How do you get people to care about Rise of the Tomb Raider on the PlayStation 4 a year after release? You quite literally throw the kitchen sink at it! Square Enix has confirmed today that its critically acclaimed action adventure will finally release on Sony's system on 11th October – and it will include an absolute ton of additional content.
The headline addition is a new story chapter, 'Blood Ties' – which will be playable using PlayStation VR if you so choose. "When Lara's uncle contests ownership of the Manor, Lara must explore the estate to find proof that she is the rightful heir, or lose her birthright and father's secrets for good," the press release reads. An extra mode named 'Lara's Nightmare' will then see you defending the mansion from zombies. Really.

"This year we celebrate 20 years of the iconic Lara Croft," said Crystal Dynamics' Ron Rosenberg. "This provided the perfect opportunity for us to deliver a new Tomb Raider experience. With the addition of PlayStation VR support, you can play the world through Lara's eyes for the first time in franchise history."
There's more: you'll get all of the previously released DLC out of the box, as well a new co-op mode named Endurance. "Two players must team up to survive the harsh elements by day, as well as lethal threats from enemies by night. Fire takes fuel, food restores health, and every resource must be hunted, collected, or crafted. Battle to the top of the leaderboards, as others try to beat your longest survival run."

And, as this version is being billed as a 20th Year Celebration edition, there'll be new Tomb Raider III themed costumes and weapons – as well multiple character models spanning Lara's history, including her 1996 incarnation. And, finally, there'll be an Extreme Survivor setting which will make the game even harder, removing checkpoints and forcing you to forage for enough fuel to light campfires, which will represent the only places that you can save.
Phew! Are we happy then? There's no word on a price just yet, but given the wealth of extras included here, we're going to assume it will be full price like originally rumoured.
Comments 79
We'll let them off, then.
OK that is worth the wait
can we pre-order it yet?
Ok, maybe I WILL pay full price.
Humble pie duly eaten.
Sounds good but extras or not, I'm not willing to pay full whack for a year old game.
will this version release on Xbox? if not Microsoft got really screwed.. what about release date and pricing?
Well as I mentioned before I'll most probably put this on my birthday/Christmas list anyway but I don't think anyone should be able to complain now..that's a hell of a lot of bonus stuff
OK you know what, that's pretty damn good. Tempted to pay full price now. Not 100% sure, but tempted for sure.
That's more like it! Now I just have to buy vr!
lol gamers
Eh, still have too many other things to play, which will still mean waiting for a while to buy this, which will in turn mean waiting till after the price drops.
Ah so they still have the nerve to charge full price, stick it up your *** SQEnix.
I'll wait 6 more months.
Not happening
I was sold already but now i can't wait.
Is that a picture of old school classic Lara Croft in the game??
@Mickael486 YES!
@Mickael486 no that's just how Lara looks on the PS4 version without the all the extra power XB1 has.
Fair enough.
Day one.
I wantt the Artbook but ... this month we also have World of Final Fantasy. There is no way I can afford them all!
Power of the cloud
@kyleforrester87 PFFFFFT
Ok thats great for me, am getting it for sure, this game is really worth it you'll see mates.
Good to see PS4 players getting some extras after the wait. This is timed exclusivity done right. Though the lack of timed exclusivity would be better.
I'd rather they'd just made it cheaper and not bothered with any of the fluff.
@DualWielding how did they get screwed when they got the game first?
Something that particularly never should've happened considering Tomb raiders history. Now when it comes to Dead Rising 4, playstation owners should just get a cheaper version of the existing game with no extras since DR actually has a history with xbox.
@viciousarcanum @DualWielding Worth mentioning that all of the extra content (minus VR) will be available on Xbox and PC, too.
God damit Square, don't make me give up my morals...
Without morals we are just savages.
F this! Call me a savage, just give me Tomb Raider in VR!!
Clever way of enabling them to charge full price - add more value which costs them little...
Still gonna wait on my hands. This is what the get for partial exclusivity.
Now all we need is No Man's Sky to score some good 9 and 10's to enjoy more fickleness.
Was going to purchase anyway regardless of these new additions. Now i'm really excited
heehee, the reactions between this article and the last one are hi-la-ri-ous.
Still not buying it. SE can take a jump.
I said in the last article I'll buy it if it comes with all of the DLC, and it does so that's that.
Meh, not enough to make me consider paying full price for a game that is a year old. To many other great games releasing around the same time and you just know TR will be down to 20-30 bucks in no time at all. I can wait.
Got this on Xbox. I may just have to get it for PS4 now.
I do wonder if the co-op will be local or online only?
@get2sammyb i haven't seen that mentioned anywhere?
All the extra stuff will still be there like i said the game Isn't going anywhere, there is just to meny other games coming out for me to care.
@viciousarcanum It was in the press release.
@kyleforrester87 It's online.
Alright I would have just taken the DLC but with all this other stuff I am absolutely sold haha!
"Literally"... I do not think that word means what you think it means.
They're pulling out all the stops! Good effort. I'm still not buying it on release though. Sorry, not sorry.
Well played Square, well played. Hang wait I've been playing tomb raider 20 years.. 😮
Who else thinks the cover art looks extremely similar to the Nathan Drake Collection?
@get2sammyb Thanks - shame it doesn't have local, but I can see why from a technical perspective.
If there is a GotY edition and a 'Neo' mode, this will push my decision to re-buy it. I have already 100% completed the main game (a few missing Achievements but completed the game to 100%) but didn't get the DLC (which looked great too). As I said elsewhere, it was one of my games of last year (had the Witcher 3 not been out, this would have been my top game). Because of the DLC and Neo mode (if it has one), I would certainly consider buying again but if not, I already have everything else on XB1. I have no intention (yet) of buying PSVR so that aspect isn't of interest...
I stoped reading when the article said, "Lara's Nightmare defending the mansion against zombies"...
Anyway.. No I'm not buying it. I like the original reboot on PS4. But I didn't like the Xbox One sequel at all..
Looks like I'll be getting this sooner than later, then. Glad this wasn't just a barebones port.
Heck Yes ps vr support!! The limited edition will be mine, oh it will be mine
Edit: It seems only ps vr content that exclusive to ps4, that suck. Either I'll buy it at discount or maybe see how much the artbook edition cost.
No still not getting. All I see is small trinket dlc fluff. Oh well, that point in the game season is booked anyway. I probably won't get this till psplus.
Still not getting it right away. I all ready have it on PC and there are too many other games coming out that I haven't played.
Will wait till October next year to get it waited a year already whts another year on top of that. VR bit sounds good
@wiiware Why does it suck that only the PSVR content is exclusive to PS4? Is it more gratifying for you owning something that XB/PC gamers cant play? lol
I have to say this turn of events is rather funny!
Hello all, I a tomb raider fan boy from the start so I will pay full price here in the US, but I do hope price is down a bit!
@kyleforrester87 If the ps4 version doesn't have added value compared to cheaper xbox/pc version then why buy it at $60? I can wait until it discounted on psn since I still have a lot of backlog on ps4.
40 euros, yes! 70 euros, nope nope nope nope
Well, considering last-gen TR: Legend didn't show up on PS3 for years and 360 owners received exclusive DLC for Underworld while PS3 owners didn't get a damn thing despite buying the game in larger numbers. Despite, once again, supporting the franchise in larger numbers with the reboot in 2013 and a year later the Definitive Edition the scumbags at SE and Crystal Dynamics say 'f**k you, you have to wait' after not being upfront from the start. So I can understand - given the way PS owners get behind the Tomb Raider franchise even with the constant sh*tting on from the publisher and developer - wanting something a little more than lame VR support just as a way of letting the fans know they care. If Xbox owners got pissed, tough, they had the full game and bragging rights for a year and get preferential treatment despite not being the series' biggest backers.
Not enough to convince me, though I must admit that I will still give it a go when it comes down in price and hopefully the VR stuff is good
So now where are all the people that said they wouldn't buy this?
@Tasuki I'm here, bro xD
@Tasuki The strange thing is, most of us experienced the PS3/360 era, where the 360 would get a game first, then we would get it on the PS3 six months later, with more content, better performance, and higher quality assets. Getting a game first (when there are many months between) is not usually a benefit. Were we starved for games, it would be worth being the first to get it, but we are not, especially in this category where we had Uncharted 4 to chew on.
@get2sammyb Can we get a new version of that poll attached to this article? I know that my answer has changed. I am on board to pay full price.
Hmmm... Already have the game and season pass but, it'd be nice to have it on same system as the reboot. And this is the most enticing VR I've seen yet.
If BB offers that $10 preorder rewards I'll double dip otherwise, I'll wait and see if they sell the VR content separately.
@Bri-Die Me. It look cool thought.
@Gamer83 Square-enix is strange company, but I think crystal dynamics doesn't have a say at the exclusivity of tomb raider.
@get2sammyb I choose pay full price if only it include extra content
@Tasuki @ShogunRok @get2sammyb I think that poll came at a rather inconvenient time, not even a day has passed
Ooooh, all DLC plus co op included. 1 year wait or not I'm getting it.
Wow this is pretty awesome!
Look how many have had there heads turned with the promise of VR and a zombie mode , still hasnt changed my mind if im not playing anything at the time ill be picking it up
@Punished_Boss_84 Haha, indeed. To be fair, though, no one could have known they'd literally announce it the next day. XD
See, I did express that no one knew all the details.
This isn't meant to come across as overly negative, but can you please hold off from issues which don't have all the details known please? It's becoming a worrying trend in games journalism. And let's be honest, you guys are better than most gaming websites.
Same with me VR exploration of the Manor and grounds is something I won't be able to resist.
@belmont Sell your old games. Never mind old games are hard to sell and don't fetch much either.
@wiiware Crystal Dynamics where the one with the commentaar though be happy with your PSN lara Croft game WTF.....
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