Far Cry 5 Baseball Cards Locations: How to Find All Baseball Cards to Complete Grand Slam

You have to collect all of the hidden Baseball Cards in Far Cry 5 to complete the Grand Slam quest. These can be pretty tricky to find, but fortunately for you we've got a list of all of the locations below.

We recommend bookmarking this guide so you can refer back to it as you play. Happy hunting!

Far Cry 5 Baseball Cards Locations

Outpost Location
F.A.N.G Center Inside the gift shop.
F.A.N.G Center Inside a house southwest of the F.A.N.G Center, by a river.
Cedar Lake Inside a house northwest of Cedar Lake.
Cedar Lake Inside a building on the mountain just to the west of Cedar Lake.
Whitetail Park Visitor Center Inside a barn north of Whitetail Park Visitor Center.
Clagett Boathouse Inside the petrol station southwest of Clagett Boathouse.
Cooper Cabin Inside the cabin on a shelf.
McNeil Residence On a shelf in the white barn.
Baron Lumber Mill In a white container northeast of Baron Lumber Mill.