It's almost the end of the calendar year [How? β Ed] which means that it's time for editorial outfits around the world to start putting together Game of the Year lists. We've been working on our coverage for a couple of weeks now, and you can watch it all unfold on the site over the Christmas break, so make sure you're checking back for that.
In the meantime, though, the ever industrious themcnoisy has put together his own poll on the Push Square forums, and the voting is complete. Members were asked to distribute six points across three titles, with the votes tallied up at the end. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End came out the winner, running away with the top spot.
Here's the full rundown of winners, as determined by our forum members:
- Platinum Trophy
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Gold Trophy
- Ratchet & Clank
- Silver Trophy
- Final Fantasy XV
- Bronze Trophy
- Dark Souls III
Will our own internal vote go the same way? Who will be crowned Push Square's overall Game of the Year? Stay tuned for tons of coverage over the coming days. Until then, all that's left to say is a big thanks to themcnoisy for organising this year's forum competition. Make sure you check out our forums if you haven't already β it's a pretty cool place to hang out, we reckon.
[source Topic: pushsquare Forums GOTY 2016!]
Comments 31
Thanks @themcnoisy and everyone for voting!
It's a shame Ratchet and Clank released same year as Uncharted. Both are great games and I do like UC4 more but R & C will get less recognition than it deserves from everywhere for me.
I am expecting similar results in the staffs GOTY. I mean it would be odd this being a Sony site and Uncharted 4 not take the top spot.
Even though my heart belongs to trico, my head definitely says Uncharted 4 is GOTY, not just for the wonderful story and perfect ending but because of the complete package with the insanely fun multiplayer, even if Overwatch is the game i've spent most of my time playing this year, Uncharted takes the cake.
Thanks @themcnoisy for putting it all together.
I have played a grand total of, well, 1 of these games this year although R&C is still on my wish list (particularly for the sales) as it looks like a change from all the serious stuff I've been playing of late.
It was a tight race though and nice seeing both studios have the top two games according to the community here. Naughty Dog and Insomniac have there making the PlayStation brand great from the start and I love seeing the latter back in the fold after a defection to Xbox. I'm sure Ratchet & Clank will get some recognition when all the end of the year awards from different outlets start rolling in. May not win any overall Game of the Year Awards but it'll win some for the genre or other categories.
I actually put both Deus EX and Ratchet & Clank ahead of Uncharted 4 for my GOTY choices. Shows how great 2016 was for PS4 because Uncharted is an awesome game and a brilliant conclusion to Nathan Drake's story. A deserving winner for sure.
Dam I missed it this year but anyway Awesome work @themcnoisy
R&C or Doom for me Good poll and results
Well done @themcnoisy I would have liked to have voted but this year I mostly played older games. Uncharted 4 I bought but I only made it through about half of it. It's a great game but it really brings me down when the characters complain that I don't use stealth. Not my game of the year.
Glad that UC4 won, my GOTY. However despite launching 12 days before the deadline and just over a week after FFXV, The Last Guardian placed 5th (joint with Inside) so I think that might have sneaked into the top 4 under different circumstances.
My biggest takeaways? Great variety in games from the PushSquare community. Top 4 synominous with PlayStation & exclusives matter. Imo great year for gaming, especially if you add in PSVR.
@themcnoisy you da maan!
Fair enough. Personally don't get the appeal of the Uncharted series but they're popular so it makes sense. Doom & Last Guardian for me!
Thanks @get2sammyb for promoting the forums. We have a great bunch of people using them, especially the amazing people who voted!
If you've ever considered venturing onto the forums and are unsure or are worried with how to use them by all means send me a ps4 message and I will be happy to show you. There's absolutely no reason we cant make the Pushsquare forums a hive of activity for PS gamers and enthusiasts alike. That's not to say everyone's comfortable posing a question or starting a thread, but I think I can speak on behalf of everyone who does in saying Post away! I love reading the comments and peoples opinions regardless if I agree or not as every single regular poster from @BAMozzy to @Wesker (thats alphabetic order and I've forgotten apostagemage user name) is a seasoned gamer and we need you!
As a starter for ten the latest thread is below;
Happy Christmas π
@Neolit Have to agree. Very much enjoy a bit of Uncharted but the trophies aren't much fun to hunt. I don't bother with them for UC now.
Loved Uncharted 4 and it was a very tight contest between that and the quite amazing Doom for most of the year, but then FFXV came out and that is my game of the year
Kinda disappointing.
Uncharted 4 may be in my top 5 PS4 games this year, but not #1.
And Ratchet & Clank wasn't that great either. I mean it was fine, but 2nd best game of the year? Not even close.
For PS4? I'd say
1 Final Fantasy XV
2 Titanfall 2
3 Dragon Quest Builders
4 World of Final Fantasy
5 Uncharted 4
@JaxonH opinions n stuff I love FF15, I really do, but it's disappointing in areas where it shouldn't be. I understand it's trying to do more than something like R&C, but if it can't pull it off it needs to be judged on its shortcomings.
Still, I really do love it.
Eh, i enjoyed it, but it wasn't my PS4 game of the year. For me it would have to be Rainbow Six Siege. Many, many enjoyable hours spent with friends in tense ranked matches, fighting to get past gold, and having a blast the whole time.
I'll grab it when it drops down into the $10-20 price range like the Nathan Drake Collection.
I'll be honest nothing really wowed me this year. There were games I enjoyed UC4 being one of them. There just wasn't that one game that I would say was without a doubt my GOTY like The Witcher 3 in 2015.
It does have some flaws, no doubt about it. The side quests are kinda dull and the camera can get wonky sometimes. Those are my two biggest complaints.
Even so, I haven't had this much fun with a video game since Xenoblade Chronicles X released last December on Wii U. I'm still debating which one I like more... probably need to wait til I put 500 hrs into FFXV also to make a fair comparison, but I seriously doubt that's gonna happen just because the side quests aren't nearly as interesting as XCX. But it's addictive as they come...
I think if I had to list my top 5 JRPG's... I know Xenoblade X would make the list. And Lost Odyssey on 360. And The Last Story on Wii. And Final Fantasy X Remaster on PS4/Vita. As for the 5th... I'm leaning toward Final Fantasy XV. If not, it'd probably go to Blue Dragon on 360 or the original Xenoblade, but FFXV would be right behind.
Any way you slice it though, it's an incredible game! I still like my turn based, but I was in the mood for a game like this. A more "action-y" JRPG.
@Splat I think most people feel that way this year to be honest.
Honestly I've always been disappointed with how uncharted went after the first, I thought it was going to have more supernatural stuff like those weird nazi monkey dudes but instead if had magic water and like sand powers or something? The third was the least memorable to me.
A lot of good games came out this year. Probably Battlefield 1 for me just considering how many hours I have sunk into that game. Absolutely addictive. Doom, FF15, R &C, Uncharted 4, Dark Souls, and Odin Sphere were pretty good too
@Bliquid 130 hours is a crazy amount of time though. FF7 took me under 50 hours to complete, FF6 about 40 hours, Ocarina of Time took about 20 hours, Uncharted 2 with the majority of side content took 15 hours and Fez took me 5 hours. That's the equivalent of what you have played in FF15. Crazy. Props were its due mate.
I'm almost 60 hours in and have really enjoyed FF15. Great game!
As for Overwatch it finished 7th - one full pointed vote would have moved it into 4th place. The voting was super tight.
@JaxonH @Bliquid I think it's clear that FF15 has problems delivering its narrative, and that its side quests are typically uninspired and dull. So while I love it I can't say it's my game of the year when these areas are so open for improvement - even the developer agrees, hence the patching in of extra cut scenes.
It's other faults are more subjective - arguably poor music (although I think there are some stand out tracks), weak supporting cast, uninspired upgrade paths.. But again that's just my opinion.
Still, it's way better than the sum of its parts and I can't wait to play the DLC's and see the patched in extras.
Playing it at the moment and it's AMAZING
Uncharted 4 is a cracking game and we'll deserved but I personally split my points between XCOM 2, Dishonoured 2 and Deus Ex.
Props to PushSquare's resident evertonian, @themcnoisy, great job as always.
I missed the voting . I agree with result though, with the exception maybe replaced dark soul 3 with the last guardian.
@JaxonH same thing here.
I haven't had this much fun since the PS2 days , FFXV is my GOTY by a landslide.
Great to see Ratchet getting some love at last!
Really hope the success of that game means we'll get more on PS4...
Hopefully a sequel will be on the table after Insomniac finishes Spider-Man. R&C did top over 1 mil in sales, which had to have outperformed what the vast majority thought it would sell, so a sequel should certainly be considered very seriously.
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