talked about but Naughty Dog got cold feet due possible oversaturation of the franchise. Then when Infamous was thought about Sony wanted everyone onto PS4 development. Ultimately the studio lost over a year of not project been in the works.
Would have been all over infamous on vita. Id heard it was into development, but the the rug got pulled - no idea how far they had managed to get. I wonder why the secrecy though - why could the question not be answered. Its always cool to see and hear about unreleased titles.
SOrry to hear it never came to light. I would have really dug it. I did enjoy Golden Abyss, too!
A portable Infamous would have been sick. I'd definitely pick up a Vita if it happened.
Golden abyss remade with uncharted 4 engine
The Vita has some great games, namely visual novels, RPGs, and puzzle games. But an Infamous game would have really rounded out the library nicely. Too bad.
@get2sammyb I definitely would have played an inFamous game on Vita. Sony tried its best to push the whole, "console games on a handheld" thing at first with the Vita, but it seems like that's not what people wanted and Sony never pulled it together enough to find another more successful strategy for the Vita. It really is a shame how quickly they abandoned it because it's a great little machine.
@Th3solution Yeah. We can only imagine all the great Vita games we might have gotten had Sony actually stuck with it and tried to make the Vita a success rather than basically abandoning it to day when it wasn't a huge hit immediately.
I'd have definitely been interested. Too bad it was obvious fairly early on that Vita wasn't going to garner enough of an audience to make it a viable platform.
Tbh, the biggest omission was probably the long rumoured gta: san andreas stories. That would have been magic on the vita. Such a shame it never even reached the development stage. I can only imagine just how good that would have been.
Another here who also would have loved a sequel to golden abyss. I thought it was great.
Sony should've helped fund that if it had to, assuming it wanted Vita to be a success. I think a GTA: San Andreas Stories is the only thing that could've saved it. But there were too many factors. Money obviously, but Rockstar was also making GTA V at the time Vita came out.
Given the masterpiece that was Golden Abyss, I would absolutely have played an Infamous game on Vita. In fact, the promise of such games is exactly WHY I bought a Vita. Sony really screwed the pooch dropping big game support like the did.
Would absolutely buy Golden Abyss again if it was remastered on PS4. Some aspects would need to be changed, though - the 'rubbing' puzzles would work thanks to the DS4 touch pad, but others such as the puzzle where you had to hold the Vita up to a light would need some re-working. But I'm sure they could figure it out.
would love a golden abyss remaster for PS4, if they could polish it up the way shadow of the colossus was done. really enjoyed the game, even if the final boss fight on crushing almost caused me to chuck the vita across the room.
i'd probably have played an infamous game if it had released in the first couple of years of the vita, probably wouldn't have after second son.
i'd love a remaster of killzone mercenary as well, as with golden abyss i think there's a market for it, or indeed any of the big Sony franchises that got vita exclusives
@Paranoimia They really did try, gamers just didn't respond to the great gamer they released like Uncharted GA, Little Big Planet, Tearaway, Killzone,Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice etc.
It made no sense to keep investing in it when there wasn't enough interest from the gaming community.
@naruball I still think they gave up too quickly. They could have sparked further sales by cutting memory card prices, too... but were too stubborn on that front. It seems it was a poorly managed venture throughout.
Perhaps with Cerney on board they could make a better job of it but I doubt we'll see another portable PlayStation.
@Paranoimia Yeah, I feel like Sony definitely gave up on the Vita too quickly. I have no idea what Sony was thinking with the overpriced proprietary memory cards, but I have no doubt it cost them a lot of potential sales. To this day, Vita cards cost three to four times the price of a micro SD card of the same size. That is absolutely ridiculous. A short-sighted cash grab that ultimately may have cost them a great deal.
@naruball Same here. The story, graphics style and character of Cole McGrath were worthy of a much longer franchise.
Yes, I would have snapped up an Infamous game on Vita on launch day.
I would have snapped up a Syphon Filter game on Vita, too. Resistance? Sure. What else has Sony Bend done? Another handheld Uncharted? You bet.
Sony Bend? They’re good developers. They know what they’re doing, and they do it well.
@naruball Totally agree, but Sony made a fatal mistake. Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice and Freedom Wars and Tearaway were new IP. What they needed were a few more follow-ups to already successful franchises to lure in the masses (to buy the Vita), and then hit the market with the new IP. With a bigger base of Vita owners to market to, the new IP would’ve then taken off.
Obviously the memory card cost was off-putting, too. The biggest missed opportunity was failing to cross-market Vita with PS4. They should’ve included the Vita in the box with the PS4 as a bundle-buy for $50 more touting the remote play feature, and that would’ve given the Vita new life. It’s a bummer.
@Paranoimia Considering how unaffected sales remained after Killzone and Tearaway came out, I don't think they did.
The memory cards were definitely one of their biggest mistakes, but it wouldn't have sold well no matter what. I'm just we got the support we did.
"what they needed were a few more follow-ups to already successful franchises to lure in the masses"
Uncharted, Killzone and Little Big Planet was a good number I think. How many did the ps4 get in its first couple of years?
Don't forget Call of Duty, Resistance (both were bad but still) and Borderlands 2.
It gave Sony the impression that AAA games don't work on it so they should try smaller, bite-sized games which didn't do the trick either.
Sure, they could have released a God of War, Gran Turismo and Infamous game, but I don't think it would have helped all that much. The negativity surrounding the vita was too strong for it so sell any units. If the market determines that x item is a joke, it's almost impossible to change its mind.
I don't think it's possible for a company to support more than one system anymore.
I'd love to at least see them remaster Uncharted: Golden Abyss for PS4, one less reason for me to own a Vita.
Though I'll most likely end up buying one anyways, to play all of my digital PS1/PS2/PSP games...
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