Ghost Recon Wildlands PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Seems that gaming is an afterthought for much of our team this week, as this latest edition of WAYP is dreadfully short. Still, that happens from time to time, and so the pressure's on you to pad out the comments section with tales of your weekend gaming itinerary.

Sammy Barker, Editor

When I'm not cleaning up the remaining quests in Horizon: Zero Dawn, I'll be investing hours into another game which I can't really talk about yet. It's been a busy start to the year.

Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor

Despite me doing nothing but slag it off since it was first revealed, I'm actually having fun with Ghost Recon: Wildlands. The open beta shows genuine promise when teamed up with the right people, and although it definitely falls victim to feeling like it's been churned out of the Ubisoft Open World Games Factory, the series' tactical roots do emerge in entertaining ways. I hope to sink more hours in over the weekend.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer

I'd love to give you a long list of exciting games I'll be playing over the weekend, but I respect everyone far too much to lie to you. The dirty truth is that I'll be playing so much Smite it might be time to consider seeking professional help. [FFS - Ed]

That's it from us this week, then – it's over to you. What are you playing this weekend? You know the drill; drop your plans in the comments section below.