Tech and games blog TheNerdMag has spotted a listing on Amazon Canada for an unannounced Splinter Cell game. Merely a placeholder page for the time being, the page is almost empty, but that hasn't stopped people from speculating about a potential E3 2018 reveal.

The page appears to be an official Ubisoft listing, lending it a degree of credence, but that's not the only detail people have been drawn to. The talk of an E3 announcement comes from an item model number that's only visible when you view the page via a mobile browser. It reads: "E3TomClancy'sSplinterCell2018_PC".
We've not seen the Splinter Cell series since 2013's Splinter Cell: Blacklist, so it's about time for the franchise to make a comeback.
Would you be excited to see a Splinter Cell reveal at E3 in June? Stealth your way to the comments below.
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[source amazon.ca, via resetera.com, thenerdmag.com]
Comments 24
Ooh, I could go for this.
Make it actually stealthy and not an ubisoft open world please!
This and Devil May Cry 5 have to happen.
Not happening you know Ubi is obsessed w Open World unless they’re... leashed
Just make it play like Chaos Theory with slightly more open levels and I'll be happy.
hopefully this game getting open world setting with full stealth mechanic and improve gameplay better. i love Splinter Cell games
Yes! Well keen!
Loved Splinter Cell back in my PS2 days. I've been pining for a current-gen entry for a long time now.
Oh hell yeah! Loved splinter cell back in the ps2 days. Was a great alternative to the Metal Gear games. Hopefully this pans out!
I hope this happens, love playing Splinter Cell Conviction! Yes!!!!
There was a rumour that Splinter Cell would be at MS E3 last year as an Exclusive - of course that could be like the Vanquish 2 rumour because of the addition of the 360 games to BC and people jumping to conclusions...
I really hope the game is like the first one rather than the later one, more stealth and less shooting. My prediction is the game will be open world like ghost recon wildlands lol
A new Splinter Cell will probably be revealed on E3. I like the series, but I would prefer series like Rayman and Prince of Persia to come back.
@PS_Nation I miss Prince of Persia, hard to believe there hasn't been a new game since 2010...eight years without a new release is a long time in the gaming community.
I swear I'm not gonna be happy if they shoehorn in open world gameplay. All the previous games were linear to a degree and were better for it in my opinion. Just make it play like Chaos Theory and Blacklist, Ubisoft, and we'll be good.
I had a Splinter Cell game on my OG Xbox but didn't really play it. I thought stealth was slow and boring when I was younger. I've grown to like it more now so I'd be interested in seeing how this looks.....if it exists.
i think Splinter Cell new game coming out next year in 2019 after Ubisoft Fiscal 2019 because The Division 2 and Watch Dogs 3 coming out later in months
Too many retail leaks...feels like people are taking them as proof nowadays. It's not a guarantee though...
They could make it open world and I'd still give it a chance. However, if they have Sam Fisher and don't have him voiced by Michael Ironside I will NOT be happy.
Ok nice i love splinter cell blacklist
About time, also calling it now...it will be a 1-year timed exclusive for Xbox like Tomb Raider!
Awesome, I hope it’s true! I haven’t played a ton of Splinter Cell games but I really enjoyed Chaos Theory and Blacklist. I’d be down for a new entry as long as it stays true to its roots as a stealth game.
I actually really enjoy Splinter Cell and with some modern day graphics and lighting I think it could be awesome. Hopefully if it does happen it has a gripping story
Conviction and Chaos Theory were my favorites, but I've played and loved every game except Pandora Tomorrow and Blacklist.
Bring back Micheal Ironside as Sam Fisher or don't realease the game Ubi.
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