Another week, another WAYP β it's time again to chinwag about the titles that you'll be playing this weekend. First up, it's the turn of our team, but there's unlimited space in the comments section for all of you. Let us know what you're up to.
Sammy Barker, Editor
It's all PlayStation VR, all the time for me this weekend. There's so much to review β so much to review!
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
I'm continuing to craft my way through the delightful little adventure that is Dragon Quest Builders this weekend. If I fancy something a bit more demanding, though, I've got the Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 beta on hand. There's no escaping Akira Toriyama, it seems.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
Like a digital coward, plenty of time this weekend will be spent hiding behind cover. With both Mafia 3, and the latest Gears of War [Que? - Ed] on the gaming menu, I'll be getting my fill of traditional games, as I prepare to plug into VR next week.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
I'll be making my way through Modern Warfare Remastered's campaign, as it's proving itself to be a remaster that far exceeded my expectations. I might also squeeze in a bit of Overwatch, but one game I know I need to start soon is Axiom Verge. I'm hoping to plunge into Tom Happ's dark, glitchy world by Sunday
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I'll be spending most of my weekend with Shu. That is, the indie platformer that launched recently, not the loveable President of Worldwide Studios. I'll have a review for you all soon. Elsewhere, I'll be rolling out one of this month's PlayStation Plus titles, Transformers: Devastation.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
So it's that time of the year again. Time for my yearly playthrough of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Also will be taking on Ghouls and Ghosts on the Genesis!
And that's us all out of gas, but we're pointing the petrol pump in your direction. What are you playing this weekend? You know the drill.
Comments 60
At the moment I am back at Overwatch, after a couple of months break. Also I will sepnd some time with Steep and as always with some Legion!
I was meant to be playing Mafia III which arrived on Friday morning but the disc backing was scratched in transit so my PS4 had too much trouble reading it to install properly. Luckily Amazon are great and have already sent out a replacement which should be here Monday.
So meantime I'm delving into my PS4 Library to see which of the 110 titles therein haven't been played in a while, currently hooked on Alienation (just hit level 2, yay), have already given up on a couple of indies that were so exciting I can't remember what they were called and also getting slightly hooked on 2K's Mafia Rivals on Android. Which ticks all the boxes for a free Android game but doesn't really go above and beyond that.
@FantasyMeister That's a bummer! Glad you got it replaced without issue, though.
For me it's the continuation of my Mass Effect trilogy playthrough (about 3/4 of the way through ME2) with a helping of Mafia 3, which I spent yesterday having an absolute blast with.
I'll also spend a few minutes wondering if you guys have a Vermintide review in the works. I love L4D so it would be great to see some PS4 based views on Fatshark's take on the formula
@get2sammyb @FantasyMeister I'm also playing Mafia III this weekend. It is absolutely fantastic. Easily GOTY i would say.
Still playing The Witcher 3. Maybe a bit of Paper Mario here and there.
Digging deep through my backlog, and finally getting around to Wolfenstein:TNO.... Yea, gonna be a long month if I wait for PS4 Pro before playing Tomb Raider and XCOM.
Still playing gravity rush remastered and miku diva x, waiting for ps vr next thursday.
Not much for me I expect, nothing taking my fancy right now other than Mafia and perhaps Xcom but I don't feel like buying either just yet. Probably just watch a few horror films - enjoyed Kill List and Eraserhead recently
New Super Mario Bros. U - Been having a blast with this in coop with the family.
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake (Vita) - Due to the impending server closure, I figured I'd get a start on this puzzler.
Fruit Ninja (Windows Phone) - Going to be playing this while out and about this weekend.
Driveclub, to familiarise myself with it in advance of Thursday and Tomb Raider, Definitive Edition since I've only ever played its intro.
Incidentally, DriveClub VR is 'very impressive' according to a snippet in the Digital Foundry video from here: https://youtu.be/RnhfBOaeNmA?t=602
Literally finally finished Persona 4 Golden an hour ago! Was a fantastic 82 hour experience and got the best ending too..can't wait for next February
Will also be playing Far Cry Blood Dragon,Star Ocean,Resident Evil which is still fantastic even with the hilariously stupid cheesy script.And I may have another go at Transformers too.
Grim fandango, some resident evil 2 and more dragon quest builders all on the vita
Still need to finish Mafia 2 while also starting to get hooked on Mafia 3. That mixed with a bit of FIFA 17 will probably take up the bulk of my gaming time this weekend but Uncharted: Golden Abyss just came through today as well so I might start that soon as well.
Also working all day tomorrow..
More than likely I'll keep trying to play Uncharted 3 this weekend. Also more Tekken, especially after Miguel is revealed to return.
Mafia 3 if I get any extra time this weekend. If not, then I guess I'll jut have to wait until Monday evening...
PS4- Street Fighter V, King of Fighters 14
Wii U- Smash, Mario Kart 8
3DS- Monster Hunter 4, Animal Crossing, Mario Golf
Xbox One- Dead or Alive 5 LR
Star Trek Online and a bit of XenoVerse
After been brainwashed by my girlfriend i get a copy of monster hunter stories, not a fan of the saga but this is a good game.
in between
PS4. Hatsune Miku Diva X, Bloodborne, The evil Within.
Xbone. Rise of the Tomb Raider warming up for the upcoming dlc, Dark Souls 3 getting the other 2 finals and warming up for the upcoming dlc too.
Wiiu. Splatoon, Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
Resident Evil, Plus freebie. Watching some Mafia 3 game play. Fliping between MLB, NFL, and Mafia 2.
Mafia 3. That soundtrack... So good.
A mixture for me: Resident Evil HD, Fallout 4, Diablo 3, Lego Batman 3 and I want have a look at the Transformers game.
Had a blast on Halo 4 & 3 with a pal last night and today I think I'll hit up Shadow of Mordor to try and finish up the side quests.
I may leave Diva X alone at last. Got to the point where I only have to get modules and gifts, and with modules being randomized it is just grinding or paying real money to unlock them, which feels terribly cheap and it is terribly expensive.
Regarding what to play, I have a ton of untouched heavy hitters on PS4 like MGSV, Batman, W3, Far Cry 4, DS3, MKXL. May try one of those.
Got back from trying PSVR - I'll post my thoughts in the forum in a bit but played Battlezone. Going to mop up Far Cry 4 DLC which has been on my list for ages while I agonise over to VR or not to VR. Also managed to get a little bit more of Killzone Mercenaries on my PSTV.
Shovel Knight - and absolutely loving it. They really nailed the feel of the old school Mega Mans while making it still seem new.
More hitman for me.
@ztpayne7 Good choice! Are you still on your first play through? Because in case you're worried content wise, there's a new game + (which changes quite a bit, it becomes a lot harder) and then they've released a plague knight campaign, and are releasing a spectre knight and king knight campaign, all for free! And the plague knight campaign at least was, in my opinion, even better than the main game, due to how the story wove into the main shovel knight story. So basically, it's a game that keeps on giving!
I finished ace attorney spirit of justice last weekend, having thoroughly enjoyed it, and is now my favourite ace attorney game of all time. However, I'm now at a loss for games to play. I might continue my new game + on arkham knight, but apart from that, not much really
A weird game I had in my backlog, Teslagrad. No idea where it came from and its annoying as it is fun. No idea where it ends but you have to pickup scrolls and special powers of electrickery!
Also been back on Geometry Wars 3 on vita establishing myself back to the top of my friends list. Those trophies though solid.
Finally the glorious Final Fantasy 9 at the behest of the forum brethren. Come on Zidane!
Playing through a few chapters on Uncharted 4. I will also be trying to win the fishing tournament in Animal Crossing New Leaf.
@themcnoisy you've played FF9 before tho right?
@BranJ0 yes, first play through. I think I have one more knight left of the 8. And wow! I knew about the plague knight dlc but I didn't know about the others. That's pretty crazy!
@kyleforrester87 Final fantasy 9 is one of the few I haven't played. I'm just afraid it won't hold up graphically- ps1 games as a whole haven't and FF8 definitely wasn't my favorite in the series, especially when I tried it again. Whereas SNES still looks amazing, it's tough playing most ps1 games.
@ztpayne7 woah woah woah, ff8 looks amazing on vita.
@kyleforrester87 yes bro, but never to completion.
@themcnoisy enjoy!
@ztpayne7 You're nuts, get on it!! Looks great on Vita.
You're all missing out, it's all about Xcom 2! Game of the year, love it.
Hours and endless hours of Iron Banner on Destiny (yawn)...
Just finished Alien Isolation. What an amazing experience!
Now I'm playing Resident Evil HD, Unravel, and Pikmin for the rest of the weekend.
@kyleforrester87 I actually sold my vita a bit ago. Liked it - just always prefer to play on console and I hardly used it.
Xbox One - Gears of War 4
Smash. Might play a bit of Resident Evil. Mostly Smash though.
NO MAN'S SKY. I really like this game.i have a 33 slot ship and looking for the next upgrade.
After it had been sitting u played and unloved on my hard drive for two years I'm finally getting around to playing Dragon Age Inquisition and enjoying the hell out of it. Tho weekend though I'm putting it aside for some Mafia 3 action. Just as well since I'm working all weekend and don't have as much time to spend gaming as I'd like.
Mostly Destiny Iron Banner matches this weekend (Unbent Tree where are you??). I tried out Transformers Devastation today and did not like it that much. Really looking forward to Batman Return to Arkham and Tomb Raider, but those might have to wait a while because my money is all in for Pokemon Sun! Hopefully I can buy one of those games in the meantime though!
Lost Odyssey
Best JRPG I've ever played btw- even better than Final Fantasy X. I'm so stoked every day I come home from work just to play more of this game. I'm officially a Sakaguchi fanboy after this one, and The Last Story [Wii] will definitely be next.
Dragon Quest Heroes: Terry's Wonderland 3D [English Translation]
Years of waiting has just paid off- the translation released to the public last night! Forget PokΓ©mon- DQM is where it's at. And thus far we've only seen 2 localizations of the series on DS. So this 3DS fan translation is a real treat. And what a job they did- this could easily pass for official localization... It's that good.
Wii U
Paper Mario Color Splash
I'm surprised at how good this game is. The humor is absolutely on point. Toad sticks his head out the door and yells "Hey Mario, you should come over to my dojo... er, my place some time. We can hang out, watch movies- I have surround sound. It totally won't be weird".
80% of what I buy never gets past the install. It's just the feeling of getting a game day one. It's like Christmas morning at least 3 days a week at my house. And, there's something to be said for playing a game day one when everyone else is hyped too and talking about it. It's almost worth the extra money sometimes just for that.
Finally making my way through Far Cry 3 after putting it down right after buying it. Not sure why probably because I bought it right after beating FC4 and was put off by the graphics. Otherwise im really getting into Killzone Shadow Fall's botzone again. I jus wish the game would save statistics so i could unlock attachments offline. Also needs a bot increase and for the love of God would it kill them to allow me to play splitscreen?! Still better then KZ 2 and 3's botzone.
@SPGFan34 look, mafia 3 is a great game, but you gotta admit, it has a lot of technical issues
I'm playing through Modern Warfare remastered this weekend, other than that it'll be a bit of Destiny and maybe some Driveclub
@anonymous1 To be fair, I have now experienced a lot of glitches. It's day one though, like, it only came out yesterday.
@SPGFan34 Mafia III GOTY? Possibly, but it hasn't really been the best year for gaming and we still have Watch Dogs 2, Dishonored 2, FF XV and The Last Guardian to look forward to. Next year there should be some serious competition for the title though.
Definitely worth it if you're a Gears fan.The atmosphere of the first game with the refined mechanics of the later ones and the new characters are all pretty cool.
The new Paper Mario on WiiU; I've never laughed so much playing a videogame!
finished COD MWRM & Resident Evil (Chris run) so I've gone back to Fallout Nuka World bit of drag way to much back and forth fetch quests - not a patch on Far Harbour
A mix of homefront the revolution and destiny which will round out in running through the new raid later on.
Im playing the long wait for PSVR game! Only 3 more days
Board games last night, played a couple rounds of Codenames, then Cosmic Encounter and Xia: Legends of a Drift System. Maybe play Robinson Crusoe or Manhattan Project today.
Picked up a used copy of Wasteland 2 the other day, maybe I'll get to break it in tonight.
Finished Shadow of Mordor GOTY edition. Very mediocre, best part was the dlc.
Much like @Drawfull playing DriveClub in anticipation of DriveClub VR.
Also just started Dark Chronicles & I'm absolutely loving it.
Bring on VR!!
Mario and luigi bowsers inside story on ds.
@ztpayne7 Ah, you've still got the ending to go, that was my favourite bit of the game! Yeah, they really didn't hold back with extra content! They've also released a challenge mode for each character (and the ones they're adding on), a battle royale mode for consoles (you can play as any one the knights and fight other players) and a gender swap mode (basically just for fun, you can change the gender of any character in the game). You'll have a lot to keep you occupied with!
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