Managed to get your copy of No Man's Sky early? Having fun naming planets and wildlife before the title's officially out? Er, well, maybe you should sit tight a little longer – a programmer at Hello Games has revealed that the release's servers will be wiped on Sunday ahead of the title's release on Tuesday. If you're already playing the game then you won't lose your progress, but any discoveries that you've made will be erased. Sorry about that.
One copy leaked a few weeks ago, as an eager fan paid $1,300 to get his clammy hands on the hotly anticipated space-faring sim early. Retailers are now starting to break the street date, however, with our Twitter feed full of people who already have got their grubby mitts on the game. This has frustrated both publisher Sony and developer Hello Games, who have urged people to wait until launch day – presumably as it puts the finishing touches to a day one patch.
Have you got No Man's Sky yet? Are you sitting tight until the aforementioned update is available? Postpone your epic voyage in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 17
If I had an early copy I know I'd want to play It but I think wiping the servers is the right thing to do
WIpe them baby I want to be fresh on Tuesday
Well I know to wait then.
Yeah if I got a copy early no way I could resist playing it. Servers should be wiped 11.59pm Monday evening though right?!
No man server?
Great decision. Always annoys me getting a new game and seeing the leaderboards dominated by chancers. Still on the fence about it though 😂
No Man(ual) Saves... I'll get my coat, no no no its fine I'll see myself out.
I actually just opened up a package at work full of No Man's Sky. Only perk for working in retail. Ya get to see stuff early lol
I did get my pre-order today, played an hour and I'm very happy to wait for the day one patch and the server wipe before playing anymore of it
That'll teach those who got it early
Yay, good stuff, correct thing to do.
At least everyone then starts fresh next week.
Completely agree with this, we have waited this long what's the few more days??
I'm not usually one for censorship but I really hope we don't end up with a bunch of things named Dick. But I definitely think the servers should be wiped.
Hopefully this will teach stores not to break street dates.
It`s gonna be like Firewatch...
@GoatWrench Looks like I'll be naming one after Dick Van Dyke then.
Hahaha - take that you leakers!
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