Last summer, BioWare stated that it would be -- rather prematurely -- ending support for Mass Effect: Andromeda, and for fans, hopes of any meaningful single player downloadable content went down the drain. However, despite leaving the game's oft criticised campaign behind, the developer's been tweaking the title's co-op multiplayer on a pretty regular basis ever since the title launched.
And these updates have carried on into 2018, as the studio's just released the latest patch notes over on its official blog. Obviously this isn't the most exciting news story that we've ever written, but it's quite interesting all the same.
Although we doubt that BioWare has many employees assigned to keeping up support for the multiplayer component, the fact that it's still being updated means that people must still be playing it. Microtransactions probably enter the equation, too -- we'd love to know how much money Andromeda's co-op is still raking in.
Dare we ask if you're still playing Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer? Unlock a Turian in the comments section below.
[source blog.bioware.com, via gameinformer.com]
Comments 18
I never touched the multiplayer, finished the single-player campaign once and that's it. It's also funny that i bought it on the release date, sigh...
ME Andromeda has multiplayer? Who knew?
I saw it going for $11 at the used game store tonight and I actually pulled out my wallet and thought twice about buying it. Then I decided to get a pizza instead.
I didn't bother with MP. I wasn't that bothered about 3's so Andromeda's had no appeal. I completed the game to 100% so really have no reason to return. I guess I could have replayed it, crafted some different weapons, made some different decisions and see how they played out but overall I was happy with the decisions I made.
I was actually super excited about the co-op in this as I loved it on ME3. Trying to survive ten waves with friends was so much fun.
But when all my friends said hell no to buying this rushed and broken game, one that should have been brilliant, well.. there was little point in me buying it. Shame.
@Th3solution Your comment just made me laugh xD Thank you.
I still am in doubt about buying it or not. I guess I'll just wait for it to be on PS Plus roster one day.
@Th3solution Lmao.
I still don't know why EA gave up on the game instead up letting Bioware Fix the Games prbs and release dlc down the line heck battlefront 2 got way more flak then this game did and its still up and Running.
@BAMozzy was the SP worth your time in your opinion?
I was one of the few that enjoyed the story and was sad that they ended support for any kind of DLC. The multi-player is a lot of fun and will continue to play it for the next few years. A lot less annoying players than some other team shooters.
Can't really say i'm interested in Multiplayer at all. I prefer Single Player games with Fun interactions with other characters.
Id much rather more single player content to explore.
Multiplayer is boring.
@LieutenantFatman Yeah me too. I wish they would bring over ME3's multiplayer to PS4.
@seanobi I think the reason why Andromeda multi sucked, was that the controls and cover system were trash.
@NinjaWaddleDee Definitely, I'd play that on PS4.
I still play im unhappy with EA not bioware.
@Flurpsel yes - it's a 7/10 game in my opinion - 6 if you count the execution at launch. Its disappointing from the fact the franchise should be a 9 but its still OK. Take into account the improved combat, the various locations - 1 of which is really visually impressive and the others are 'OK'. In a lot of the game, its very 'Mass Effect' too - Its like being on the Citadel or your Ship from older games. Combat is improved, thanks to more open spaces and more freedom. Certainly getting around in the new Nomad is much better than the Mako. I got 100hrs out of the game and think its worth picking up now its much cheaper and had some patches to resolve some of the issues.
@BAMozzy thanks. I think I'll give it a go as I'm sick at home and have some time to burn.
@Flurpsel If you go into expecting Mass Effect 4 then you will be disappointed. If you also expect the game to be a reboot or push the series forward, you will be disappointed. If you go into it as just a sci-fi RPG set in the Mass Effect world, its OK. Ryder isn't Shep either and has a different role which also changes the tone. Overall it gave me 100hrs of game and overall I did 'enjoy' the time I spent in the game but I was disappointed that it carried the Mass Effect name and couldn't deliver on the expectation. Its clear EA wanted to push it out 'broken' to fit their financial year quota
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