Most of the videos about Star Wars Battlefront 2 and loot boxes are basically just ‘Tubers screaming obscenities into Blue Yeti microphones, but this one by Skill Up is ten times more damning: it includes actual research. The 25 minute clip is a little on the long side, but it packs some fascinating info, retracing the steps that led to the aforementioned sequel’s implosion.

In the video, the narrator goes all way back to the mid-noughties, where an old officially licensed UEFA Champions League game included the building blocks of the Ultimate Team mode. When the publisher lost the license to Europe’s premier club football competition, a fledgling developer pitched the concept to the executive producer of FIFA. That man was Andrew Wilson, the current EA CEO.

The video really goes deep, explaining how the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer team worked with the FIFA team in order to maximise the earnings potential of the title’s sticker packs. And it also looks at how Wilson’s very specific approach to the loot box has infected all of the publisher’s brands and franchises. It’s really fascinating stuff, and made all the more impactful by how well researched it is.

It’s a little lengthy, we agree – but if you do have the time and you’re interested in the business side of games, then we highly recommend the watch.
