Hurrah! It's always good news to hear that a game's development has been polished off, and this time around, Eidos Montreal is the studio that's celebrating. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is ready to rock its bionic socks off on PlayStation 4, the company happily announced on Twitter.
Grizzled agent Adam Jensen is back for this one, and, supposedly, the title will offer some impressive flexibility when it comes to completing missions, allowing you to augment your style of play however you like. The action role-playing sequel is due out on Sony's system on the 23rd August in both Europe and North America, and we're sure that date will roll around in the blink of an enhanced cybernetic eye.
Are you looking forward to Mankind Divided? Let us know if you'll be punching innocent civilians with your robot fists in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 15
hell ya this series rocks every game i have loved even that train wreck tablet game , so i cant wait to get more of that great lore
Absolutely loved the first one and been really looking forward to this one!That said,I have too many games still waiting to be played,on pre order and others I plan on getting this year,so it may have to be added to my birthday/Christmas list
When's the NMS review?
Can't wait, Human Rev was stunning especially on Wii U
Oooooo that's going straight in my basket
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was one of my all time favourite games on last gen, so the sequel certainly has me interested.
Slight downside is I've already pre-ordered No Man's Sky, so with this and the other games I have sat in my backlog, I'm a little reluctant to go out and get Mankind Divided day one.
I might wait and see if they release a "Director's Cut" down the line and get it then - plus gives me time to replay Human Revolution.
So many games being released in the next few months. Unfortunately for them, one of those in No Man's Sky. This would be my next buy, though.
@viciousarcanum Hopefully before launch, but please try to stay on topic!
Waiting on reviews. Last one was good fun so I expect this probably will be. It's a bit close to No Man's Sky release window though so a little unlikely I'll be picking this up on day one. Depends on just how essential it is I suppose.
@LieutenantFatman it's essential.
Been waiting for this game for ages. Wonder if Paul denton will show up. It's set in the sane year JC was born hopefully there's another appearance of tracer Tong and manderly. I'm predicting a third one that brings about the end of the machine age and the beginning of nanomachines .. Watch this space
Enjoyed the previous but I do hope they have improved the character movement. I found it a bit stiff and awkward during intense boss fights.
I've got this pre ordered. I'll be playing this while all me mate's are playing No man's sky. I just know I'll become lost in this world of augmented mayhem for quite some time.
Didn't play Human Revolution until a couple years after it was out but this sequel is an absolute day one buy. It actually is top of my list over every other game because HR was so friggin' awesome, best RPG last generation.
Deus ex human revolution directors cut was my favourite PS3 game. It had such a great story with mystery and immersion, good soundtrack, controls, art style, mechanics, choices, and it was possible to use a wireless keyboard on PS3 for faster input of passwords. I hope this one will be great as well.
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