The gaming industry's original "bad ass" will bring one-liners to the PlayStation 4 from 11th October, as Gearbox has announced Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour. Yay? The "classic" will be complemented by a brand new episode which will include eight new levels created by a handful of designers from the original game, as well as all-new Jon St. Jon soundbites.

You'll be able to play the game with original or "updated" graphics, and the re-release will arrive on 11th October for a whopping $19.99. Are you in – or all outta gum?
Comments 28
Totally in!
Duke Nukem is pretty much the anti-Sammy B game.
Anyways, you should note that this is a updated port of the classic Duke Nukem mentioned classic, but people may assume it's Forever by looking at your title and short write up.......and it looks to be separate from Megaton, which I don't think had Gearbox support.
I'll probably bite, Duke 3D is still a great game, but first I want to see what has all been changed, etc
After the HUGE Dissapointment of the Cr*p that was `Duke Nukem Forever` I will never go anywhere near another Nukem game.
Haha love it, I'll be picking it up day one 😃
It's Duke Nukem 3D
I happened to check my Tokyo and Hong Kong PS3 accounts for demos yesterday and DNF was the 1 I downloaded.
Oh man, that was atrocious. I played all of the original games when they came out, and they were fun, but I couldn't even finish that driving level. It's been a very long time since I played a PS2 game, but I don't think the graphics were too much of a step up from that. What a total disaster that demo was, I'm done with DN. I'm leaving him in the 80s with Rambo and Commando where he belongs. Those newer Expended ables movies may be trash retread from that time period, but they knew enough to update them a bit. DNF was just a mess.
This is Duke Nukem far as complaining about Forever, I get it, but I think people who are offended by his character / or the satire of the series need to get their panties out of a bunch.
This game is great. I don't love it enough for £19.99 but i'll get it in a sale. Lots of fun.
That trailer was hilarious.
Im all over this like a rash if it includes the plutonium pack which looks to be the case by having the xeno style alien in the vid
And also noticed this is a bit more than a cheap cash in (if it was a cash in they wouldn't have made a new chapter or include the expansion pack enemies or improved lighting)
And im going to predict this will have a easter egg that announces the new duke game and there will be DLC in the form of the PSone, saturn and N64 chapters
@SanderEvers What's your problem?
I said, what's your problem?
Not paying $20 for this. $20 looks like the new standard now.
Right! The Push Square staff has a distinct lack of love for retro and arcade titles, well, at least compared to NL..........and if they do, they don't show it, Ramsey is busy writing his 20th article on Berserk and Sammy is in the corner, sobbing over the next non-playable interactive indie ""experience"".
Hey guys, want to play Streets of Rage 2? Nah......were busy writing about the emotional underpinnings of Life is Strange.
Always had a soft spot for Duke Nukem 3d, regardless of when i've played it over the years (PC, Saturn, VIta).Yes the humour may not have aged well, but gameplay has always been super solid and most importantly fun.
Looking forward to seeing what they add and may well pick it up..
Any chance of Powerslave / Exhumed someone!!!
You'd think everyone would be happy with a classic Duke game. Goes to show how bad Forever was.
I'll check it out since I haven't played Duke 3D. Anything to get Forever's blood off my hands.
@sub12 I'm not offended by much. I was horrified at how bad DNF played and looked though.
Yes, I know this is the good old games, but I see no reason to go back and replay those either. I wasn't really commenting on this as much as the DNF demo, so I was marginally on topic, which is a lot closer than I usually am.
I just finished playing the version made for Oculus and it was a blast. I can't see myself paying that much for this though.
Not sure why you used scare quotes around "classic" Sammy. Duke Nukem 3D is a classic from the Golden Age of FPS's (except we called them Doom clones in them days). It wasn't as good as DOOM but miles better than RISE OF THE TRIAD.
Mee-wow, I loved that game when it came out. It had jetpacks! Full 3D movement! Flushable toilets!
Yes, the humour was crude and silly but that's part of The King's charm. Nobody took gaming super serial in the 90's. Not like now, with all these painfully hipster indie houses churning out hand-crafted artisanal walking simulators with po-faced narratives tacked on. Blegh! I've coughed up furballs that were more interesting and dynamic than EVERYONE'S GONE TO THE PUB OR SUMMAT.
The Duke was all about the ludicrous weapons, bonkers gameplay, and cheesy one liners. Shake it, baby!
Am I going to spend the best part of 20 squid on a game I played to death in the 90's though? No hissing way! They're having a larf at that price point.
Although I enjoyed the trailer and the idea, I don't think there's really enough to warrant the price tag, especially when I've already got the remastered version on Steam. Though it might suit people who haven't got a digital version DN3D.
@SuperCat I would actually like to play a parody game of Everbody's Gone to the Pub.
did they miss place the dot $20 must be new bordelands game requiring funding
What about getting the original back on the store? Or is this the devious real reason they took it down? Not getting my money now. Greedy pigs.
God I loved playing this at my old best friends house back in the 90s. But I doubt I'd pick it up again unless they add the n64 levels as some sort of dlc...loved those.
I love the old duke, not at that price but when it's cheaper I would definitely buy that again
Never liked Duke Nukem but good for the fans.
Never liked Duke Nukem but good for the fans.
Personally I am looking forward to the deep emotional underpinnings of Life is strange article.
I played DN3d on PC when that bad boy was released and as a 15yr old, that game was great. It is a classic in the terms of being one of the leading fps shooters of the 90's. However, it has aged and my nostalgia ain't worth $20. Oh and for any movie trivia fans, the line it's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum is from the movie They Live. Which is actually the same plot as Duke Nukem. In fact all the best lines come from films (which is why it was awesome). .
Why does the passing of time always relate to kinder words being said....?
Duke Nukem, as originally played via shareware on PC by Apogee I think, was a great side-scrolling platform / shooting game, like an updated (for the 90's) Commander Keen.
These abysmal cash-hack 3D follow-ups are shockingly bad in their graphics, playability, shooting and levels.
So regardless whoever remembers them 'fondly', they are turkeys and not worth buying, those who do are NOT buying it because it's a great game, probably because it satisfies some 80's need - but don't believe anyone on here, these 3D Duke Nukem 'games' are absolute stinkers and ALWAYS WILL BE.
Speak the truth guys lol
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