
Earlier today, news broke that upcoming medieval brawler For Honor has dropped support for split-screen play, although comments made by producer Stephane Cardin made unclear whether he was referring to online co-op only. Sadly, as it turns out, the worst-case scenario is upon us, in that split-screen is being cut from the game completely.

In a statement from Ubisoft delivered to Polygon, the publisher writes: "The For Honor team made the difficult decision to cut split-screen co-op in order to deliver the best experience at launch [...] For Honor fans looking to play with friends will still have the option to play online co-op for the campaign and multiplayer modes."

The news comes as a potential killer blow for those who were looking forward to battling through the title's campaign with a friend in local co-op, but it should be noted that you'll still be able to team up with your buddies online.

Were you planning on playing through the release with a friend sitting by your side? Has the removal of split-screen co-op dulled your excitement for the 2017 title? Sink your battle axe into the comments section below.

[source polygon.com]