E3 2016 is over, which means that it's time to stop thinking about games on the horizon, and start playing the ones in your backlog. With the summer drought slowly starting to take hold, there's plenty of variety among our team's responses this week – and we expect a similar story in the comments section below.
Ben Tarrant, Podcast Host
Fallout 4: Far Harbor got its abysmal frame rate issues on PS4 sort of rectified. The Fog has been stripped back to offer some relief, meaning I can finally explore this giant land mass. The new enemies are a fun challenge and even though it's stripped back, the Fog is incredibly powerful and providing an eerie atmosphere I haven't experienced in Fallout 4 yet. I'm starting to realise this is one of the best Fallout quest lines to date!
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
As well as basking in the E3 afterglow, safe in the knowledge there are plenty of great titles on the horizon, I've also decided to dig into my gaming backlog. The Witcher 3 and Metal Gear Solid V are in my sights, but I'm still deciding which one should be my companion for this year's summer gaming drought. Can the Push Square hive mind help me decide?
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After winding down from E3, I've spent an awful long time thinking about games. So I don't know if I'll be playing all that many. More likely than not I'll be making some time for Rainbow Six: Siege which I play pretty often, I don't know that I'm going to be playing anything else. Especially with Finding Dory releasing this weekend to theaters.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
I'm off in Virginia for a friend's wedding this weekend, but some of his friends and I are going to party before the big day by playing some Overwatch, Call of Duty, Nidhogg, and other multiplayer titles. That's how you do a bachelor party!
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
I'm re-watching all of DBZ so that I can start Super when the dub rolls around, so I finally picked up Dragon Ball XenoVerse. It has surprisingly fun combat and an authentic Toriyama feel to it.
Marcello Apostolico, Reviewer
With E3 wrapped up, it's time to take to the rooftops and freely parkour my way through the City of Glass in Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Also, I'm finally going to sit down and try this Resident Evil 7 teaser demo. Still not sure how to feel about the series going in first-person, but I'll see for myself this weekend.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
Now that my exams are over, I've got plenty of time to catch up on games. Firstly, finally finishing The Witcher 3 – I've had so little time to play it that I'm starting it all over and playing through the full game as well as the DLCs.
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
This weekend will not be completed without a few games of Overwatch. I'll be sniping heads off as Widowmaker, blowing stuff up as Junkrat, and, of course, getting some cheap and dirty kills using Torbjorn's turret. If that doesn't pay off then it'll be back to The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth and the gruelling task of filling the greed machine with a thousand coins.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
Again, I don't have high hopes for gaming this weekend. If I do, it'll probably be good old Overwatch, or a few rounds of the criminally underappreciated Dangerous Golf. Far more important on my agenda, however: Father's Day barbeque on Sunday. Who doesn't love a barbeque?
Victor Nowogurski, Reviewer
This weekend I will be going to the past and playing Far Cry Primal. I am not a big Far Cry fan but this game has hooked me big time. I love how there is so much to do in the game. It's easily one of my top five games for 2016.
Talk is cheap, so lay your gaming plans out in the comments section below. What are you playing in the E3 2016 aftermath? Let us know.
Comments 56
Final Fantasy XII,watching the game play of Zodiac Age from E3 made me want to play it again
Bought Ratchet and Clank as it was on sale, and I am really impressed. Its ridiculously good looking and an absolute joy to play. Made me laugh out loud a fair bit, too!
Apart from that I joined in with the global restart in Dark Souls. Loving it just as much the second time around.
I'm on the last weekend of my holiday got pub this afternoon then party tonight. Hoping to get some gaming time tomorrow as it's fathers day. May start until dawn which is sitting begging me to play
I'm at a bit of a loss this weekend after finishing R&C..might mooch down the shop and see if there is anything worth picking up on the cheap.
On my Honeymoon till Thursday so no gaming for me this week.
playing watchdogs and dragon age 3
South Park Stick of Thruth now on the PS4, one of the funniest games I ever played
Mafia 2 which so far has been a bit average lots of driving around and occasionally fighting and shooting people. Thought the game would be a bit moore open. Its put me off buying Mafia 3 if its going to be the same style of game way too linear. Apart from that will be playing ESO and Mirrors Edge
Dragonball Z Xenoverse and Battlefield 4 for me.
Just got past the first stealth bit in Uncharted 2. I really hate stealth!
Started Fire Emblem: Birthright after getting completely stuck on Conquest, chapter 10, hard mode 😅
Watching Sons of Anarchy, Season 05. Between breaks I play Dark Souls II, Xenoverse, and Walking Dead Season 1. And a little REVII demo-ing.
Finished the Nathan Drake collection finally last week, so was hoping UC4 would arrive this morning. Alas, no, so I can at least start Batman Arkham Knight which I missed on release, so picked it up cheap a few weeks ago.
I like the idea of Father's Day = an excuse to do some gaming. Might actually get in a few hours tomorrow instead of bits here and there!
Not much gaming for me this weekend,off down to my brothers for the day with parents for father's day...would like to take my vita and ignore everyone but it might come across as slightly rude..
But today I have finally come to the end of Wolfenstein the Old Blood..how the hell do you kill that giant demon??come all this way just to get stuck at the end.
Also will continue Tales Of Zestiria and Uncharted 4 later
I'm making my way through <b>Rainbow Six 3</b> on PS2.
And playing <bUncharted 4 multiplayer</b>, as I will be doing for the next year at least.
Not much.
@AlexStinton MGS V - you were quite far already if I remember correctly.
I'm at Gullivers world right now and work on Sunday so for me, a bit of NBA 2k16 and that's about it.
Determined to finish UC4 this weekend, will probably use fathers day as an excuse to get some gaming in. Got a pstv this week so might do some vita gaming too. Actually quite like it as a bit of kit.
I'm away again this weekend this time in Austria with only a handheld so I'm playing Snake Eater 3D but I wish I was playinh MGS3: Subsitance on the PS2 as that is a the best verson according to me.
I'm not committing myself to anything of any substance until Zero Time Dilemma releases near the end of the month. It's great. Gives me time to play a bunch of demos I've ignored until now, and I've also been doing stuff like going for short trophies in certain games. I think I'll use this time to play games like Splatoon, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and Rayman Legends that I've already completed. May also try out different weapons in the MH Generations demo.
Back to Blood and Wine after completing Valkyria Chronicles in every possible way! Hope the patch comes soon cause I run into annoying bugs...
Got a package in the mail from @JaxonH that contains SW Battlefront, Dark Souls 3, Yoshi's Wooly World and Infinite Space on DS.
Beyond that, I am loving Rhythm Heaven Megamix and may continue Doom and Meat Boy.
So I picked up Lord of the Rings for £12. Not expecting to enjoy this too much but you never know....
With Skyrim soon coming to PS4, I'm going back to Cyrodiil, The Starry Heart of Nirn, for some halcyon hero-ing.
I bought all 6 god of war games for ps3 last year and with the announcement of god of war 4 I decided to play them all in chronological order. Also a bit of gold brick hunting in lego dimensions for ps4 and a bit of digimon story cybersleuth on my psvita.
............Still playing Xenoblade Chronicles X.........170 hours.........phew.....
And Metal Gear Solid 3 on my vita when the big TV is being used.
Odin Sphere on PS4 and Vita. I'm almost done with Book 4. I'm also going to play more of the Resident Evil 7 demo.
Kiiinda been playing Rocket League still. Got 1200+ points in one match, though, so that was cool. Good ol' Fifa 16 and Dark Souls II too.
Not much this weekend, but I'll try to get in One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 and Street Fighter V on PS4. Animal Crossing and Kirby Planet Robobot on 3DS, Killer Instinct on Xbox One. If I have any time.
Binding of Isaac, been going through a gamers drought the last 3-4 months, barely managed to finish U4, Isaac along with N++ seems to be the only games I can get into at the moment.
Just picked up mgs v again so hopefully I'll finally finish it at last, also picked up rachet and clank in the sale and loving it bit of a change from the other games I play.... Think I'm also gonna jump into some eso as pick that up too.
Stick of Truth on PS4, that game is so funny and I'm really looking forward to the sequel
On PS4 I'm continuing to play Overwatch, and on Vita I bought injustice on sale so I'll give it a try. Might play a little Splatoon with my friends but we'll see.
I have a trio of games I'm working on: Tropico 5, Rayman legends, and far cry 4. Enjoying Tropico more than I thought I would.
Life is Strange episode 3. Star Wars The Force Awakens Zen Pinball and the wife might make time for some Witcher.
Witcher Blood & Wine, GTA Online and I've just got back from seeing The Stone Roses at the Etihad. Mani and John Squire jamming during songs was absolutely brilliant!
@Neolit TLOU's moment to moment gameplay is loads better than U4 I reckon.
Stealth take downs, crafting and changing tactics on the fly is super involving.
In other news Shadow of Mordor is pretty crap.
I want to finally finish off Dark Souls 3.
Bit of ESO here and there. Can't play too much otherwise I start to fall asleep. Downloaded Battlefield Hard-line for an amazing £3.99 on the store and it's fab.
4 Elements II on Windows 10
Ice Age Village and Monopoly on Windows Phone
Uncharted 4 - chapter 20. An The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel on the ps vita - chapter 6. Two off the greatest video games. I am in heaven
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Odin Sphere
Kirby Planet Robobot
Rhythm Heaven MegaMix
Fire Emblem 6 The Binding Blade (English translation)
Dude that Odin Sphere, YA?!! Keep telling @sinalefa to put it on his list. It's great on PS4 and Vita, both of them in equal measure.
Mortal Kombat X (picked it up on sale and must say the finishers kinda make me cringe which is strange cause in the last one they didn't)
Last of Us Remastered
Rocket League
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Mostly Xcom on my Vita. Perfect game for a handheld, love it!
@MadAussieBloke ooooo just realised Bend are responsible for making Bubsy 3D. I know this was 20 years ago but some wounds never fully heal. It's literally taken my excitement for Days Gone down a peg haha
Dark Chronicle - into chapter 4 really enjoying it great game
DOOM - blasting my way through on chapter/mission 12 so near the end, been amazing but its a one play through kind of game
Super Mario Bros 3 - was £1.70 on nintendo store worth it just to have it on the 3ds
just beat uncharted yesterday, so i can back to DOOM.
Happy father's day!
@vegeta11 Congrats!
Battlefield 1 has me hyped so I've been playing a lot of BF4 recently, love this game! Also recently bought Sniper Elite 3 so I'd like to start that, I've still to start Blood and Wine which I'm really excited for,and I'm about halfway through a play through of Borderlands 2 which I need to get too, work keeps getting in the way however
Playing Odin Sphere on PS4. Trying to finish it so I can start ratchet and clank. Of course a few games of rocket league wi be in order
This weekend I've been playing ratchet and clank on ps4. Was going to play over watch as well but haven't had the time. Also been playing phoenix wright on my 3ds.
Yeah, awesome game. I missed out when it was on PS2 but I remembered hearing about it from a friend and I can see now why he used to rave about. I've become a big fan of Vanillaware. Muramasa Rebirth and Dragon's Crown are two of my other favorite games in recent years. Can't wait to see whatever they do next. I like that they haven't seemed to forget about us Vita owners, it'd be cool if that continues as well. Vanillaware games translate very well to on-the-go gaming.
To be fair I think they've made up for that. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, Resistance: Retribution, Uncharted: Golden Abyss... All great games. Granted they're portable games and Ready at Dawn, another studio that did great work on PSP, flopped hard on PS4. Hopefully Bend doesn't suffer the same fate with this game but given that Naughty Dog's next release will probably be The Last of Us 2. A cinemateic, post-apocalyptic game from any other Sony studio seems entirely unnecessary.
@Gamer83 I'll never forgive Bubsy 3D!!! Lol
Well, I never played Bubsy 3D so maybe it is so bad it's unforgivable.
@Hego thanks it was a delayed honeymoon. We got married on Halloween last year, but she's a teacher so we're taking the trip now.
@Gamer83 haha it was really really bad. Of course I'm joking though, I loved Syphon Filter
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